**ROSE ALBUM REVIEW** volume 1 "KHEVLAR (Suburban Nightmare)"

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Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
There's some shit goin down.....I can't disclose the info yet though.

By the way Khevlar, BD didn't appreciate you're sideways comments considering he doesn't know you and has never talked about you.

Ya punk ass faggot.
Oct 28, 2005
Now that i take a listen to the MySpace.....I don't like this stuff either. WhodabestitsK, Music For the Poor People, 4 Time, on the other hand = good music.

Khevlar....if you pop your head in this thread.....upload some of the older music. Trust me, coming from someone without so much as a butterknife to grind--let alone an axe--you need more range on your page. You have it.....so show it.
Mar 31, 2006
Shit I haven't posted in here in awhile, but here goes:

I am the only NW rapper up here, that will leave bootleg, rough studio quality, first takes up on his page. You know why? People request them. I'm not embarassed. I can stand right here, right now in front of God and say, there ain't a cat fuckin wit me musically, in hip hop, in the NW, in this space I am in for In the Eye of the Storm and Heretekh.

A big camp posts under my name, sorry if it offends some of you fuckasses.

As for I AM, a fuckin pedestrian, I don't know what diss you are talking about. You said something about BD? I don't know that guy. My comment was towards the commentors above me, but whatever man, set it. I don't like Instigators.

To the NW rap fans on here, demand more from your local artists. I am not dissing everyone over theses two albums, just some cats that need there chins adjusted. I am a good dude, come out to a show and kick it, let me change your mind, we peaceful.

This I AM kid said he was going to do something to me in a couple weeks I see, I haven't been on this forum for a very long time, too long mind you.


but dude was right, alotta guys get dissed................(sorry!)....

This is suppose to be about NW Hip-Hop. I come from Monroe, small and poor. Rural people have the same problems as inner city, crime, drugs, alcholism, shootings, etc., and sometimes to the negative, check your city-data.com or whatever. This is what I stand for.

Look here siccnes.NET. If I wasn't a real dude, would I post up in here and argue wit ayyree Tom, Dick and Harry? No, we are real dudes over here man!! We are peaceful, and are only about music, and I think we are bringing some long awaited for excitement to northwest hip hop. Look, when I started out, and you can ask D-Sane (He don't like me, but I am a fan) I was asking for beats. I never said I was from Seattle, althought 2 OF YOUR MOST POPULAR ACTS RIGHT NOW, SELLING RECORDS, ARE FROM THE HOLLOW, HAVE I CALLED THEM OUT? BEING THE PIONEER? Nah.......I haven't. I've waited my time to do my own thing, now alotta cats want to jump in this niche. You think your local artists won't F WIT KHEV. I charge 2K a verse for a playa price, if you want to tap into Suburban kids that sell CD-R's on the street like this is 2000 NY, you fuck wit Khev, they pay for the people, I know alot of these guys don't like me.

RIGHT NOW, IN NW HIP HOP, I HAVE THE BIGGEST AUDIENCE, BY A HUGE, EVEN WITH HANDICAP, LANDSLIDE....What metropolitan emcee has kids selling burned CD's of them on corners? I DO, everywhere!! But you kids on here say F the country, it is almost like F poor white people. I always come in here brutally honest, and you faggots want to kick me in the teeth for it. So here it goes, WERE SHOOOTING EXPENSIVE VIDEOS, 2 EXPENSIVE 2 CD DIGIPAK ALBUMS, and a MAJOR TOUR


you guys never look at what I have accomplished, you only want to argue and I am tired. If this "thing" finally wears me out, and I am sick and fucking tired of the doctor's office, then who do you have? Who is not from 1994? What label would really lay down some bucks for a cliche of a cliche of a cliche OF a CLICHE clone...nobody, it ain't music. This next 24 months is my "SHIT ON EVERYONE THAT HATED ON ME TO PUT ME IN THIS POSITION, and help the few that have been cool with me or ECE."

No more posts, FROM NOW ON DUCK.
Mar 31, 2006
<<Barricade: I AM, I just found out who you are! What's fucked up is that; if you do not post in here anymore, it is a big blow to siccness.net!

what goes around comes around.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
This fool said he charges $2000 for a verse.

