Seattle Police Officer Punches 17 year old girl for JAYWALKING!

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May 13, 2002
Thats a lot of assuming you are doing. However putting hands on a cop = IMMEDIATE punishment.
Am I wrong? Yes or No question here. You never did anything worse than placing a hand on a cop?! You must have lived quite the honor student lifestyle if you did.

Which can be a whole other thread, as I have seen you lobby for a lower drinking age. There are SEVERAL countries that are much more liberal than the US on drinking and do just fine. However, that is neither here nor there.
Liberal? Drinking at the age of 21 has to do with medical knowledge. It's all besides the point. Point being a teenager is not fully developed (not mentally or physically). Those are the facts. I used the drinking age as an example of how they are not physically developed yet.

LOL @ you for trying to NOT justify it becuase you think she has the mind of a 9 year old.
Earlier you got butt hurt because you said I put words in your mouth. Now what are doing here? Who said anything about having mentality of a 9 year old? I'm going by medical facts - AGAIN teenagers are not fully developed physically or mentally. Facts. Research if you don't believe me. Again, use personal experience if you have to. Recall all the stupid ass shit you did as a teenager and compare that to how you think & behave now as an adult. Think about that don't just read it, seriously.

Im not spinning anything. The fact that you are here inferreing that 1 JUNIOR in HS doesnt know to NOT assulat a cop is uinsulting to all 17 year olds accorss the world.
And once again you continue to miss the point entirely.

Yes, her getting PUNCHED was NOT right.
Glad you can see that much.

And I'm arguing that the police officer put them into that position in the first place. Comprende?

Bullshit man. What I said is legit

See? I can do that too.
In references to teenagers not being fully developed. Again, those are facts.

You are also saying that no teenager has ANY common sense.
no I am not.

And ease up on all the insults, bro. There is no need for you to even take it there with me like that. Im not one of these little shitheads in the Open Forum. Cool it.
I use fucktard or idiot or genius as I feel fit. You are the fucktard of the day imo.

I have taken SEVERAL courses on human development, I dont NEED to look up anything. BUt thanks for the advice.
Then you must have not paid any attention if you cannot grap such simple and basic understandings.

Nah son, my logic is sound. It's you to fail to realize that even teenagers KNOW NOT TO ASSUALT A COP.

Did she not put herself in the position?
The officer put them all in a bad situation.

It doesnt have to be a hit...YOU DONT PUT YOUR HANDS ON A COP. Are you really disputing this????????
I am disputing whether or not it's wrong for a police officer to punch a teenage girl in the face for placing a hand on him. Do you understand? Again, what kind of backwards ass place do we live where it's ok for a grown man to punch a teenage girl in the face for touching him with her hand? Jesus fuck man, it's simple.
May 9, 2002
I have a respect for 2-0-Sixx, he is a very smart dude. We dont always see eye to eye on things and he is one of the few on here that can actually debate without me going "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU..."

I see his point...I do.
May 9, 2002
Am I wrong? Yes or No question here. You never did anything worse than placing a hand on a cop?! You must have lived quite the honor student lifestyle if you did.

Liberal? Drinking at the age of 21 has to do with medical knowledge. It's all besides the point. Point being a teenager is not fully developed (not mentally or physically). Those are the facts. I used the drinking age as an example of how they are not physically developed yet.

Earlier you got butt hurt because you said I put words in your mouth. Now what are doing here? Who said anything about having mentality of a 9 year old? I'm going by medical facts - AGAIN teenagers are not fully developed physically or mentally. Facts. Research if you don't believe me. Again, use personal experience if you have to. Recall all the stupid ass shit you did as a teenager and compare that to how you think & behave now as an adult. Think about that don't just read it, seriously.

And once again you continue to miss the point entirely.

Glad you can see that much.

And I'm arguing that the police officer put them into that position in the first place. Comprende?

In references to teenagers not being fully developed. Again, those are facts.

no I am not.

