Seattle Police Officer Punches 17 year old girl for JAYWALKING!

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May 9, 2002
Hey, i think jaywalking is the biggest bullshit law there is...i do. I have been cited for jaywalking.

But...HELLO...its STILL illegal. You jaywalk in front of a cop, the fuck you THINK is going to happen? Have some fuckin common sense and wait for there to NOT be a cop around.

Again, both of these parties are bafoons.
May 13, 2002
She is 17. Hardly a "young girl".
Really? So you wouldn't classify a 17 year old as a young girl if say a 55 year old was fucking her?

She's a teenager, still in highschool. That's a fucking young girl to me. Not sure what your definition is.

Regardless, a 17 year old is not an adult nor are they as mentally and physically matured as say a 25 year old.

And I never said that this situation was not stupid...cus it was.

Relatively, speaking...YES. Again, what would the out cry had been had he actually used PROTOCOL in a situation where a suspect is resisting and another is putteing their hands on the cop? People would be LIVID had that happened. Instead, he decided to tap her. Im not sayin its JUSTIFIABLE at all.

Again, what kind of dumbfuck puts their hands on a cop and DOESN'T expect to get some kind of physical abuse? Cmon now, really?
A 17 YEAR OLD GIRL? A girl whom believes a cop is physically assaulting and/or harassing her friend and wants to defend her?

Either way, you hate cops as much as youre 100% biased to begin with. Am I wrong?
Oh fuck you man, this has to do with right & wrong and of course a much bigger picture that you and many other people fail to recognize which is the escalation of police force on citizens. This type of stuff is happening every day all across the country and there are reasons for that. Stop placing the blame on the PEOPLE and start looking at the oppressive apparatus at hand.
May 13, 2002
Hey, i think jaywalking is the biggest bullshit law there is...i do. I have been cited for jaywalking.

But...HELLO...its STILL illegal. You jaywalk in front of a cop, the fuck you THINK is going to happen? Have some fuckin common sense and wait for there to NOT be a cop around.

Again, both of these parties are bafoons.
EVERYONE CROSSES THE STREET at this location to the bus stop. The article talks about how the cop was talking to one guy for jaywalking, then turns around and there's a group of four more people doing the same thing. It's like that all day long man

smh @ fucking breaking the law.
May 13, 2002
And I'll speak some more truth.

If that video contained just a regular grown man arguing with two teenage girls and then that grown man punched the 17 year old, everyone on here would reply "what a bitch move!" and "it is NEVER right to hit a girl!" etc etc etc. Put a badge on that man, and all of a sudden it's oh she was stupid and place the blame on the girl? what backwards ass shit is that?
May 9, 2002
Really? So you wouldn't classify a 17 year old as a young girl if say a 55 year old was fucking her?
She not young in the sense that she should KNOW right from wrong, period. ESPECIALLY when it comes to cops.

She's a teenager, still in highschool. That's a fucking young girl to me. Not sure what your definition is.
17 is a year away from being an ADULT. So she goes from young girl to adult in a year? So instantly, on her 18th birthday, she magically becomes an adult after being a little girl for 17 years, and understands things she didn't only one day before? You and I BOTH know that is a cop out. At puberty, you being to know how to rationalize and understand complex concepts. This is FACT.

Regardless, a 17 year old is not an adult nor are they as mentally and physically matured as say a 25 year old.
We are talking about knowing COMMON SENSE shit here, man. NOTHING MORE.

And I never said that this situation was not stupid...cus it was.

Ill take that as "i have no counter argument because its rational".

A 17 YEAR OLD GIRL? A girl whom believes a cop is physically assaulting and/or harassing her friend and wants to defend her?
Again, a 17 year old SHOULD KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG. I mean, is it NOT common sense that you DON'T put hands on a fuckin COP? I knew that at 12, homie. Any 17 year old who doesn't know that should just die, because they are straight up STUPID. Darwin should be spinning is his fuckin grave right about now.

Oh fuck you man, this has to do with right & wrong and of course a much bigger picture that you and many other people fail to recognize which is the escalation of police force on citizens. This type of stuff is happening every day all across the country and there are reasons for that. Stop placing the blame on the PEOPLE and start looking at the oppressive apparatus at hand.
Who says im NOT? However, you putting ALL THE BLAME on him and NONE OF THE BLAME on absolutely RIDICULOUS.

And even with that statement, you just proved my point. We get it. You HATE cops like i hate mayonnaise. I hate the system as much as you but that doesn't CHANGE the way this situation played out. As it stands, it is UNLAWFUL to put your hands on a cop. Technically, it is unlawful to put your hands on ANYONE. You know it. I know it. And a 17 year old "young girl" should know that as well.
May 9, 2002
And I'll speak some more truth.

If that video contained just a regular grown man arguing with two teenage girls and then that grown man punched the 17 year old, everyone on here would reply "what a bitch move!" and "it is NEVER right to hit a girl!" etc etc etc. Put a badge on that man, and all of a sudden it's oh she was stupid and place the blame on the girl? what backwards ass shit is that?
This is a completely different situation because you are taking the MAIN concept AWAY from it: she broke the law. Sure, a RETARDED law...but a law none the less.

What if, in your situation, one of her friends kicked him in the nuts, and she was threatening to do the same? Would you think the same reaction on here would occur?

