Who believes in GOD?

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    Votes: 80 69.0%
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    Votes: 36 31.0%

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Dec 17, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
god is for the weak minded
carl winslow said:
i do believe god is one source. but i think that source of life is inside of every living matter. i love my life, but i know it can be so much more fullfilling. i believe that until i can overcome my fear of leaving the identity and the reality that ive created for myself, which consists of me directing my energy towards fun and the pleasures that come with it like being drunk, stoned, blowing my load in a beezys vaginas, will i be able to see the true beauty of life (god, heaven etc.). some pursue happiness through other things such as power, but i could care less about power over others, im just a hedonist. i pursue these things because they make me feel good, but by their nature, they can only be temporary and short lived. the reality is i cant have a 24 hour everlasting orgasm or buzz.

i dont see god as some guy with a beard in the sky, but just as source of life that i have within me. and until im mature and wise enough to stop pursuing happiness through superficial things like sensory pleasure or power, will i be able to rip through all my layers of preconcieved notions of happiness, and tap into my true self, which at the core really is god. then will i be able to know true eternal self content and happiness (what some call heaven), and truly be one with god (myself)
^^^anyone who cant accomplish this is weak minded
Mar 12, 2005
Sixxness said:

And his name...is NOT Jesus Christ. All you fucking people that call him that, way to go fucking his shit up!
Please, you're a cool cat and all, but take a class in Hebrew and Greek. I'm not really going to make a big deal out of this, but people should understand root words and original text.
You're right about one thing, HE WASN'T A CHRISTIAN, HE WAS A MESSIANIC JEW, as far as the bible being written two hundred years later, those are known as the books of the apocrypha and the coptic gnostic books. The Books of the New Testament were written roughly 20-40 years, notice I said roughly cause I could be wrong about the final inception of the final books of the New Testament. It may close in the time frame of 35-75 years after Christ died. Do you know why this is significant? Because if it was truly written after 200 years from his death, it would be refuted because it wouldn't be actual claims. Dead Sea Scrolls are more than 2000 years old bro.
You don't understand my brother, Constantine and the Early roman catholic church, WERE NOT CHRISTIANS AND MESSIANICS. Just like how people generalize muslims, they think they're evil, are those committing evil doing the true teachings of Islam, or corrupting and hiding behind the religion like Bush does with Jesus Christ? It's called RELIGIOUS ZEALOTRY, and no Constantine, was not a Christian man.
I agree, in some or many cases, yes.
You people dont' know SHIT about your religions.
Immortal Technique, "It's a bad decision to blindly follow any religion, I don't see the difference in between the wrong and the wrong." I know my religion bro, I'm taking a class right now. I was asked, if there were circumstantial evidence that correlates one religion to your would your faith be diminished. No, because this class has helped me understand other religions. By going with times, and approximate dates, Most of the HEBREW STORIES of the bible, Before they were written, we taken out of context. Some of us know our religions, origins, fundamentals, and basis.
Not to mention, I don't think any of you have any FUCKING idea what "god" would be, if there was one.
True, but people speculate on what Aliens could look like, but no one really knows right?
Aug 8, 2003
I believe god is a frequency in which our consciousness transcends and becomes one with the energies that eminate from our planet..
May 30, 2006
furly said:
Mothers Day?

Anyway what's wrong with that? How is it fake?
Yeah Mothers Day. U must not be black cuz thatz some shit niggaz are notorious for.

And to answer your question...the shit iz 100% phony. If u gonna attend church thatz fine but don't go on so-called special occasions. Itz not in your heart 2 go 2 church if u do that itz only in your head. Atleast thatz how I see it.
Feb 17, 2006
What pretty much lead me to be sitting here at 10:30 typing this was my grandfather's death. He died on saturday from a heart attack. I sat down that night and thought about him and everything else that came to mind. I realized through out my thinking that I maintained an idea that he was in a better place. Before this whenever i mused an idea of God i led towards it not existing. This lead me to ask myself whether or not in fact do i believe in god or deity. Resulting from this caused me to compile all of the information that I had been gathering from reading other's views on this topic.

