Blocc St. Lye 2, will you buy it?

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Will you buy Blocc St. Lye 2?

  • Hell yes!

    Votes: 9 10.2%
  • Fuck no, I'll download it

    Votes: 12 13.6%
  • Fuck no, and I'm not downloading it

    Votes: 34 38.6%
  • Fuck brown-eye cream-pie and his Blocc St. Lye 2

    Votes: 33 37.5%

  • Total voters
Mar 5, 2007
Base4esteban said:
is lorenzo greeneyes black? i always thought he was black because he was sayin nigga to everyone. But Lorenzo is an Italian sounding name.
I heard he was a Jew....probably explains why he is so cheap with the promotion/advertising.

Oh and just for the record..... I aint buying this trash album.
Mar 15, 2006
Documentary said:
I new somethin was funny wit these guys bubble and e. g. they be on here like a fulltime job. it make sense too. how you know cops print shit out bubble? man you exposin yourself PIG. fuck a chico PIG! Look at Green smakin this dude up in his bullshit thread. Green got a point though, you already got owned nigga! you so hard on green you made a thread about him HA! you is a fo'sho bitch to green huh? nigga is right you owned sorry excuse for a nothing. HA........
This is a thread about a CD, the title doesn't say "green eyes". You're nothin but a groupie or a green-eyes second or third account, so your opinion doesn't matter. How do i know that cops print shit out? That's a stupid ass question. I bet you know how to hit print on your computer. It's not hard. :classic:

Every time green-eyes blood pressure goes up a notch in these threads it's funny as hell. This is all comedy to me and I could care less what you say about a screen name. Corny ass fools.

Also look at the poll, basically 93% of the votes (100% if green penis didn't vote on 3 different accounts) are all sayin fuck him.

So what's your response gonna be now Guidette?

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
word, i mean this is funny and all but i have two issues:

1) why do i have to scroll down 2 fucking pages of c-lim pics every time this nigga posts? is three pictures of the same dude in the same car really needed? do we really need glamour shots of c-lim in his ferrari, showing off different sides of his face? why does a grown man, a manager or not, have 3 pics of a dude in his car? do you think thats hot? can you atleast delete two of them? mutha fuckas get they sigs deleted 24/7 for that shit. I'm a moderator and i could get that shit taken down, but i dont 'snitch' i'll just ask you, can you like...pick your favorite and just keep the rest on your computer? please? that would be nice. because your sig is fucking reeeeeeediculous. i have no problems with green eyes outside of this issue.

2) this might make you mad and redirect your online temper at me, but....anyone with half a brain knows its ridiculous to talk some street shit and run with an alleged snitch.....much less do business with one, legitimate or not...even if he didnt snitch, its a bad look, unless he made a gospel album. thats not exactly block style. and no ones going to give their address or want to meet with anyone who does business with those type of people.
Mar 15, 2006
Gas One said:
word, i mean this is funny and all but i have two issues:

1) why do i have to scroll down 2 fucking pages of c-lim pics every time this nigga posts? is three pictures of the same dude in the same car really needed? do we really need glamour shots of c-lim in his ferrari, showing off different sides of his face? why does a grown man, a manager or not, have 3 pics of a dude in his car? do you think thats hot? can you atleast delete two of them? mutha fuckas get they sigs deleted 24/7 for that shit. I'm a moderator and i could get that shit taken down, but i dont 'snitch' i'll just ask you, can you like...pick your favorite and just keep the rest on your computer? please? that would be nice. because your sig is fucking reeeeeeediculous. i have no problems with green eyes outside of this issue.

2) this might make you mad and redirect your online temper at me, but....anyone with half a brain knows its ridiculous to talk some street shit and run with an alleged snitch.....much less do business with one, legitimate or not...even if he didnt snitch, its a bad look, unless he made a gospel album. thats not exactly block style. and no ones going to give their address or want to meet with anyone who does business with those type of people.
Talking with another person on this board, we agree that you crack us up on most all threads Gas One. Good shit. Are you able to change poll options? I meant to have it display who voted for what, but I clicked the wrong option apparently.
May 30, 2006
I notice whenever everyones busting on Tangle Eye he always comes in posting on his 2nd or 3rd account trying 2 have some type of get back.

I also noticed that when HOGG posted that shit about Lim Green Eyes said NOTHING. Any other time he would be trying 2 talk shit & ask 4 addresses. That fool wasn't even posting when Hot Ones showed up. He reminds me so much of them cats that will only hand pick who he fucks wit.

@Mike Manson....... yo homie I couldn't sheck out what Lynch said cuz I'm not a member of Madesicc & u need a username & password. Why don't u just copy, paste & post what was said about Green Eyes & what Lynch said.


