Our old friend ROLOC....his story

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Apr 25, 2002
With the help of Leader, he changed the site back to their original colors of green on black, stripping away the light blue that Roloc had changed it to in an attempt to make the site more appealing to the public. Once again, the change was met with resistance. The artists became silent and withdrew their support, waiting to see what further changes Vamps and Junior would make. At about the same time, Curbie, another member and promoter for Madman Records, began emailing Vamps daily. Curbie was in contact with the Sacramento legend, X-Raided who was still recording albums from prison as he served out his sentence for murder. Vamps and Curbie worked out an arrangement and Madman Records became one of the biggest supporters of the Siccness, saving it from ruin.

The relationship between Curbie and Vamps began to develop and Curbie offered to buy the other half of the Siccness. At first, Vamps was hesitant to say the least. But after careful consideration and the consultation of his girlfriend, he agreed. Curbie wasted no time proving himself to be a valuable addition to the staff, networking with every artist he could, no longer feeling limited to just Sacramento. Vamps and Junior had designed the new site to revolve around the message board that had always been the constant life of the site and launched it on June 9th, 2001. Seven hundred members registered on the new site in two days and the Siccness began returning to its place on top. However, as the site flourished with its new design, animosity began to form amongst Vamps, Curbie and Junior.

Junior had completed the job he had been paid for, but had changed his mind. During the months it took to build the new site, he saw the potential in it and wanted to become a permanent part of the staff. Both Curbie and Vamps were more then happy with the success the site was having and knew a lot of it was credited to Junior, and welcomed him as a part of the staff, offering him a percentage of the site’s profits. Junior was not satisfied. He wanted a greater amount of the profits and threatened to pull the site down that same day if his demands were not met. Vamps and Curbie had no choice, but to agree. Junior was working at a hosting company and was providing a free server for the site, one that neither Vamps nor Curbie could afford on their own.

Soon after, B.A.R.T. began having similar problems. As their popularity grew, so did the cost of maintaining their site and Vamps contacted Mad Skrill about hosting B.A.R.T. temporarily while they got back on their feet. Mad Skrill agreed and Vamps gave B.A.R.T. their own section on the Siccness. The 91Siccness for the first time, encompassed both Sacramento and the Bay, providing one place for the fans, artists and labels. The animosity between the two sites dwindled and their members began to mix.

September 8th of 2001, three days before the attack on the World Trade Center, the Siccness threw a barbeque in Fremont, California. The event was open to all the members, artists and labels as well as the public. At its peak, there were over 200 people in attendance, and more then 20 artists came. Once again, the Siccness had thrown a successful event, with people coming from all over the country to attend. A television crew was there to film the event and get interviews with several of the artists.
Apr 25, 2002
The site was flourishing. 91Siccness.com had the Bay and Sacramento covered, but the desire to have Los Angeles represented was a constant one. Gate Won, who heads the media department on the Siccness had also done work with one of the top L.A. sites, WCKillaz.com and introduced the staff on the Siccness to theirs. Junior and Vamps talked with them and agreed to open up a WCKillaz board on the Siccness to fill the void and give L.A. artists and fans a place of their own. Their stay was short lived. There are conflicting stories about what occurred, but for whatever reason, WCKillaz pulled their board and went their own way.

The Siccness also began having problems with their site and server. Junior provided us with a server free of charge; the only catch being that it was corrupt and needed constant supervision otherwise it would fail and the site would go down. Junior’s job then shifted from updating the site to babysitting the server and our problems deepened. Junior made the decision to pull the site, leaving just the message board active. Once again, the Siccness was nothing more then a series of forums. Later that week, Vamps got a call from Dave Wilson, a promoter from Hafway House Entertainment about advertising an up coming Lynch concert in San Jose. The two immediately connected and Vamps worked out a deal with Dave to sponsor the event.

The concert scheduled for November 1st was a disappointment. There was miscommunication between Hafway House and Siccmade Muzicc, Lynch’s company and Lynch did not perform at the show. Instead, the San Jose police department surrounded the club, blocking off the street, with their guns drawn and entered the concert, reportedly looking for a murder suspect that had been on the run in the area that week. He was not found, but the concert came to end just the same.

The site’s server continued malfunctioning and the Siccness went down several times a week, sometimes for hours at a time. The staff was as frustrated as the members were and decided to take the site down and redesign it completely, adding the features that were present before the portal collapsed. Vamps and Junior spent the next three weeks completely redesigning the site from scratch and decided on December 31st as the launch date. The Siccness had been down over a month.

December 31st came and the site had not been completed. Junior wanted to put up the half-completed site, but Vamps refused and they were forced to settle for just putting the message board back up. Shortly after the board was back up, 714KaliHyrdo, a veteran member of the site made a post in Junior’s forum asking why the site was constantly down and was not fixed promptly. Junior took offense to the comments and complained to Vamps about what was said. Vamps had the opposite reaction that Junior had expected, and told him that he agreed with what had been said.

Junior felt betrayed. He had expected Vamps to defend him, but received the opposite. Junior and Vamps got into an argument that night and Junior quit. Vamps called Curbie to tell him what had happened and Curbie called Junior with Vamps on the phone. Junior was once again threatening to pull the entire site down since it was on his server, knowing that the site was dependent upon it. No progress was being made on the phone, to put it politely, and it was not until Curbie talked with Junior alone, that Junior decided he would not quit his position or discontinue service. He would stay on the condition that he would deal only with Curbie, because Vamps was too difficult to get along with.
Props: siccmadesyko
Apr 25, 2002
Vamps and Junior did not talk for the next several weeks. Vamps got a job working for a marketing company and was forced to work 72 hours a week and his role from the Siccness all but disappeared. Vamps went to Albuquerque, New Mexico on a business trip and called Junior for the first time in over a month to check on the site. Junior informed Vamps that the site was thriving and that Bayside Distribution was now officially represented on the Siccness. Junior had run the site for over a month by himself.

