RIP Michael Jackson

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Jan 11, 2006
Mike was such an influence to young old whatever white black, just people in general.
Regardless if he's done what people suspect him of everybody knows he had a hard childhood what if your dad abused you maybe even sexually?

God loves all. God forgives all.


Sicc OG
Dec 15, 2007
"In 1994 Jackson paid to set up a trust for Jordy Chandler (now 29) in the amount of $15,332,250. Chandler, son of Beverly Hills dentist and screenwriter Evan Chandler, alleged he had been molested by the singer."

not guilty huh?
Now maybe for the remorse of his death Chandler decides to tell us the truth. ” I never meant to lie and destroy Michael Jackson but my father made me to tell only lies. Now i can’t tell Michael how much i’m sorry and if he will forgive me ”.Evan Chandler was tape-recorded saying amongst other things, “If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever…

Under the influence of a controversial father (Jordan Chandler) told his son to tell that Jackson had touched his penis.Jordan Chandler then told a psychiatrist and later police that he and Jackson had engaged in acts of kissing, masturbation and oral sex, as well as giving a detailed description of what he alleged were the singer’s genitals.
” Now for the first time i can’t bare to lie anymore. Michael Jackson didn’t do anything to me, all was my father lies to escape from being poor.”

More on the guy's dad:

I won't be back to argue. Think whatever you want.
Oct 11, 2008
^^^I read that article and...damn... sounds like dude was just out bank of Jackson^^^

I remember hearing that one of Michael Jackson's close friends from back in the day wrote a book about MJ and said after "Thriller" MJ wasn't able to deal with the huge burst of super stardom, and thats when he started getting strange and seemed to go off the deep end.

Maybe ya'll think im stupid for this, but perhaps, MJ's superstardom made him wacko in the head and he was also trying to latch on to his missed opprotunity at a normal childhood by surrounding himself by children. Perhaps it was nothing sexual, but something more psychological. Maybe the kids dad saw an opprotunity to bank off of Michael Jackson, and took it. And all the other parents who were letting thier children spend the night at MJ's saw their opprotunity too.

Either way, a grown man sharing beds and spending so much time with childeren is a bit odd, creepy, and wrong. Even if what MJ said is true, and his intentions were not sexual, youd think that at some point, he'd think "perhaps these sleepovers with little boys isn't such a great idea" Plus, no parent in their right mind should've ever allowed their child to sleep over with a 40 some year old man in the first place.

Guily or not, he deserved all the shit from the media he got because he brought it upon himself. It's just sad that such an influencial and loved musican's life would be turned upside down and made into a running mockery/joke because of his own fucked up actions.

RIP (the musician) MJ
Nov 10, 2006
his children will need the money
damn i want the rights for the beatles songs...
Paul McCartney taught Michael about outbidding people to buy their music rights, and said something along the lines of it is just business, so there is no need to feel bad about owning someone else's work. Well, what goes around comes around, and Michael Jackson had the financial means to outbid McCartney
to buy his work when he was desperately trying to secure it. Even though
"it was just business" they were never quite the same friends after that.
Oct 11, 2008
Paul McCartney taught Michael about outbidding people to buy their music rights, and said something along the lines of it is just business, so there is no need to feel bad about owning someone else's work. Well, what goes around comes around, and Michael Jackson had the financial means to outbid McCartney
to buy his work when he was desperately trying to secure it. Even though
"it was just business" they were never quite the same friends after that.
I remember seeing McCartney talking bout that in an interview and when he said Jackson told him "It was just business" or w/e, he mimicked MJ's high pitched voice. lol
Nov 14, 2002
How bad could it have been? Worse than molesting little boys or dangling babies that have no relation to you whatsoever? Yeah I'm sure his comment was horrible.

If I remember correctly, there was more than one instance where he was accused of molesting children. Why in the fucking world would he host "sleep-overs" and "share his bed" with young boys if he wasn't trying to fuck them. I don't let little kids sleep in my bed, is THAT abnormal? In fact, unless I get the chance to fuck her, girls can stay out of my fucking bed too. Piss off, I need that pillow. How come Micheal Jackson never invited a female to his crib?

Literally... his crib.

Fuck Micheal Jackson.

I must have missed that one. I'll go try and find it. Im pretty sure the man never said he fucked little boys and loved it. Sleeping is a different thing.
Ant... Can your kid come over to my place for a pajama party?

If your son was molested would you settle for money or would you see that the piece of shit was in prision for a long time?
I'd take the cash. If he were innocent then why did he pay up all that cash, instead of going to court and dancing on cars to prove he's not guilty.
Jul 1, 2004
Ant... Can your kid come over to my place for a pajama party?

I'd take the cash. If he were innocent then why did he pay up all that cash, instead of going to court and dancing on cars to prove he's not guilty.
I dont have kids so I guess not.

If I did have kids, no he couldnt. Its just as much as the parents fault for letting the kids go there. And as far as the cash thing...I wouldnt settle for money. I would want to see his ass rot in prision. He paid the money because theres no evidence that he did or didnt do it. Its the kids word against his, so therefore he said fuck it and payed. It looks like the right thing to do because now the kids comin out sayin he was bs'n.
Nov 14, 2002
He paid the money because theres no evidence that he did or didnt do it.
Fortunately for him the burden of proof was on the plaintiffs side... I don't buy it. I also don't exactly buy into this kid either, to be honest. He's getting a lot of press by riding the death of MJ out in the media.
Jul 1, 2004
Fortunately for him the burden of proof was on the plaintiffs side... I don't buy it. I also don't exactly buy into this kid either, to be honest. He's getting a lot of press by riding the death of MJ out in the media.
I dont buy into either of em. Im just helpin the poor dude out cuz everyones on the he raped little boys train.

One thing I DO know is the freak made some pretty good music and did big things for the music industry.
Sep 17, 2008
Kinda, off topic. but i was listening to some Necro, (Street Villians Vol. 2) and its kinda weird how he disses Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett on the same song right after another(Entertainment Tonight) and they both die on the same day.

Just thought that was weird lol
Aug 16, 2003
Kinda, off topic. but i was listening to some Necro, (Street Villians Vol. 2) and its kinda weird how he disses Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett on the same song right after another(Entertainment Tonight) and they both die on the same day.

Just thought that was weird lol