Tha Skore said:
why has this guy got pics of c-lim in his sig ?? u in love dude ?

thas what i was trying to address in the mr doc myspace thread but Green Eyez conveniently ignored my post i guess....

CcytzO_Loc said:
i just wanna know does c lim know you joccin his pics so tuff or is he unaware of this dicc riding going on???? id put pics of myself in an oldsmobile omega with a ripped up ragtop and a boombox in the baccseat for slap with one spare tire before id put some otha nigga all up in my sig takin up 3072 x 2304 pixels of mafuccin space like he my hero n shit......
Jan 9, 2006
The Evil Genius said:
I also noticed that when HOGG posted that shit about Lim Green Eyes said NOTHING. Any other time he would be trying 2 talk shit & ask 4 addresses. That fool wasn't even posting when Hot Ones showed up. He reminds me so much of them cats that will only hand pick who he fucks wit.
i'm tryin to stay neutral in this, but yea that's the truth right there.
Aug 18, 2003
The Evil Genius said:
I notice whenever everyones busting on Tangle Eye he always comes in posting on his 2nd or 3rd account trying 2 have some type of get back.

I also noticed that when HOGG posted that shit about Lim Green Eyes said NOTHING. Any other time he would be trying 2 talk shit & ask 4 addresses. That fool wasn't even posting when Hot Ones showed up. He reminds me so much of them cats that will only hand pick who he fucks wit.

@Mike Manson....... yo homie I couldn't sheck out what Lynch said cuz I'm not a member of Madesicc & u need a username & password. Why don't u just copy, paste & post what was said about Green Eyes & what Lynch said.

look at lil big man tryin to get into a niccas head, LOL! you watered down too. just for your info not that you need to know anything cause you just a fan and a groupie lil big man. this is real business that didn't need me speaking on. this shit wit hogg and lim is going down fo'sho. lim talked to craze and hogg on the phone. they settled what they need to settle. you see muthafuccas is going to meet up and they gonna smash in person so i dont need to get on here and get at hogg or anybody else cause they already talked and got shit in the making feel me? its only when pussy bitches like yourself that is scared to show they face is when i need to talk and expose you. and for the record dont be sayin us or we and try to include people cause you cant stand on yo own two feet. i called YOU a PUSSY and anybody else on the bandwagon. thats what i said. you just stay in line evil pickles and promote me and my products like you supposed to do.
Aug 18, 2003
Gas One said:
word, i mean this is funny and all but i have two issues:

1) why do i have to scroll down 2 fucking pages of c-lim pics every time this nigga posts? is three pictures of the same dude in the same car really needed? do we really need glamour shots of c-lim in his ferrari, showing off different sides of his face? why does a grown man, a manager or not, have 3 pics of a dude in his car? do you think thats hot? can you atleast delete two of them? mutha fuckas get they sigs deleted 24/7 for that shit. I'm a moderator and i could get that shit taken down, but i dont 'snitch' i'll just ask you, can you like...pick your favorite and just keep the rest on your computer? please? that would be nice. because your sig is fucking reeeeeeediculous. i have no problems with green eyes outside of this issue.

know you p
2) this might make you mad and redirect your online temper at me, but....anyone with half a brain knows its ridiculous to talk some street shit and run with an alleged snitch.....much less do business with one, legitimate or not...even if he didnt snitch, its a bad look, unless he made a gospel album. thats not exactly block style. and no ones going to give their address or want to meet with anyone who does business with those type of people.
see i took those extras down cause you was half way getting right. so imma try to get you 100% right. you probably dont know a lot or anything about music so imma break it down for you. i signed Doc up to make 2 records which he did. because i signed him up people that dont know will assume we hangin together. thats not so! like you said run wit an alleged snitch. me and Doc never ran together or was seen in public together outside of business moves. Doc aint my kind of Homey. Me and Doc was all business. he went to the studio and made music, i wrote checks to the studio and thats it. he could never run wit me. you might think why would i do a record wit Doc? well thats easy. its "controversy" and that shit sells. just like the controversy right now whenever i post or lim or doc it's all controversy and it sells. people here may not think it will sell but im here to tell you it does and i have soundscan numbers proving that. controversy sells and that makes money. do i care he is an alleged snitch? not at all. that aint me! thats his life. i make money off of Doc and his controversy plain and simple and im here to make money and nothing else. i give a flying fuck what people on here think of me...... these people on here have no status in the music world but i do and thats all that matters to me. status and money! nobody here is going to ruin me, shut down my label. this is just like a 9-5 job but with different hours, more freedom, and more money!
Mar 15, 2006
Green-Eyes said:
lthis shit wit hogg and lim is going down fo'sho. lim talked to craze and hogg on the phone. they settled what they need to settle. you see muthafuccas is going to meet up and they gonna smash in person so i dont need to get on here and get at hogg or anybody else cause they already talked and got shit in the making feel me?
Aug 18, 2003
CcytzO_Loc said:
thas what i was trying to address in the mr doc myspace thread but Green Eyez conveniently ignored my post i guess....
i aint tryin to leave you out Homey! i mean you want me to be cool wit you or call you a few chioce names? i mean you from my hood mudville so you already all good wit me off top. as far as c-lims pics go thats my nicca right there! i manage Lim now so imma go hard in the paint for my dude regardless if people like it or dont like it. you already know im Mr. dont give a fuck, and Lim from mudville too. thats how i does homey. imma pit bull and i go hard for my rillas 24/7. C-Lim Loves that he gotta Super Manger Behind him like i does.

