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Feb 8, 2003
Ur trippin... Id MUCH rather see a Punk/Rock fued over the Rock n Cena. Rock vs Punk on the mic would be awesome. They would cut WAY better promos than Cena could.
you not looking at the main reason wwe is even doing this feud. They going for the draw. cena vs the rock will draw the most money and publicity way more then a cm punk vs the rock wm match would. WWE doing it for the mainstream appeal & records not for the cm punk marks. Theres still alot people that dont watch wrestling who dont know who cm punk is but the whole world knows who the rock & John Cena are.. wwe doing the best thing.
Feb 8, 2003
That goes without saying.

Still, Punk could easily put on a better match with Rock.
We dont know that for a fact remember its all about the chemistry. anyways who says punk and rock will never wrestle each other? it just wont be at this years mania. give it a chance let the storylines they doing now unfold first. they have four more months to build this up and so far they doing pretty good, better then what i expected its making me a full wrestling fan again. Far as we know it could be the rock vs cens vs punk at a extreme rules or something who knows.

I think they still got something bIG planned for punk at next years wrestlemania. He just needs another year to build up there and a royal rumble win or king of the ring(if they really gonna bring this back) win will set him off.

Imma make a early royal rumble prediction and say i think its gonna be punk that wins it if he hasnt won the wwe tittle from alberto by then.
May 24, 2002
Austin doesnt want to work if he cant hang with the young guys. His knees and neck are still pretty bad.

I know chemistry helps but we dont know what the chemistry between rock and cena will be like since they havnt worked eachother before. Punk being an all around better performer and having more in ring knowledge than cena has me lean more towards punk being able to put on a better match.

Will punk and rock happen one day? maybe. bigger question is how long is rock going to stick around for?
Feb 17, 2009
Watching it now.. So good to hear that Dolph is getting a title shot.. He's my favorite on the roster so his big push is coming soon.

Also hear me out, but I kind of feel like the fans like chanting "We want Ryder" even if they really don't... Does that make sense? I mean he came out with his music and no one even cheered, but they like his catch phrases. Maybe I'm wrong, but it was just something I was noticing.
Feb 17, 2009
Dolph and Punk put on one hell of a match. Barrett bores me to death. Wonder when Brodus Clay will come back.

Also, it's just a matter of time before Cody Rhodes' finisher actually breaks someone's neck. That's a finisher that could easily go wrong.
I definitely sense a match between him and Booker T.

I wonder how much longer they're going to promote this Kane comeback.

Personally, Nash was my favorite wrestler along with Stone Cold, so I hope he can have one more big match with Triple H. Wrestlemania would be nice but I doubt they'll stretch this feud that long.

And sooner or later whoever John Laurinaitis is texting will come to a head.

Something has to give with Cena and his character...

This was actually a pretty good RAW.

Last thing, can someone fill me in as to why Jim Ross gets fired then comes back, made fun of, then fired (repeat)?
Jun 9, 2007
I can totally buy Shane for that video... think about it... a kid talking about what's rightfully his.

I could also see it being for Jericho.

Hope it's not another lame Undertaker promo... especially with how slick the placement was on Raw.
Feb 8, 2003
i fell sleep off and on. I saw punks interview,most his match with dolph, kanes promo and the miz turn on r truth. so i guess truth gonna be a babyface again replacing morrison incase he ddont resign the end of this month.

imo they should put the belt on dolph zigger he a star waiting to shine and he reminds me of curt henning mixed with billy gun.
May 24, 2002
Ziggler is good but he's not ready to be champ yet.

And I'm telling y'all....its for taker. video was too "dark" for it to be anyone else. That and I heard they wanted to start pimping his return asap