"We cant blame the white people any longer"

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Nov 17, 2002
ParkBoyz said:
They aren't responsible, so why should they do anything besides recognize the fact? Practical solutions are proposed every day by the black community, it's ultimately up to our government and the powers that be to decide what's "practical".. Practical on who's terms? That's a loaded question..
Heresy earlier mentioned how people give solutions, some of which are not very practical. So I am asking what is a practical solution. These individuals aren't responsible, yet it is always pointed out that they benefit from those who are. The implication here seems to be that they should do something about the problems. So I was wondering what whites are expected to do.
Aug 6, 2006
n9newunsixx5150 said:
Heresy earlier mentioned how people give solutions, some of which are not very practical. So I am asking what is a practical solution. These individuals aren't responsible, yet it is always pointed out that they benefit from those who are. The implication here seems to be that they should do something about the problems. So I was wondering what whites are expected to do.
As I said, they have to recognize first that this is a fact, a lot are in denial.. And like Heresy said, address the issue, this is a democracy. Push for quality education that is equally distributed among incomes; push for community and recreational programs; ban the 3 strikes law and fund inmate rehabilitation programs, give black people the power to tell their own history and end class room bias, stop systematic racism, and push for reparations (yea I said it).. That's but a few things to strive for.. But ultimately decisions are made by the hierarchy, and in a capitalistic society set in their ways, they don't have the interest of blacks/low-incomes in mind... And also like I said, that's still a loaded question, for me to say that "the white citizens of America" have to do anything would be me placing blame on them and being caught in a trap of contradiction. It's a lot more complex than that, which will take open communication among the masses. They don't have to do anything, but I'm not taking any guilt away from them either.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
JLMACN said:
I love it when black people argue about who is blacker..and who acts blacker...

give me a fucking break.
He is just calling out all these Mothers and Fathers that raise their kid to settle for less. He knows what its like to come from the gutter but he didnt just stop his life to that ideal..."well, I came from the bottom so I guess im not gonna be shit"..

how many times have your "black" friends made fun of a black dude in a white collar? or any minority...for that matter..

Im mexican and I have had plenty of associates fuck with the white/blue collar minorities....

"awww man...look at him/her ...they think they are special..."

Mothafucka!!!! Hell yea..You know how hard it is to go to school and work in the corporate world.....as a minority????
give me some respect bitch....or get your ghetto mothafuckin ass away from me...

see....mothafuckas cant respect shit they dont know shit about..

Cosby knows what its like to be in your (poor black mans) shoes..
do you know what its like to be in his????



You'd be surprised to know your "education" was simply an "acculturation" to get EVERYONE TO THINK THE SAME WAY.