Basically, I want to believe there is a god. I want to know that my grandfather did actually go to a better place where he lives in peace. The fact of the matter is, I can't believe he's living somewhere else. This idea is so outlandish and in comparison to other scientific ideas, it sounds retarded to be flat out honest. Ideas that i do dismiss are the stories i hear associating with the Jesus Christ and such. Noah's ark didn't happen. You want to know why? Not because only is the whole idea of it happening extremely naive and idiotic-minded, there is proof that this shit would be mighty hard to pull off.
http://www.skepticreport.com/creationism/sillyflood.htm I find it hard to believe that noah's ark did actually occur on the level that is portrayed in the bible, from what i have heard. Adam and eve and other supernatural stories doesnt happen and i am not going to believe in those ideas over scientific theories with backing evidence and supporting ideas.

Next, these next ideas are some what self-constricting because i have no read the bible. I know plenty of people that have picked and chosen what part of the bibles they would like to believe in. I have not understood the point of this and ultimately been seriously puzzled. Most of these ideas chosen are basically morales to follow in their life. From what i have understood is they believe they can choose to believe in what they want as long as the follow the minimum of whatever that may be. Example just believe that jesus died for your sins and youll be saved. Their are so many different variations of this i find it hard to believe that they all are granted eternal life. I just find that oddly pointless on connecting yourself to God, when you only believe in part of his views. Something i definetley to read up on and the idea of being accepted into heaven on the basis of your views.

The idea of religion's purpose in an atheistic point of view, seems extremely well-thought out. Religion's idea's of good and evil are same to the ideas that are believed in through out the world. Thousands of years ago, raping, slavery and pillaging were to believe to be the right thing to do. These idea's are changed as what is excepted through out society. I find it of high possibility that religion was created for mass controlling of populations. The ideas that were to be followed have simply changed through out time to conform to our acceptance of actions. People that do believe in religion, for the most part, do have relatively good morales. For me though, i don't need some book to realize and act upon these morales. I believe i can decide what is the right thing to do and what is the wrong thing to do. I am self-governing in that area. I can create and abide my own morales according to my own ideals, not some that may have easily been created by a government for population control. I am not going to believe in doing the right thing to appease a higher power, i am going to do it for the right thing to do, which is something i see my friends doing PLENTY of the time.

Next, the idea of religion compared to science is almost laughable from my point of view. Think of it this way, if the earth is 4.5 billion years old. Taking this idea as true, and shrink all of the time from precambrian till now onto a one year calendar. Meaning a one year calendar consists 4.5 billion years ago till now. Religion and the creation of man began in the last minute of new years eve. For me that idea really made me realize of how insignificant we are yet we believe the world is going to end in our liftime. Views liek this are extremely mind-opening, while they may not be a great verbatim representation it sheds some light. Not to mention allllllllllllllll of the research and ideas supporting and backing evolution.

Another view i have that i hold extremely close to me is God-empowerment and self-empowerment. People who thank god for making it through a hard time or thanking god for "saving" a family member from death, are realllllllly shallow in my opinion. When i made it through my anxiety and past my slight depression stage, it wasnt because of some supernatural being. I conquered those problems because of MY want and will power. MY thought actions and ideals were the ones that got through, not some idea that has shown NOT AN OUNCE of proof to me. I believe i control my actions and i will not sell my self short of that. God did not give me that power, that is self-empowerment.

Deep down, i believe depending on the views of a person towards religion, can be a weakness. Like i mentioned above about self-empowerment, i believe you can sell yourself short on other idea's when giving the credit to a god.

In my lifetime, I have been shown 0 proof on god existing. I have been shown 0 effects of god in my life. People talk about spiritual experiences when the can just "feel" god, well i havent. I havent experienced that. Will I? I hope so. Thats all i have right now though, is hope. I hope God exists but past that is just ignorance in a less brash form. I hold repsect to all those who believe in God with reasons behind it, which from what i have read in here, people do hold.

I know that was hella long, but i wrote that a month or so back when my grandpa passed away. He was the first significant person i have lost in my life and it sprouted this.