I use fucktard or idiot or genius as I feel fit. You are the fucktard of the day imo.

Then you must have not paid any attention if you cannot grap such simple and basic understandings.

The officer put them all in a bad situation.

I am disputing whether or not it's wrong for a police officer to punch a teenage girl in the face for placing a hand on him. Do you understand? Again, what kind of backwards ass place do we live where it's ok for a grown man to punch a teenage girl in the face for touching him with her hand? Jesus fuck man, it's simple.
Im not going to respond to this because we are just going to argue until we are blue in the fingertips.

However, I will prop you because I understand and respect your point of view.
May 14, 2002
With the ability to record pretty much anywhere and the way information LITERALLY moves at the speed of light, we can now see what may have been going on for YEARS, we just couldn't see it as easily. I just had this discussion with my girl this morning about how phone cams are changing the way the world looks....because we can SEE so much more now on such a wide scale.
True.. you can see pretty much every thing from your house, if you look hard enough.

Still the question if it is true about those cops who are trained to result to violence before talking.... that can't lead to anything good..
May 9, 2002
True.. you can see pretty much every thing from your house, if you look hard enough.

Still the question if it is true about those cops who are trained to result to violence before talking.... that can't lead to anything good..
Well, i think that power creates a sense of superiority and more often than not, power gets abused. There have been psychological studies on what power can do to people.
May 13, 2002
Is it really that bad in the US? Fits the stereotype image we have of a US cop though..
Of course I Pukokeki Ioulo Momu waters it down and says it's because of the internet and technology that we learn of it more, but the simple fact is there have been literally hundreds of deaths related to tasering since 2001. So in a ten year span you have hundreds of people who have directly died from tasering. this of course does not include gun related deaths, chokings, etc. There has been data that shows the increase of police force over the years, I'll post some articles later on that.
May 13, 2002
This was dated May 2009. You even have the mainstream corporate media that talks about this stuff.

The Rise of Police Brutality

Since the attack on September 11, 2001 there has been an increase in police brutality across the United States. (See related article at Police departments are becoming increasingly militarized. Combat fatigued veterans, hardened by the realities of war, are returning from abroad and joining the ranks of the police. As police departments become increasingly corrupt, it becomes more difficult for them to recruit and retain decent people to wear their uniforms.

Homeland Security and Federal law enforcement agencies have been working closely with local police departments, as mentioned in this article from Canadian Free Press and elsewhere. This collusion has led to untold violations of human rights across the nation and the numbers are increasing. The victims are often silenced by threats, both direct and implied, particularly when they have no evidence of the terrible crimes committed against them, as is most often the case.

Those who live through police brutality and live to tell the tale are survivors. The rest become statistics and the subject of an overwhelming number of deadly police brutality stories across the internet. The web has become a forum for people who have no other means to communicate what has happened to them or those they love at the hands of brutal police.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that police brutality cases are not just "isolated incidents" involving "a few bad apples." As Frank Serpico tried to tell everyone, (Please, see CNN article, of September 3, 1997, Serpico Resurrects His Decades-old Criticism of NYPD.") organizations are corrupt from the top down. And, we see it again and again with remarkable cover ups of heinous crimes perpetrated by police across the country in which the perpetrators are promoted and the heads of departments go to great lengths to conceal officers crimes. These uniformed robbers, rapists, murderers and human traffickers flourish in their illegal activities while hiding behind their badges.

Read the rest here:

It's an ok article, but doesn't touch on some of the main aspects of why this is. The USATODAY article linked in the first paragraph has some raw data from 2007, for example:

National news sources such as USA Today have been reporting on a new study issued by the United States Justice Department of Justice that claims that police brutality incidents have been on the rise since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Compared to the previous seven-year period, the period from 2001 to 2007 exhibited a rise of 25% of police brutality incidents, with a rise in convictions of police officers for use of excessive force of 53% (the report was obviously intended to tout its own successes in prosecution).​


Jan 29, 2006
I have a respect for 2-0-Sixx, he is a very smart dude. We dont always see eye to eye on things and he is one of the few on here that can actually debate without me going "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU..."