Hense, "the white man's culture." And it's not even about being white, it's about being FILTHY FUCKING RICH.
Dec 25, 2003
HERESY said:
Now, If I were to say I was raised around 99% whites, and went to a school that was 99% white, how would that detract from me identifying with the black community? It wouldn't unless I made an effort to NOT identify with the community.
If you became famous for any reason, this would likely be brought up and you could very easily be "shunned" or considered "not black enough".
Nov 17, 2002
ParkBoyz said:
As I said, they have to recognize first the this is a fact, a lot are in denial.. And like Heresy said, address the issue, this is a democracy. Push for quality education that is equally distributed among incomes; push for community and recreational programs; ban the 3 strikes law and fund inmate rehabilitation programs, give black people the power to tell their own history and end class room bias, stop systematic racism, and push for reparations (yea I said it).. That's but a few things to strive for.. But ultimately decisions are made by the hierarchy, and in a capitalistic society set in their ways, they don't have the interest of blacks/low-incomes in mind... And also like I said, that's still a loaded question, for me to say that "the white citizens of America" have to do anything would be me placing blame on them and being caught in a trap of contradiction. It's a lot more complex than that, which will take open communication among the masses. They don't have to do anything, but I'm not taking any guilt away from them either.
There is this notion that white people should feel guilty for being white. Many (probably most) of them reject it, and that is understandable. Although I can't speak for all white people, I don't think the vast majority are consciously inimical toward blacks. I know I'm not. I see humans struggling in general. And I am not under the illusion that we all struggle equally, but I don't feel that there is a group of people who are so beyond the struggle of material existence that they are key to solving the problems of other groups. Better yet, if such a group of people does exist, they are not designated by the color of their skin. We are pretty much all out here in the ocean; some of us are just hanging on to a bigger piece of ice. And I don't mean to use this as a cop-out. I think you bring up real issues that need to be addressed, especially education. It is just that when I think about it, the problems are interrelated and so overwhelming that I do not always know where to begin. I tend to lean toward the concept that really only a spiritual solution will solve material problems, though I know such is not acceptable by all. I think that, at the very least, spiritual realization will reveal in us a sincere sense of brother and sisterhood. But, as you mention, we live in a capitalist society where people are more concerned with money and thus their own sense gratification. It is difficult because there is no quick and easy fix, and there are always opposing forces. Where do we go from here?
Aug 6, 2006
n9newunsixx5150 said:
There is this notion that white people should feel guilty for being white. Many (probably most) of them reject it, and that is understandable. Although I can't speak for all white people, I don't think the vast majority are consciously inimical toward blacks. I know I'm not. I see humans struggling in general. And I am not under the illusion that we all struggle equally, but I don't feel that there is a group of people who are so beyond the struggle of material existence that they are key to solving the problems of other groups. Better yet, if such a group of people does exist, they are not designated by the color of their skin. We are pretty much all out here in the ocean; some of us are just hanging on to a bigger piece of ice. And I don't mean to use this as a cop-out. I think you bring up real issues that need to be addressed, especially education. It is just that when I think about it, the problems are interrelated and so overwhelming that I do not always know where to begin. I tend to lean toward the concept that really only a spiritual solution will solve material problems, though I know such is not acceptable by all. I think that, at the very least, spiritual realization will reveal in us a sincere sense of brother and sisterhood. But, as you mention, we live in a capitalist society where people are more concerned with money and thus their own sense gratification. It is difficult because there is no quick and easy fix, and there are always opposing forces. Where do we go from here?
You veered in another direction and started speaking in anthropological terms, when I'm speaking socially.. I'm not dividing black and white people into separate races (white people already did that), I'm shedding light on the division of black and white people socially (and as social terms). That does indeed exist, be it material or spiritual there are still problems, and both of these aspects of life are dominated and dictated by the social hierarchy, who we traditionally classify as white. Guilt is morally justified because of the lop sided legacy of America, which was intentional. When a system is set up more in favor of one people over the other, with a foundation set in years of economic manipulation of other peoples, at their expense.. One side reaps the benefits, the other is told to just get over it and move on.. With what though? People were raped culturally and economically for centuries, "freed" for a couple of decades and told to get over it? Right, that's not a ploy that's going to work with most people. Spiritual guidance such as Christianity, or even Islam in a lot of cases were forced upon people to "civilize" them and replace their pagan cultures and beliefs.. Not to say that others were just intelligent enough to use reason and find their way back to God through Christianity, Islam, etc. anyways, just saying.. That's a distraction in this context when trying to discuss social issues.
Aug 23, 2002
JLMACN said:
read my post before yours...

I hate that shit too homie..
Im from the hood and I done did dirt with the best of em..

but I learned from my mistakes and want better for my son...and future children..

Im posted in college now for engineering...

These little hoodrats that post on here can suck this dick between my legs with all that bullshit..

Real Talk
Aug 23, 2002
HERESY said:
Many of the white members of this board will NOT address the CAUSE. They will give you many solutions (many of them not realistic) tell you to get over it and take responsibility, but the day you tell them that they have yet to take responsibility for 400+ years of murder, rape, destruction, theft, maiming, genocide, etc you get some excuse. These people LOVE people such as Bill Cosby because it shifts the blame. The opressed now becomes the opressor and people can wash their hands, shrug their shoulders and say "it's not my problem."[/QUOTE

Right I forgot its my fault that 100 blacks die in Oakland every year from black on black crime. Im not pulling the triggers shit. Is it my fault that most of these dudes dropped out of high school and chose to not be educated? I think people need to take more responsibility for THEIR actions. I have never owned slaves, so dont put that shit on me, its 2007 slavery has been over for 130 years. Martin Luther King did give you hope, and he is a hero, too bad the majority of the black community doesn't feel like they owe it to him to become something with themselves.
Aug 26, 2002
Bellboy184 said:
HERESY said:
Many of the white members of this board will NOT address the CAUSE. They will give you many solutions (many of them not realistic) tell you to get over it and take responsibility, but the day you tell them that they have yet to take responsibility for 400+ years of murder, rape, destruction, theft, maiming, genocide, etc you get some excuse. These people LOVE people such as Bill Cosby because it shifts the blame. The opressed now becomes the opressor and people can wash their hands, shrug their shoulders and say "it's not my problem."[/QUOTE

Right I forgot its my fault that 100 blacks die in Oakland every year from black on black crime. Im not pulling the triggers shit. Is it my fault that most of these dudes dropped out of high school and chose to not be educated? I think people need to take more responsibility for THEIR actions. I have never owned slaves, so dont put that shit on me, its 2007 slavery has been over for 130 years. Martin Luther King did give you hope, and he is a hero, too bad the majority of the black community doesn't feel like they owe it to him to become something with themselves.

People marched and were hit in the
face with rocks to get an education, and now
we've got these knuckleheads walking around.
The lower economic people are not holding up
their end in this deal.


the funny thing is...he isnt talking about JUST black people..
but its the black people on this board getting mad..

or I think HERESY is black.