Shut the fuck up man lol.

I'm going to go ahead and quote your dumbass seeing you have a tendency to delete your posts/threads when you come off your meth binge or whatever the fuck is wrong with you.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Shit I haven't posted in here in awhile, but here goes:

I am the only NW rapper up here, that will leave bootleg, rough studio quality, first takes up on his page. You know why? People request them. I'm not embarassed. I can stand right here, right now in front of God and say, there ain't a cat fuckin wit me musically, in hip hop, in the NW, in this space I am in for In the Eye of the Storm and Heretekh.

A big camp posts under my name, sorry if it offends some of you fuckasses.

As for I AM, a fuckin pedestrian, I don't know what diss you are talking about. You said something about BD? I don't know that guy. My comment was towards the commentors above me, but whatever man, set it. I don't like Instigators.

To the NW rap fans on here, demand more from your local artists. I am not dissing everyone over theses two albums, just some cats that need there chins adjusted. I am a good dude, come out to a show and kick it, let me change your mind, we peaceful.

This I AM kid said he was going to do something to me in a couple weeks I see, I haven't been on this forum for a very long time, too long mind you.


but dude was right, alotta guys get dissed................(sorry!)....

This is suppose to be about NW Hip-Hop. I come from Monroe, small and poor. Rural people have the same problems as inner city, crime, drugs, alcholism, shootings, etc., and sometimes to the negative, check your city-data.com or whatever. This is what I stand for.

Look here siccnes.NET. If I wasn't a real dude, would I post up in here and argue wit ayyree Tom, Dick and Harry? No, we are real dudes over here man!! We are peaceful, and are only about music, and I think we are bringing some long awaited for excitement to northwest hip hop. Look, when I started out, and you can ask D-Sane (He don't like me, but I am a fan) I was asking for beats. I never said I was from Seattle, althought 2 OF YOUR MOST POPULAR ACTS RIGHT NOW, SELLING RECORDS, ARE FROM THE HOLLOW, HAVE I CALLED THEM OUT? BEING THE PIONEER? Nah.......I haven't. I've waited my time to do my own thing, now alotta cats want to jump in this niche. You think your local artists won't F WIT KHEV. I charge 2K a verse for a playa price, if you want to tap into Suburban kids that sell CD-R's on the street like this is 2000 NY, you fuck wit Khev, they pay for the people, I know alot of these guys don't like me.

RIGHT NOW, IN NW HIP HOP, I HAVE THE BIGGEST AUDIENCE, BY A HUGE, EVEN WITH HANDICAP, LANDSLIDE....What metropolitan emcee has kids selling burned CD's of them on corners? I DO, everywhere!! But you kids on here say F the country, it is almost like F poor white people. I always come in here brutally honest, and you faggots want to kick me in the teeth for it. So here it goes, WERE SHOOOTING EXPENSIVE VIDEOS, 2 EXPENSIVE 2 CD DIGIPAK ALBUMS, and a MAJOR TOUR


you guys never look at what I have accomplished, you only want to argue and I am tired. If this "thing" finally wears me out, and I am sick and fucking tired of the doctor's office, then who do you have? Who is not from 1994? What label would really lay down some bucks for a cliche of a cliche of a cliche OF a CLICHE clone...nobody, it ain't music. This next 24 months is my "SHIT ON EVERYONE THAT HATED ON ME TO PUT ME IN THIS POSITION, and help the few that have been cool with me or ECE."

No more posts, FROM NOW ON DUCK.
<<Barricade: I AM, I just found out who you are! What's fucked up is that; if you do not post in here anymore, it is a big blow to siccness.net!

what goes around comes around.
Mar 31, 2006
How about let's keep this post alive another year, and if I haven't sold a million records I will admit I am the biggest piece of shit that NW Rap has ever seen. And if I do.....I cannot post this. The internet does not hide anybody, cheap money finds everybody and everyone. You think I have been selling this many records over a decade (younger then you old fucks) because I am a punk and nobody has tried to test me? Make that mistake, I am fucking praying for it.

If you listen to.............I mean, even if some of you guys listen to my old first records, I think you can tell I am intelligent. Real Intelligent. Don't you think I might pre-script something to my benefit?

