A Moderator's Job

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Jul 27, 2007
If debbie sat on you.

Not only would you be hidden..

You'd also be crushed.

/end thread.

thank you thank you thank you....

I'll be here all week, tip your waitresses.

I'm just playin Debbie.

You know you love you some Shea Butta, suga.
Sure do, Santa baby.
Jul 27, 2007
last time we had coffee, I didnt keep my clothes on for 45 seconds, & you know this.....

I meant to thank you, before the starbucks kicked me out.

Best 5 pumps of my life.

I know, I thought you'd at least be a TWO-minute man! When you said, "Give me a minute," I didn't realize you meant it!

Edit: Where are the shoes you promised me? OH, you said "PUMPS"
May 9, 2002

Now, a woman that can hold her own in an e-banger site does not constitute a whore. (You find out what a whore is after you started having sex.) You just don't have enough command of the English vocabulary to properly insult me, so you resort to common, small, and typical insults.
LOL...whatever helps you sleep at night, honey.


After you turn 18, you might wake up with a few more, bigger words in your vocabulary (auto-neuro-genic osmosis at 18,) then if you brain isn't too full or your head grows, (which in your case, I've no doubt that your head will indeed grow) you might even learn more on your own, so that you won't being a limiting influence upon yourself.
And right on cue, she goes into "bragging" mode to try and show us that she is worth a damn and that we should somehow envy her glorious life.

The funny thing is, I would place a bet that I AM knows as much or even more than you do, and is much more socially concious as well. Unlike you, her is fresh out of college. You, on the other hand, have mere dust in your cranium and THINK you are "smart" becuase you Google "big" words. Of course, you ALSO thought that Asia was not only a country, but a country in Europe no less.

Im glad you got unbanned...its fun to absoutely and undoubtedly OWN you time and time again.
Jul 27, 2007
what drugs do you do?

first youre on some "i have to fit in and be dumb because siccness is about conformity" shit

then 40 seconds later, your "words are clear"????

would you fucking pick a mental state and STICK WITH IT?
You know I hold you to higher standards. But I didn't say I had to "fit in and be dumb," I said that the Siccness is about conformity.