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May 9, 2002
no you got me wrong.............

i agree that universal healthcare is "good" "only" in the fact that everybody can get one in there right mind can say thats bad...........

im not arguing that, im arguing facts about the outcome of it and what will happen.every body else (like you said im doing) is making there facts fit there argument..........

if the universal healthcare fairy can make it all happen with out any negative impact (which there is too many negative impacts) then fine im all for it..........

but you cant target what i say with out targeting everybody else with what they say.there just saying how it is right now and how much we pay and blah blah blah,great ,i know that...........there not looking at both sides.............

heres my cons about american healthcare right now:

we dont all have healthcare...........

pharmaceutical companies are fucking us...........

we pay alot into healthcare.........

heres my pros about universal healthcare:

everybody will have healthcare..............

heres my cons about universal healthcare:

THERES WAY TOO MANY.............

so as you can see, i give universal healthcare props, but unfortunatly we're not in Care Bear Land or Smurf Village.........

as far as the wikipidea, theres also an article saying how some Canadians travel to the U.S. for healthcare cus of limitations............c'mon now,dude is comparing us to France, most French still by addtional insurance due to limitations the government said Canadas HCS is not perfect but people still like theres over ours.i believe that, but theres alot of things that they like about the i said, you cant compare an Alabama accountant to a Wall Street accountant............theres too many other things to take into consideration...........

i see both sides,but no body else see's the downside.............
Right on. This is what i was looking for in a response.

I think the bottom line is that implementing something like UHC right now, would very, very difficult. Finding a way to satisfy 75% of the people in the US would be nearly impossible.

Not to mention, we have a nurse shortage right now, have for nearly a decade. We are currently 350,000 nurses lower than we should...the reason being that no one wants to teach the classes, becuase the pay is much lower than actual nursing; India is trying to fill our void, but the shortage still exists. If a UHC were to in affect, i can only imagine the doctor shortage, even though places like India can supply them at a much faster rate than that of the US alone.


i see what your sayin but i think its fucked up that i have to work all day so i can pay tax that helps you get food stamps that you go around and sell to by some shweed.that aint fair to just using you as a general term so dont get offended............but because you wanna be lazy and get blitzed all day and too lazy to hold a job, i have to sacrifice some of my money i earned to help you out,thats bull shit..............

people need to under stand, when the "gov" pays you, you aint fuckin them back cus they fucked you,the gov aint givin you a dime, me and every other citizen that works is givin you dimes..........

the way i see it is if you aint got a job then thats your problem.go flip burgers or go to a warehouse,theres no excuse to not have a job.............

if your kids are starving and dont got insurance, thats your problem, i didnt inpregnate your b.m..........

im make too much that i cant get any kind of g.a., but i make so little that i barely have a roof over my head and my fridge is damn near bare.........but i gotta help support the lazy is that cool?
i only did this for a short time btw....after i held the same job for almost 9 years and got fucked over out of the blue. looking back on it, i don't feel too good about it, but after seeing so many people use the system to their advantage (i was a cashier, so i saw WIC and EBT being used by parents with wrists, necks, and ears full of diamonds...with keys to a new benz hanging from their Coach key fob), i decided if i couldn't beat them i'd join'em. it's not like i'm some deadbeat and i bet you CHILDREN account for a large portion of the exploited revenue when it comes to health care....fortunately i haven't brought any kids into my (previously) fucked-up situatation