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Dec 17, 2004
entertaining thread. its a shame we live in the world we do where ideologies create so much suffering. happens all the time though. who cares where you live or where you were at the time. i agree with the consensus here, that to glorify one tragedy like 9/11 so much is just excessive. it happened, we wont forget, now stop milking and exploiting it for emotional purposes.

with that said i have to ride the train through manhattan tomorrow to watch some football...and im not gonna lie....ima be a little bit nervous. im thinking if anything im gonna sit at the very back of the train just in case. honestly there are no preventative measures on the subways. anyone with aks, explosives, whatever can just hop on and do their thing...jus sayin
Apr 25, 2002
I still believe 9/11 was an inside job by the government. The hijackers barely learned how to fly small Cessna planes, let alone a huge commercial airliner. Plus, there was hardly any debris that looked like it came from those type of planes in PA, or Washington, DC. Throw in the fact that Building 7 of the WTC collapsed about 2 blocks away from the other two towers. It would make perfect sense in an action movie, but it makes no sense in real life.
A hotel burned to shit, too. Did the government burn the hotel? Do you understand the devastation 2 buildings of that size collapsing can cause? Did you see the debris blocks and blocks from the towers? Did the government plant all that shit all over Manhattan?

Our government may be fucked up, but a secret is only kept if only one party remains. Those dudes didn't need to know how to take off or land, they only had to learn how to steer.

And how many recordings does it take to understand some foreign dudes were flying the planes? There are cell phone recordings, black box recordings, phone messages...was all that planted?
Jun 10, 2002
our goverment is fucked up but I dont think they are fucked up enough to do something like what happened on 9/11 its funny that everything bad that happens in the world. people always want to claim conspiracy or some shit.
Aug 24, 2003
i think people still want to hold on to the old illusion that america is untouchable. most ppl when they heard the pentagon was attacked simply said "impossible, you cant attack the pentagon"

people want to cling on to this false reality that america is impenetrable, while at the same time we have millions of illegal immigrants in our country who simply walked in, obviously showing that its quite easy to penetrate
Apr 25, 2002
they pulled bomb sniffing dogs like 2 weeks before the attacks from security detail

any reason why?
Says who? And why hasn't that been a major story? Probably because it's bullshit.

multiple WTC employees reported suspicious activity prior to the attacks, and also testified that they heard explosions on the day of the attack...coming from multiple locations including 4 levels below the lobby
That's funny, because no police or firemen reported bombs, and I think they'd be more qualified to identify an explosion than some schmuck in a cubicle. My opinion of course.

the towers also fell at nearly free fall speed, and yet not one piece of that core column that was meant to withstand multiple jetliner impacts never once gave any resistance to the falling material?
The tower pancaked as the support system failed. Demolished buildings fall inward to avoid damaging anything in the vicinity. Those buildings did not fall inward, they pancaked...the "explosions" people heard during the fall was each floor falling onto the one below. And they both did survive jetliner impacts.

how about the fact that even tho other towers have had raging fires burning thru 5-10+ floors for up to 20+ hours and yet not one has collapsed due to structural failure brought on by fire fueled by office material and a fire accelerant
Were those buildings burned by jet fuel? Jet fuel burns much hotter than a spark and some accelerant. Did you know there's a survivor from the WTC who was on the bottom floor when the first plane hit? She was burned on 85% of her body because the jet fuel fire went down the elevator shafts and blew out the doors...setting people on fire. That shit was not only burning at the site of impact, it was burning the entire support system for those buildings.


Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2009
A hotel burned to shit, too. Did the government burn the hotel? Do you understand the devastation 2 buildings of that size collapsing can cause? Did you see the debris blocks and blocks from the towers? Did the government plant all that shit all over Manhattan?
The hotel was directly beside WTC 2, and was half the size of WTC 7. Of course they didn't plant "shit" all over Manhattan.