Feb 7, 2006
I applaud Heresy and Parkboyz for trying to bring an informed point of view to this very ignorant board -lord knows I wouldn't waste my time arguring back and forth on this subject. I just wanna say though, that if any of you have a chance, take some sociology classes specializing in education and inequality, residential segregation and discrimination, race and it's correlation to poverty, and so on. That should give you a scientific basis for whatever your arguement is. Cause it's not as simple as blacks like to live in the ghetto. Or blacks don't like education, or any of the asinine things many of you are spouting off. Please read some history, delve yourself into some sociology and then come back, and post an intelligent response.
Aug 26, 2002
Dhadnot said:
I applaud Heresy and Parkboyz for trying to bring an informed point of view to this very ignorant board -lord knows I wouldn't waste my time arguring back and forth on this subject. I just wanna say though, that if any of you have a chance, take some sociology classes specializing in education and inequality, residential segregation and discrimination, race and it's correlation to poverty, and so on. That should give you a scientific basis for whatever your arguement is. Cause it's not as simple as blacks like to live in the ghetto. Or blacks don't like education, or any of the asinine things many of you are spouting off. Please read some history, delve yourself into some sociology and then come back, and post an intelligent response.

how about experienced?

I am raising a child...how many of you from this board are?
If so.....what do you tell your child..

here are the 3 rules I raise my child on.

1- Family

What do I need to take classes for? To learn what I have already experienced?

what cracks me up is I can relate to what Bill is saying because he is a father and has worked hard to be where he is at...
No Im not black.

And these people in here (atleast most) try and speak from a "well Ive taken college courses about the world and some related courses" point of view..

its a shame.


Apr 25, 2002
Right I forgot its my fault that 100 blacks die in Oakland every year from black on black crime. Im not pulling the triggers shit. Is it my fault that most of these dudes dropped out of high school and chose to not be educated?
Whose fault is it that oakland has a high crime rate? Is it because these people are "bad" or because these people do not have the same LIFE CHANCES that have been ascribed to others and react in a different fashion? Whose fault is it that the education system in Oakland is LACKING in funding that would help increase test scores, compentency etc? Again, you are pointing fingers at those who suffer, but you fail to address WHY they are suffering, and as parkboyz and myself have previously stated, no one is blaming "all of the white race", but the majority of you ARE benefitting from it.

I think people need to take more responsibility for THEIR actions.
When will white america take responsibility for its actions? I don't see many of you speaking out against racism or challangeing status quo on their ideaologies. People do need to take responsibilities for their actions, but in this case, in order to take responsibility for an action one must first identify the cause behind the action, and then take responsibility.

I have never owned slaves, so dont put that shit on me
Here is what Parkboyz posted:

No one says that every white person walking the street is responsible
Here is what I previously posted, and pay attention because your statement actually validates what I said AND is proof that people on here don't read before replying, watch this:

When you talk to people about this situation and they become defensive thats already a bad sign. Many people will automatically assume that you mean every white person is responsible, when that is NOT the case. However, like you pointed out, white people HAVE reaped the benefits and expect for others to do the same.
Son, read that again and pay attention to the bold and underlined words. You just proved that statement true by ranting and raving about how you didn't own slaves, yet you are not addressing the fact that you are a beneficiary.

its 2007 slavery has been over for 130 years.
Yet Jim Crow laws were still in effect in the late 60's and early 70's. Slavery has been over for a period of time, but that does not mean the damage done by slavery can be repaired in LESS than 130 years.

Martin Luther King did give you hope
Where is King now? What happened to him?

too bad the majority of the black community doesn't feel like they owe it to him to become something with themselves.
How do you know what the majority of the black community feels? Do you have any empircal data to back this claim, or do you feel it holds more weight when your cheerleaders come and tell you your words were the gospel?


Apr 25, 2002
JLMACN said:

how about experienced?

I am raising a child...how many of you from this board are?
If so.....what do you tell your child..

here are the 3 rules I raise my child on.

1- Family

What do I need to take classes for? To learn what I have already experienced?

what cracks me up is I can relate to what Bill is saying because he is a father and has worked hard to be where he is at...
No Im not black.

And these people in here (atleast most) try and speak from a "well Ive taken college courses about the world and some related courses" point of view..

its a shame.
Watch this everyone.

1. What nationality are you?

2. In case of emergency who can you go to?
Feb 7, 2006
JLMACN said:

how about experienced?

I am raising a child...how many of you from this board are?
If so.....what do you tell your child..

here are the 3 rules I raise my child on.

1- Family

What do I need to take classes for? To learn what I have already experienced?

what cracks me up is I can relate to what Bill is saying because he is a father and has worked hard to be where he is at...
No Im not black.

And these people in here (atleast most) try and speak from a "well Ive taken college courses about the world and some related courses" point of view..

its a shame.
No, actually they speak from I am black, was born black, was raised as black, and experience black life everday perspective, but you sit here and tell us blacks what's what about black people. I don't give my opinons on the many troubles of Mexican people, and how I believe they can be fixed so why do you feel you are entitled to do so concerning blacks just because some old, black uncle tom decides to finally "step up" for black people?