You cant just take things out of context to try and fit your doesn't work that way.
May 9, 2002
EVERYONE CROSSES THE STREET at this location to the bus stop. The article talks about how the cop was talking to one guy for jaywalking, then turns around and there's a group of four more people doing the same thing. It's like that all day long man
So...that somehow makes it NOT against the law? So, by your logic, because a bunch of people do it, it somehow makes it NOT illegal?

smh @ fucking breaking the law.'re acting like it ISNT a law. Again, I dont agree with it, but that doesn't change the fact that it IS a law. You break it, they fine you.
May 13, 2002
She not young in the sense that she should KNOW right from wrong, period. ESPECIALLY when it comes to cops.
Oh yeah I bet you at 17 years old were just as smart as now....right??

17 is a year away from being an ADULT.
A 17 year old is a TEENAGER. You can try and spin it any which way you want fact remains she's a minor, a teenage, a kid, period.

So she goes from young girl to adult in a year? So instantly, on her 18th birthday, she magically becomes an adult after being a little girl for 17 years, and understands things she didn't only one day before? You and I BOTH know that is a cop out. At puberty, you being to know how to rationalize and understand complex concepts. This is FACT.
EighTEEN years old is still a teenager. FACT.

We are talking about knowing COMMON SENSE shit here, man. NOTHING MORE.
Teenagers do not have the same mantaly maturity as someone in their mid 20's nor are they fully physically developed (which is why you're not allowed to drink till your 21).

Again, a 17 year old SHOULD KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG. I mean, is it NOT common sense that you DON'T put hands on a fuckin COP? I knew that at 12, homie. Any 17 year old who doesn't know that should just die, because they are straight up STUPID. Darwin should be spinning is his fuckin grave right about now.
Why do you keep talking about common sense? You are taking the attention away from the real problem - that a grown as police officer punched a teenage girl. You don't see anything wrong with that honestly? Obviously you do.

Again, I bet you did A LOT OF STUPID SHIT at 17 years old, don't even act like you didn't. Despite all this common sense you speak of. I guess darwin should be spinning in his grave at you.

Who says im NOT? However, you putting ALL THE BLAME on him and NONE OF THE BLAME on absolutely RIDICULOUS.
He is the police officer, he is the grown man that should know how to properly handle a situation. Clearly he did not and failed miserably. He should be fired.
May 13, 2002
So...that somehow makes it NOT against the law? So, by your logic, because a bunch of people do it, it somehow makes it NOT illegal?
It proves my theory the officer was there to harass not serve.'re acting like it ISNT a law. Again, I dont agree with it, but that doesn't change the fact that it IS a law. You break it, they fine you.
It is illegal to paint polka dots on the American flag.
People may not buy a mattress on Sunday.
It is illegal to pretend that one's parents are rich.
You cannot buy meat of any kind on Sunday.
You may not shuck peanuts on the street. (Bremerton)
Dancing and drinking may not occur at the same establishment. (Lynden)
Women who sit on men's laps on buses or trains without placing a pillow between them face an automatic six-month jail term. (Seattle)
TV's may not be bought on Sundays. (Spokane)
No structure shall contain more than two toilets that use potable water for flushing. -San Juan County
You may not ride an ugly horse (Wilbur)

These are all real laws in Washington. Obviously police should choose what they want to enforce based on what they community demands, not simply because it's a "law." If five people jaywalked in an area where jaywalking is common, the officer should know not to escalate a situation over such a silly and minor offense.
May 13, 2002
I agree with 2-0-Sixx, the cop could have just talk to them instead of resorting to violence so quickly.
Right and that is the point. but people on the sicc are turning soft. I guess they don't connect the dots with all of the recent police violence articles that are posted almost daily. They don't see that police are now trained to use force FIRST. There is no more negotiating, no more calming down a civilian, etc. They are no longer trained in those areas anymore, they are trained to use force. It's grab your taser, aim & shoot. Or gun. Or in this case fist.
May 9, 2002
Oh yeah I bet you at 17 years old were just as smart as now....right??
No, but i knew not to put my hands on a goddamn cop.

A 17 year old is a TEENAGER. You can try and spin it any which way you want fact remains she's a minor, a teenage, a kid, period.

EighTEEN years old is still a teenager. FACT.
And at 18, that TEENAGER is also a LEGAL ADULT by LAW. FACT.

Again, I dont MAKE the rules.

Teenagers do not have the same mantaly maturity as someone in their mid 20's nor are they fully physically developed (which is why you're not allowed to drink till your 21).
LOL...dude, you are seriously taking this in a direction that has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING. You are trying to say that a 17 year old does NOT understand the concept of "do not assault a cop". Why? Did you know at 17 that IF you were to assault a cop, that something BAD would happen to you? Seriously. Cmon are not being rational AT ALL in your thinking. You are WAAAAY smarter than that. You are letting your "i hate cops" biased get in the way ONCE AGAIN.

Why do you keep talking about common sense?
Because its the MAIN thesis of this argument: should a 17 year old person know what putting hands on a cop is right or wrong.

You are taking the attention away from the real problem - that a grown as police officer punched a teenage girl. You don't see anything wrong with that honestly? Obviously you do.
Again, I never said it was RIGHT. Why do you insist on putting words in my mouth?

Again, I bet you did A LOT OF STUPID SHIT at 17 years old, don't even act like you didn't. Despite all this common sense you speak of. I guess darwin should be spinning in his grave at you.
More words in my mouth. Sure, I did stupid things...but I NEVER HIT A FUCKIN COP WHEN I GOT HARASSED. Maybe Im just smarter than the average teenager?


He is the police officer, he is the grown man that should know how to properly handle a situation. Clearly he did not and failed miserably. He should be fired.
I agree on all accounts. Did you not see where i said that BOTH of the parties involved are buffoons? They BOTH didn't something wrong, and neither of them is RIGHT. FUCK em BOTH.