Our government may be fucked up, but a secret is only kept if only one party remains. Those dudes didn't need to know how to take off or land, they only had to learn how to steer.
Do you really believe this? Do you know much difference there is between a small plane and a commercial airline? I've learned how a fly a Cessna, and the controls are very simple, and easy to comprehend.

Here's an older model 747... there's a huge difference, and steering isn't like a car, man. You can just easily move in one direction.

And how many recordings does it take to understand some foreign dudes were flying the planes? There are cell phone recordings, black box recordings, phone messages...was all that planted?

I personally haven't heard any black box recordings. Cell phones at that time weren't supposed to work from an airline I thought, and a few of the family members didn't think a lot of it added up on what they were saying on the phone. Oh, and they found a passport from one of the hijackers at the scene of the WTC's. That's another piece of evidence they've use to connect them to the attacks. How it survived a massive explosion and a collapsed building seems a little crazy to me. lol
Apr 25, 2002
Do you really believe this? Do you know much difference there is between a small plane and a commercial airline? I've learned how a fly a Cessna, and the controls are very simple, and easy to comprehend.
Yes, I really believe that...and here's why. Those dudes actually went to school to learn to fly jets. One of the teachers even said he thought it was odd that one guy only wanted to learn how to control the plane, and that he didn't care about take off or landing lessons.

I personally haven't heard any black box recordings. Cell phones at that time weren't supposed to work from an airline I thought, and a few of the family members didn't think a lot of it added up on what they were saying on the phone. Oh, and they found a passport from one of the hijackers at the scene of the WTC's. That's another piece of evidence they've use to connect them to the attacks. How it survived a massive explosion and a collapsed building seems a little crazy to me. lol
Really? So air-traffic controllers are lying, too? When they tried to contact these planes? And what do you mean it didn't add up? These people were very specific on the phone.

Oh, and a lot of shit survived the explosions. There was paper on the ground that got blown out of the buildings by the planes. The papers were not burned. They found wallets, they found all kinds of shit that didn't burn.

Here are some recordings from that day. They have been very public since the beginning.



Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2009
Relating to the evidence Sydal... You have to remember here, that I started out 15 years old when the attacks happened, and believed every word the news told me. I had hate for the "terrorists" and even people of Islam, because I thought they hated us as well. I'm not debating just to do it. I personally think you're one the people that no matter how much evidence I was to show you, you wouldn't believe it. Look beyond your own perception, and you'll learn more.
Apr 25, 2002
Relating to the evidence Sydal... You have to remember here, that I started out 15 years old when the attacks happened, and believed every word the news told me. I had hate for the "terrorists" and even people of Islam, because I thought they hated us as well. I'm not debating just to do it. I personally think you're one the people that no matter how much evidence I was to show you, you wouldn't believe it. Look beyond your own perception, and you'll learn more.
I'm probably one of the most open-minded people you'll ever communicate with. I've watched all the videos, I've seen and heard all the "evidence" from both sides. There are some good theories. At the end of the day, I'm not going to listen to a couple people from the building, and I'm not going to listen to somebody trying to stir up a theory to advance their career in demolition or whatever the fuck.

What I WILL listen to is the family members who spoke to people on the planes. I will listen to the recordings of the flight attendants and passengers saying what was going on in the planes, and I will listen to air traffic controllers who heard the hijackers saying they were going to land the plane, who heard pilots screaming, and the folks who received the reports of people being stabbed on the planes. I will listen to the messages people left for their loved ones before being blown to shit.

I will also listen to the countless experts who say over and over again that it was not a demolition...not the few who said otherwise (most likely to stir some shit up and get their names out in the media).

The evidence pointing toward a legitimate hijacking is overwhelming. Since you were only 15 at the time, you're probably not too aware of the airline hijacking problem that existed in the 70's and 80's. It's not a new thing, nor is it impossible.