Lyrically, the "Let Em Go" unimixed/unmastered record goes hard. Nobody still fuckin wit that, not by a million foot pole. Alot of you guys I have seen the last couple days do not resemble how you post on this small............local.............hip-hop "positive" forum.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
How about let's keep this post alive another year, and if I haven't sold a million records I will admit I am the biggest piece of shit that NW Rap has ever seen. And if I do.....I cannot post this. The internet does not hide anybody, cheap money finds everybody and everyone. You think I have been selling this many records over a decade (younger then you old fucks) because I am a punk and nobody has tried to test me? Make that mistake, I am fucking praying for it.

If you listen to.............I mean, even if some of you guys listen to my old first records, I think you can tell I am intelligent. Real Intelligent. Don't you think I might pre-script something to my benefit?

Lyrically, the "Let Em Go" unimixed/unmastered record goes hard. Nobody still fuckin wit that, not by a million foot pole. Alot of you guys I have seen the last couple days do not resemble how you post on this small............local.............hip-hop "positive" forum.
^^I said A MILLION. Every wack '94 emcee in Seattle can kick me in the chin and spit in my face if I don't. I have been planning to rub some peoples face in dog shit, PAYBACK IS A BITCH, AND IT IS HARD TO KEEP MY MOFUCKIN MOUTH CLOSED. WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND.

"Let Em Go" (available at soundclick.com/khevlar is dissing NW artists. It's unmixed and the lynch pin third verse was left out intentionally. It's funny. The competition is not close bro. Save your money, hustle hard.

It's funny, when I found out I was sick, I had this great feeling, now can expose everybody!!! No consequences. A free chance to balance the universe, fake versus real, evil versus good.

RIGHT NOW, IN THE ENTIRE WEST COAST, there is not a nicer EMCEE. EVEN OFF MY OLD SHIT, WHAT YOU THINK I GOT NOW?!!!! This is Barricade and Casino choppin it up wit ya, what you think Khev got for you now? In a few days, IT IS A WRAP!!!

Okay, we will do that.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
I didn't mean I was gonna do shit to you Khevlar, I said some shit is coming or may be going down.

WHy you assumin I'm talkin about fuckin you up? Maybe cause you know you deserve it? LOL....

The Siccness would be just fine without me. I don't post on here for weeks at a time at some points.

BTW, when you DON'T sell a million records by the end of 09.....I may just have to bitch slap you. You don't deserve an ass beating so much cause I can't really "hit" a bitch. It's just not nice.

Now move the fuck on you no talent ass clown.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
<<Barricade: I AM, I just found out who you are! What's fucked up is that; if you do not post in here anymore, it is a big blow to siccness.net!

what goes around comes around.

No wonder people think you suck.

As far as you "not knowing BD..." Then why you speakin on his shit or him in a thread? You need to choose your words more carefully if you're gonna be speakin on mutha fuckas regardless of who they are. You don't know shit about shit. You're just some gay ass country bumpkin who doesn't even own khevlar.

The only bullet that you ever took, was when BULLET TOOK YOUR SHIT. You big strong man you, I guess you couldn't do shit about that faggot. You're real hard and shit aren't you?

My fuckin asshole makes better sounds when I shit, then when you get on the mic faggot.

You know who I am? Cooooooool! My name is Ryan and I live in North Seattle. If you wanna come see me just let me know. You rub a lot of people the wrong way man, so I'd watch who's toes you're steppin on. Cause I know several people who wouldn't mind stoppin your ass the fuck out. Me, I wouldn't waste my time on a bitch like you, but some of the people I know wouldn't mind putting you in your place.
May 9, 2002
Wow @ a million records.

Hottest and highest selling artist our of the NW? Sell a million records in a year span? Charging 2K a VERSE?

Homie, you need to really think what you are saying. There are established artist that are NATIONWIDE that are having trboule selling 300,000 albums at the moment...and for some reason you think that some white kid from the suburbs of SEATTLE will magically sell a million records? I mean....really?

I have not heard your music and really dont care to, but i can tell you rigth now just from a music selling standpoint, that you arent even the "hottest" rapper in your own city LIMITS.

Please, check into rehab immediately.