I see his point...I do.
you mean theres more to debating then ...

May 14, 2002
I meant the reason for increased police violence can't be the 'sense of power that takes over a police officer' (I'm sorry but that is the way I read it...) right?

I mean, they are officers of the law. They must be trained in how to control a situation peacefully. And must have any conversational skills?
May 13, 2002
iaoish, this was at the end of an article by dan brennan in regards to a police brutality case in NY in Jan. the last paragraph I bolded.

These tensions have only exacerbated since the onset of the current economic crisis. New York City’s official unemployment rate now stands at 10.6 percent. Homelessness in the city last year reached an all time high. Even before the crisis, 1.5 million people in the city lived below an absurdly low poverty line.

On the other side of the divide, New York is home to the largest population of billionaires on the planet. Last year, despite the recession, top Wall Street firms paid out $145 billion in compensation, much of it to New York’s wealthiest residents. This layer is completely shielded from the social devastation befalling the overwhelming majority of workers.

It is in this context that the police brutality displayed in the recent events must be understood. With an increase in social discontent, police violence is employed to protect and secure the wealth and privileges of those above from the stirrings below.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
i would have socked that bitch too. if she had been doing more than jaywalking. reminds me of some off duty cop that tried to pull me over on interstate doing 100mph. he had one of those cute police officer license plates on his car and actually tried flashing his badge trying to get me to pull over. red faced screaming faggot followed me for about 5 minutes til he pulled off his exit. moral of the story? a large portion of cops are control freaks and dont like someone subverting their authority especially with a menace to society such as a jaywalker. they REALLY dont like when you wipe your ass with their power.
Mar 12, 2010
And what if she did? Is it really enough reason for a grown as man, a police officer to hit her straight in the jaw like that? Really?
Because if it was then this man shouldn't be a police officer at all.
ok hot shot you are surrounded by what you feel are a bunch of unfriendlies and someone puts their hands on you what do you do hot shot what do you do????
May 14, 2002
iaoish, this was at the end of an article by dan brennan in regards to a police brutality case in NY in Jan. the last paragraph I bolded.

These tensions have only exacerbated since the onset of the current economic crisis. New York City’s official unemployment rate now stands at 10.6 percent. Homelessness in the city last year reached an all time high. Even before the crisis, 1.5 million people in the city lived below an absurdly low poverty line.

On the other side of the divide, New York is home to the largest population of billionaires on the planet. Last year, despite the recession, top Wall Street firms paid out $145 billion in compensation, much of it to New York’s wealthiest residents. This layer is completely shielded from the social devastation befalling the overwhelming majority of workers.

It is in this context that the police brutality displayed in the recent events must be understood. With an increase in social discontent, police violence is employed to protect and secure the wealth and privileges of those above from the stirrings below.
I didn't read the articles yet because I'm getting sleepy. But I will check them out tomorrow.
But from that last part resembles a lot of what you could say is going on in most third world countries...


Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
And I'll speak some more truth.

If that video contained just a regular grown man arguing with two teenage girls and then that grown man punched the 17 year old, everyone on here would reply "what a bitch move!" and "it is NEVER right to hit a girl!" etc etc etc. Put a badge on that man, and all of a sudden it's oh she was stupid and place the blame on the girl? what backwards ass shit is that?


There is 100 other things he could of done but punching a girl in the face especially if you are a pig is not acceptable. I can't believe people on the sicc of all places are defending this fucking coward............

he could sell ice to eskimoes! lol
May 14, 2002
ok hot shot you are surrounded by what you feel are a bunch of unfriendlies and someone puts their hands on you what do you do hot shot what do you do????
hot shot, lmao

It doesn't matter what I would have done because I was not in that situation. And you can hardly call 2 17 or what ever year old girls 'unfriendlies' lmao.

I already told everything else..