The MEXIES '09

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Feb 9, 2003
Before I forget...

Propper of the year

My main man Fillyacup!

At first I felt I was special. Or that dude really liked my jokes. Then I felt dumb when I realized he props EVERYONE. But it's cool cause it shows that he shows love to the Siccness.
Mar 21, 2007
Fat Bastard award for 2009 goes to...


He's embraced his fat-culinity and opened up the door for those fatties that were in the closet. Chances are he will probably die due to heart complications within a decades time. But before his untimely death let us celebrate him being a fat Mexican and although he claims to have been in a ferrari it's more like his leg inside of one. Fat people don't fit in Italian Sportscars!

**fist pump** "yes! I did it!**


28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
I'm very humbled by this occasion...I've been on the SICC for a couple of years now but never thought I would win this prestigious award especially going against some of the great personalities on here. But you know what kids, perseverance, wit, and a healthy dose of chauvinism will get you far in this world...hell you might even get your own Mexie in the future.

I wanna thank Mexcom, HAD, Triple OG SOOTY MAC the Hogish Hampster -for showing me how to keep....

Apr 15, 2007
Before I forget...

Propper of the year

My main man Fillyacup!

At first I felt I was special. Or that dude really liked my jokes. Then I felt dumb when I realized he props EVERYONE. But it's cool cause it shows that he shows love to the Siccness.
Lol, I thought the same, but then I noticed there are some posts he won't prop. So it's gotta be a pretty stupid post for him not to prop.

Congrats, fillyacup!
Jun 9, 2007
^ and the award for best simultaneously disgusting and disturbing signature on the siccness goes to... Mari go DumB! dont EVER change it!


and FUCK MEXCOM for not leaving these awards to the PEOPLE to decide!

I demand a playoff system! or at least an NIT tournament so I have a shot at an award, bitch! FUCK YOU and your burrito awards
Apr 23, 2006

then set it up and make the threads bitch

no one wants to do all that work for some lame* ass award

mexcoms extra bored and lonely ass already did more than most would

*didnt get an award
Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
I don't see it that way. jakenumbers is the homie. but he seems more american than some of the people on here. he passes for a "bay area-a-lite," mike manson on the other hand lets us know in EVERY FUCKING POST just how Chinese he is. And he isn't even chinese. I think dude's a german or an american that went to china or something like that. he's a foreigner if i ever saw one.
disappointing but i'll accept it. theres always next year for me
Feb 9, 2003

prodigy is a 90's baby ass faggot. got all butt hurt and started to suit up by caping up and trying to save his bitch.

and then dude doubts the authenticity of my Mexicaness? LOL!

Pinche cerdo. Si soy Mexicano autentico. En el pito tengo ensellado las palabras "de aqui salen los ninos bastardos." Preguntale a tu mami, te dira que yo huviera sido tu papa pero el pinche perro me gano a brincar la barda.

And for those that weren't down with the MEXIE's and complaining about it being rigged:

1. I stated it was MY opinion. Especially considering none of you fags even gave out nominations for people to award.

2. Seemingly enough, the "people" were very pro-MEXIE. I got close to a THOUSAND props since this thread was created. This thread is the stuff that classic threads are made of and next year, it'll be bigger, the MEXIE award more coveted, and I'll even get Macy Gray and Kanye West to perform for you 90 baby ass haters.


Rest In Free SoCo
Sep 27, 2004
Before I forget...

Propper of the year

My main man Fillyacup!

At first I felt I was special. Or that dude really liked my jokes. Then I felt dumb when I realized he props EVERYONE. But it's cool cause it shows that he shows love to the Siccness.

i would like to thank HAD through all things on sicc are possible. see, there is a complex standard that i comply with to prop somebody. some may think my practices are either elementry or to heterogeneous (no fag) but in order for my process to be accutate i myst accumulate a mass variety of alacohol and consume said mass quantity. those that dont get propped, be humble. your post just dont got it. but check the propscans, you have been propped by me before. i mean i got a whole thread for me, i'm honored for that alone. and when i got tied up with the boring real world, questions were asked. people were worried. prayers to HAD were sign seal delivered. thanks to all and have a blessed new years

thanks mexcom for the last minute mexie, i hold it in pride


Mar 20, 2008
me la pelas y chingas a tu reputa madre guey, devo de llorar cada vez que me llamen un bebe de los noventas o que? hahah que diga jajaja. como dije pinche pedazo de mierda, para de usar la traductora y admite que ni eres Mexicano y nunca lo seras pinche gringo.


Rest In Free SoCo
Sep 27, 2004
Machine Translation ----------------
You peel it me and short to your deems mother guey, devo to cry each time that call me a drinks of the noventas or that? hahah that say jajaja. as I said darn piece of crap, for to use the translator and admits that neither are Mexican and never the foreign darn baskets.

----------- Original Text ----------------
me la pelas y chingas a tu reputa madre guey, devo de llorar cada vez que me llamen un bebe de los noventas o que? hahah que diga jajaja. como dije pinche pedazo de mierda, para de usar la traductora y admite que ni eres Mexicano y nunca lo seras pinche gringo.

Spanish to English translationShow romanization
peel me and fuck your mother said to guey, devo of mourn every time I call a baby of the nineties or something? jajaja hahah read. as I fucking piece of shit, stop using the translator and admits that you are neither and never will be Mexicano pinche gringo.


Mar 20, 2008
Machine Translation ----------------
You peel it me and short to your deems mother guey, devo to cry each time that call me a drinks of the noventas or that? hahah that say jajaja. as I said darn piece of crap, for to use the translator and admits that neither are Mexican and never the foreign darn baskets.

----------- Original Text ----------------
me la pelas y chingas a tu reputa madre guey, devo de llorar cada vez que me llamen un bebe de los noventas o que? hahah que diga jajaja. como dije pinche pedazo de mierda, para de usar la traductora y admite que ni eres Mexicano y nunca lo seras pinche gringo.

Spanish to English translationShow romanization
peel me and fuck your mother said to guey, devo of mourn every time I call a baby of the nineties or something? jajaja hahah read. as I fucking piece of shit, stop using the translator and admits that you are neither and never will be Mexicano pinche gringo.
haha the fuck? not even close, i lol'd tho'