Vamps returned to his home in Los Angeles and quit his job at the marketing company so he could once again focus on the Siccness. Vamps and Curbie talked extensively about the direction of the site and decided a lot needed to be changed. The title 91Siccness.com no longer represented the site. The Siccness encompassed much more then just Sacramento and the decision to change the name to Siccness.net was made. The 91Siccness was now the Siccness Network, uniting all of rap’s underground in one place. But both Curbie and Vamps felt more needed to be changed and after careful consideration, they decided the Siccness would progress faster without Junior. Vamps immediately contacted B!tCH PLeAsE!, the web designer for pbmdesign.com and began working on the new layout of Siccness.net, unknown to Junior.

Five days prior to the launch of Siccness.net, Vamps and Curbie informed Junior of their decision and asked for the login information to the Vbulletin message board and the server which it was on. Junior gave up the information to the Vbulletin which Curbie owned, but said to give up the data contained on his server would be to waste a year of his life, meaning everything we had accumulated was gone. We would have to start from scratch.

2003 came and things changed, the partners who once contributed to the site really didnt help out anymore and things got so bad with the sites server bills and expenses that Vamps started thinking of selling the site. In early 2003 the server crashed again and the site came very close to losing it's 10+ members.

That was the final straw for Vamps he didn't want to deal with the stress of taking care of such a big site and possibly having to start over again with the board, so he sold the site to a close friend and distributor named Nemo. After about a week of the site being down, the data was recoverd and the site was back in business with a new owner.

Today is the new beginning of the Siccness. The same determination and revolutionary ideas are present and for the first time, we have the tools we need to make them a reality. Welcome to Siccness.net..
Props: siccmadesyko


Apr 22, 2002
Although a couple things are missing, thats good history. I hope the best for them. It takes a lot to keep a site like this running. Much respect to Nemo, Gabe and the rest for keeping this shit up.

og MS

Member since 1997
Apr 25, 2002
Soon after, B.A.R.T. began having similar problems. As their popularity grew, so did the cost of maintaining their site and Vamps contacted Mad Skrill about hosting B.A.R.T. temporarily while they got back on their feet. Mad Skrill agreed and Vamps gave B.A.R.T. their own section on the Siccness

wow those were the days
May 13, 2002
Damn!!! I never thought I'd see Roloc again. I've got love for you homie! I've learned a lot from the siccness and made some valuable friends. I'll never forget the Chico concert or the filming of D.E.'s video. Well there were a few parts I don't remember, but I was just caught up in the Mickey's and the moment.

Stay up!
May 17, 2002
ROLOC! ROLOC! ROLOC! No offense vamps nemo curbie al those involved in the siccness after ROLOC. But this place aint the same community it was. Dont get me wrong i peep this site often.. but post rarely. I made a few friends from them old school days. Who here is truly old schoo enuff 2 remember when it was a free hypermart page with one them old school mesage boards. When anyone could post as if they was anyone. ahhhh the good ol' days
Jan 2, 2003
xraidedloc831 said:
I came in around 2000 but roloc was a stand up dude. I aint gonna lie though, from the outside looking in you would assume he ran off with the money. Now thats me almost 7 years ago. Being smarter and wiser and more mature and having had the website experiance now, its easy to see this was not the case. Good shit roloc. anyone still got that chico freestyle he did with X-Raided that went something like I PUNCH MY GAS TO THE FLOOR AND ITS QUICK SHIT....I GOT MY GAS TO THE MASK CAUSE ITS SICK SHIT.
the chico freestyle and x-raided freestyle were 2 different things...

i know exactly what ur talking about tho...

ive been around since 2000 myself...
Jan 2, 2003
its crazy to think that i got over 7 years of fucking memorys from this site..


its funny to see some of the old school names like "mrshawnb"..."chief-n-hay".."nowetag"..

man, i was like 15 when i first started posting...on fuckin dial-up..

im 22 now...


Sep 29, 2002
GOOD LORD. now THAT brought back memories. i mean....a LOT has changed, feel me? damn. here goes a shout-out to roloc, for starting it all. & here's to the future....nuff said.

...that chico concert remains 1 of my favorite performances. daaaaaaamn...


Sicc OG
May 4, 2005
ive been around since those days .... first time i ever heard x-raided was on the site, the audio section kicked ass back then

anyone have the old siccmade freestyles?

RezzAgain said:
whats funny is all the people who respond to this topic that joined in 02 but only have like 300 posts

shows that bart was the death of the siccness.

sorry keith

also... a lot of the folks from back then grew up
May 17, 2002
I gotta give it up to Roloc. he made a ton of people a ton of money and opportunity just for making the site. I've benefitted on both ends. I know a few others from 91siccness circa 98-2001 that have as well.

I could drop hella names. but yall prolly already know who
May 11, 2002
Its crazy watching the evolution of this site. I was 19 back in the day posting on this site living at my moms house and with nothing better to do but download music of Napster and read posts on thasiccness, now that im 26 im reading all the "history", shit brings back a lot of memories, I agree with everyone else, the siccness has changed, A LOT.

haha seven fucking years later I finally find out that Roloc is Color backwards...

For the record I never thought that Roloc was making money off thasiccness, he posted many times saying he wasnt. I will say this though, I wanted him to be apart of the site when it blew up so he could be rich, regardless, I knew Roloc had his shit together and would make a come up somehow. So much love to Roloc and the rest of the O.G.'s of the Siccness.