If anyone takes the time to read this, thanks. Any comments welcome.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Stockton, I don't care about the Bible. It's all bullshit anyway. Every fucking religious book says pretty much the same fucking thing, with a few different main characters.

it's just a guidebook for people who can't get through life by themselves, which is 99% of people.
Dec 31, 2005
The Evil Genius said:
Speakin of church......one thing I really can't stand iz fake azz people who only go 2 church on Christmas, Easter & Mothers Day. My motto iz thiz, "if I didn't go last Sunday then I aint going thiz Sunday". Mothafuckaz are so phony when they pull that stunt. Some people act like going 2 church=going 2 Heaven. Just cuz u into church don't mean your into GOD. Me & my ex-wife would alwayz bump headz on certain things like Easter basketz. When I waz growing up i alwayz got an Easter basket & a Easter outfit. When I became a adult I realized it was bullshit. I never have/will buy my kid a Easter basket. That iz one area me & her mother would bump headz. Rain Deers & Santa Clause during Christmas. Her mother celebrates those holidayz like that but I'm totally against it. I do thw traditional holidayz but hate how they have commercialized holidayz. It doesn't teach kidz the real meaning of the holiday.

I'm also tired of seeing these pix of a white Jesus when it haz been proven that he had dark skin & nappy azz hair. One thing about white folkz iz with all the proof in the world they will never come 2 believe that they are praying 2 a black GOD. A black GOD doesn't seem 2 be realistic 2 them.
jesus isnt god....and god isnt any race...so no "god" wasent black
i dont believe in god at all...but im goin by what the church says
May 30, 2006
If GOD made man in the image of himself then he must of had Dark skin. If u don't believe in GOD then your opinion on him iz totally irrellevent no matter who told u. If I said I don't believe in UFO's no matter what a scientest tells me it won't mean shit.

So thatz what the church told u? Itz a lot of Hocus Pocus going on in these churches & these mothafuckin so called saintz will say almost anything. Trust me on thiz one.
Mar 12, 2005
How do you know, God didn't make Adam Black, and Eve White? You know the saying right, it seems like history repeats itself because the white chicks dig the dark men. HAHA, no offense, I remember that funny story.
Dec 31, 2005
The Evil Genius said:
If GOD made man in the image of himself then he must of had Dark skin. If u don't believe in GOD then your opinion on him iz totally irrellevent no matter who told u. If I said I don't believe in UFO's no matter what a scientest tells me it won't mean shit.

So thatz what the church told u? Itz a lot of Hocus Pocus going on in these churches & these mothafuckin so called saintz will say almost anything. Trust me on thiz one.
thats not what the church told me..thats common knowledge.
so what was before god?
who made god?
if he made the earth and man in 7 days..then why was there dinosaurs millions of years before man?
how can they say we didnt evolve if its proven that we did and still are?
if god is sooooo powerful then why would he only create us?
why does he allow bullshit to go on in the world?and i mean real bullshit.
why is the universe sooooooooo large but we're the only ones out there?
and you say it he made dark skinned men.then where the fuck did whites come from?isnt it the climate of where theyre form that determines the complection of someones skin.
answer me these few things smart ass..
May 30, 2006
thats not what the church told me..thats common knowledge.
so what was before god?
who made god?
if he made the earth and man in 7 days..then why was there dinosaurs millions of years before man?
how can they say we didnt evolve if its proven that we did and still are?
if god is sooooo powerful then why would he only create us?
why does he allow bullshit to go on in the world?and i mean real bullshit.
why is the universe sooooooooo large but we're the only ones out there?
and you say it he made dark skinned men.then where the fuck did whites come from?isnt it the climate of where theyre form that determines the complection of someones skin.
answer me these few things smart ass..
If thatz common knowledge then u should be spittin thiz shit u talkin 2 the people on thiz board that are athiest.

And u asking me questions like "why does he let bullshit go on, who created GOD" etc. Nigga I aint GOD. Ask him. U start off in the beginning like u believe in GOD then start sounding like u athiest by asking a bunch of questions like u don't believe he exist. U kind of confused me with thiz shit u talkin. Who the hell said we were the only ones in thiz entire Universe. Personally I don't think we are the only ones. Az far az climate..........it waz discoverd that the bones of the first man waz found in Africa not Eastern Europe Transelvania mothafucka where ur probably from. I know off top u gotta be white. I bet u won't even admit that Jesus had dark skin even though he iz described in the bible az a man with "feet the color of fine brass as if it were burned in a furnace". If that aint a jet black person then I don't know what iz. I've yet 2 meet a white person who'll admit it. Mothafuckaz are so arrogant that u won't come 2 grips with the truth 4 shit. Where did white people come from? I couldn't tell u. Why don't u askYakub.
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