And let's not forget the failed bombing of the WTC in 1993. It wasn't Bin Laden, but Khalid Shaikh Mohammed Ali Fadden had a little bit of advice for that event. The bomb was supposed to knock Tower 1 into Tower 2, knocking both of them down and killing a shitload of people. Those buildings had BEEN Targets, and they had 8 years to plan something a little more successful.


پراید آش
Nov 5, 2002
Says who? And why hasn't that been a major story? Probably because it's bullshit.
The World Trade Center was destroyed just days after a heightened security alert was lifted at the landmark 110-story towers, security personnel said yesterday [September 11]. Daria Coard, 37, a guard at Tower One, said the security detail had been working 12-hour shifts for the past two weeks because of numerous phone threats. But on Thursday [September 6], bomb-sniffing dogs were abruptly removed. [NY Newsday]

That's funny, because no police or firemen reported bombs, and I think they'd be more qualified to identify an explosion than some schmuck in a cubicle. My opinion of course.

The tower pancaked as the support system failed. Demolished buildings fall inward to avoid damaging anything in the vicinity. Those buildings did not fall inward, they pancaked...the "explosions" people heard during the fall was each floor falling onto the one below. And they both did survive jetliner impacts.

Were those buildings burned by jet fuel? Jet fuel burns much hotter than a spark and some accelerant. Did you know there's a survivor from the WTC who was on the bottom floor when the first plane hit? She was burned on 85% of her body because the jet fuel fire went down the elevator shafts and blew out the doors...setting people on fire. That shit was not only burning at the site of impact, it was burning the entire support system for those buildings.

the highest temp in the building was 1500-1700 degrees what are you trying to tell me? are you the only person in the world that believes molten hot liquid steel can be produced with such low heat?

oh and lets not forget to mention byproduct of thermite and thermate were found in samples taken from all over the site

miss me wit the bullshit bro, you think what u want, ill do my thing
Nov 1, 2004
There is so much evidence against the official story yet no investigation is allowed? Why? Because the 9/11 commission was a joke.
Didn't some of the terrorists who were on the planes turn out to still be alive?

Here is a question to everyone who believes the official 9/11 story...
Do you agree with the 10 years of war we have had sense then?
Do you feel safer?
Do you think Dick Cheney's nation building company, Halliburton, profited off the warmongering in the 9/11 aftermath?
Follow the money...
This shit gets deep man.
Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfield... neo-cons. Evil people.

But don't take my word for it. Lets see what this 4 star general has to say.

I'll bet the people who believe the 9/11 story haven't looked at any of these videos.

And the reason I posted that building in China that was torched was because it was a steel frame building. The "official" story was that the towers were brought down by fire. The temp to melt steel is much much higher than the temp aircraft fuel burns at. Fires have NEVER taken down a steel frame building before 9/11. Then again, the gov. never did a false flag terror attack before either right?

Except for maybe the Lusitania, the Gulf on Tonkin...........
Read something before you pretend you know something.
Jun 10, 2002
I had to stop and think about it but Im sick of getting reminded once a year that we got our asses handed to us by a bunch of terrorists. I mean for the past week that is all ive heard is 10 year anniversary, terror alerts and all this other shit. All its doing is bringing back bad feelings and anger. I understand that its a part of history but damn stop shoving it in my face, I mean shit you dont see the indians using thanksgiving to remind each other that the whiteman took there land and put them all in reservations. They are trying to scare the shit out of us by doing this once a year. Fuck the terrorist, Fuck Bin Laden and Fuck Bush for getting us into these damn wars. and fuck the media for using a horrible tragedy for there own gain.
Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
i hate to sound like know it all timm but having done 2 years of engineering at university I have a decent understanding of a lot of this shit, and having watched plenty of videos arguing both sides it is apparent that the collapse of the towers, including building 7, was caused by the planes and no extra explosive. With that being said, there is still the possibility that the plan was made by the government, although imo it was a legit terrorist attack. I think that many people will believe whatever propaganda conspiracy theorists say due to their dislike of the government.