Asian Drivers!

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Nov 1, 2005
but the WORST part of it is, these mother fuckers got Benz and BMW's, straight top notch shit and these mother fuckers dont know how to drive em. I seen some asian lady drivin the new S550 the other day and this bitch was goin 25 in a 40. one of these days imma pull a GTA on one of them and jack there ride.
all that horsepower under the hood and these muthafukers driving below the speed limit...fukin shame.
Dec 9, 2005
Uzzle said:
Fuck Chanks,Ghandis and old people when it comes to driving.


Add to that list dumb ass 'Just Got My Liscense' drivers, who weave through traffic all wreckless and cut me off ! I hope ya'll wrap your shit around a pole !
Jun 23, 2002
Don't get me started on the old people. Its become so bad I think Asians are starting to overtake them in the shitty driving department.

I understand you're old, but get the FUCK outta the faster lanes. They need to take away L's for old people once they turn 70, maybe eaven sooner.

They also have no idea what's going on around them. Motherfuckers will cause 3 accidents, run over 2 people and never know what the fuck happened.

I wonder if I'm gonna drive that shitty when I get old. Nah.....
May 9, 2006
old chinese ladies... that's the wrost

i was behind one of them on the freeway the other day and i was like 'damn, this driver is fuckin drunk at 10am' hella swirvin and breakin outta no where.. almost killed me
Sep 16, 2002
ive been sayin this as long as i can remember.. just the other day some dumb ass broad almost t-boned me in the intersection... i was in awe, like did this dumb ass bitch just hella run the light and look at me like im an idiot? i had no response to it, i was amazed! didnt even have a chance to flip her off at least and yell at her out the window.. needless to say she was asian
Jan 6, 2003
Nah, don't hate cus people got BMW's and all that. You could too if you got a steady job and good credit. Anyone can get it! you just make payments! Plus asians usually stay with the family and EVERYONE helps out!!! So if you complainin and hatin, maybe you should start gettin to where you want so you can be the person people complain and hate about?

Asians are good drivers! especially them rice rocket drivers, but they just drive crazy. I realized that black folks be driving stupid, and I don't mean that in a hyphy sense. Acting like they aint drove before. smashing like crazy, no signal, jumping up and down with the music blasting and not paying attention to the road cus they trying to holla at some peoples or gettin mad at folks that are careful driving. Who's the bad driver? slow drivers get pulled up just like fast drivers. it's the people that fuckin act dumb when they drive...not just one race, but i'm just pickin on the majority that i see. fuckas act like they never got a car. because that shit is all old and beat up with some fake azz spinners on it which they paid a stupid grip for when they can save up a lil more to get a damn paint job and fix ya damn car problems instead of "trying" to make it look better. going dumb is what u really doing. stupid shit!

Yeah, i'm kinda mad.
Dec 14, 2006
black people are bad drivers, they always running stop signs, turning without signaling, they stop in the middle of the road to tal kto people and wouldnt move when they know the street is a small ass street, they slow down in a busy ass street to holla at shawty's, causing traffic and such, they dont do complete stop, they tailgate you on the freeway. and when they get hella hyphy, they swerve behind you to get in front of you, and they would sometimes go in the opposite lane to get past you, they endanger other drivers on the road that are actually diving safe like they suppose to..
Sep 16, 2002
lol i still go with asians are the worst drivers, but nothing worse than an old asian lady on a cell phone! there i said it! and i have asked my asian friends many of times... "why the fuck are u guys so terrible at driving?" just admit most of y'all can't drive worth a damn
Jan 1, 2006
It's mostly asian drivers that have immigrated over here. 1st Generation type drivers are the worst, but their kids show em up.

5ive1en said:
You ever seen that $20million dollar house up in the Mission Hills?? I heard some Indian brain surgeon owns it. Shit is huuuuuuuuge. It has its own viniards. Its in the hills.. but in the cuts.
That house on the mission hills in fremont is MC HAMMERS old house before he went bankrupt
First, $12 million of this total was used to have his home built in Fremont, California
May 7, 2002
The worst is when they tag-team both driving lanes. You got a slow fucking driver in each lane, and no matter how hard you try cut one of them off, you can't because they are driving directly parallel to one another. Aghhh!!