to evil pickles and bubble boy they always wanna know something like some hoes twirling they bubble gum and they hair thinking of my exciting life and lim's cd's. but wanting to know shit is like some cop shit! they always asking ?'s all day like they writing a book. so it is true about Lim and me having words in the past and he called me some thangs and i called him some thangs SO........ what matters is we cool now and is doing business. Lim likes how i go hard on projects and i like Lims work ethic so we squashed our differences and are doing positive business together! plain and simple. GRIND A FAG, EVIL PICKLES, AND BUBBLE BOY are weak minded individuals that need leaders in they lives. I'am their leader and with all great leaders come insubordinant followers that either talk shit under their breath, behing peoples backs, or in there case on the computer. but at the end of the day who are they talking about? asking ?'s about? thinking about? me thats who! their leader.


fucc i dont even wanna read all these got some time on your hands there mayne......
Jan 9, 2006
Green-Eyes said:
you might think why would i do a record wit Doc? well thats easy. its "controversy" and that shit sells. just like the controversy right now whenever i post or lim or doc it's all controversy and it sells. people here may not think it will sell but im here to tell you it does and i have soundscan numbers proving that. controversy sells and that makes money. do i care he is an alleged snitch? not at all. that aint me! thats his life. i make money off of Doc and his controversy plain and simple and im here to make money and nothing else. i give a flying fuck what people on here think of me...... these people on here have no status in the music world but i do and thats all that matters to me. status and money! nobody here is going to ruin me, shut down my label. this is just like a 9-5 job but with different hours, more freedom, and more money!
yep, thats some good hustle there. Forreal doesn't matter bad or good attention, it sells. But just to stay on topic, i'll never buy it and the same goes for all of the weak new shit i have seen in the last few years.
May 30, 2006
@Pink Eyes......... U a super manager but stay on the net 24/7 steady trying 2 explain yourself. What manager does that shit? I seriously doubt cats like Chris Lighty or Sha Money XL would be on the message board making empty threats & trying 2 play net-bully all the time like yo corny ass. Now its time 4 me 2 put on my war paint & put u on blast some more.

If u was a real manager & had Lims best interest @ heart then u wouldn't be scheduling a Ghetto UFC match between him & HOGG. U tell'em.........

"Look Lim, u have a (so-called) career & we're in this 2 make money(if we can), not 2 play combat. If these cats can't sit down like real bosses & talk this shit out like players then fuck'em. If they call u scary fuck'em cuz yo (so-called) street rep don't mean shit when its time 2 pay these bills. We gonna keep it moving cuz If something happens 2 u that's bread & fish off my table & your table. I gotta business 2 run & u got work 2 do".

^ ^ ^ That's how a true businessman & manager would of handled this shit. Instead this is how it went down

Pink Eyes: Lim!! HOGG iz on Siccness saying he punked u @ Wal-Mart!

C-Lim:Well........ he did.

Pink Eye: U gotta handle that nicca

C-Lim: No way cuz!!!!!

Pink Eye: Man, if u don't I'm sending my goons 2 come get u.

C-Lim: Alright, alright, alright cuz. Tell'em I'm outta town & we can do it next month. Oh yea! Can u get that rental 4 me now since I aint got long 2 live?

I bet yo ass got a lif insurance policy out on Lim. If HOGG breaks his neck guess who's collecting the policy money.And we already know u & Doc don't fuck wit each other cuz those are throw away vocals u got. He wouldn't of agreed 2 the shit ur promoting. And don't run that drag that about it was all bizz between u & Doc. On an old thread when u & Lim were @ each others throats u were saying Doc was right by u reading all the shit Lim was saying about him. So that's business? Sounds like a personal relationship 2 me. And u was in that same thread hollering u was gonna knock Lim out when u saw'em &.