kanas city rap awards...

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Jun 12, 2005
i like the idea behind this...

Artist of year - Tech ( making a big comback)
Producer - Matt
Song of the year - Bird In My Bottle 3rd Degree
Mixtape of the year - Zuri Records Presents Jackin' 4 Beats
Nov 13, 2004
shep said:
grewsum isn't from kc

JLMACN is one of the realest people on this board. He may have a lot of posts, but dude has been around for a long while and gets respect because he tells it like it is from 99% of the people here. 9,000+ posts of quality real shit is better than 500+ posts riding the same dude's dick. It's cool that you support Court, good for you, good for him, but have you ever made a post that wasn't about court? that's a lot of fucking posts about one dude.
Thats an inaccurate statement that I have posted over 500 post talkin bout the same person. I have posted MAYBE 10-20 updates on dude in two plus years"which is what this forum is really about" and have used the other 300 plus fending off haters like JLMACN. The thing that kills me is everybody including you has one specific person they always gon plug!! But at the same time yall get mad and irritated when I try to plug someone doin positive shit. I never heard of 3rd Degree, Pittsburg Philthy, Grewsom,etc or none of these other new cats and have never said anything negative about them when yall plugin them!! NEVER!! Only people I've ever had anything negetive to say about was Fat Tone and Yukmouf! I opened up the new Murder Dog and the only KC artist I see in there is Court. I see him on the cover of Streetmasters Magazine, I see him on the cover of DownLOW Magazine, I see him on TV, I see he got a movie!! He was on Siccness and yall aint have too much to say, good anyway. Yall are more excited about these young cats who havent proved themselves and a nigga who is really SUCCESSFUL and still reps the town to the FULLEST, but yall act like he beneath these unknowns. All I'm sayin is name somebody from the town doin more right now??? But I wish everybody success. But Shep u shouldnt put yourself in other peoples business either. You finna be a bystander that get caught in the crossfire cuz you should be minding your business and ducking rather than tryin to see who doin the shootin. But my point is, yall should be behind this man just like you behind the up and comings. They all from the town! Support them all.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
haha. who's the net gangsta now? mafiaqueen, you're a joke. do a search on court dog and narrow it to just this forum. there are about 10 topics about the dude started just by you. that doesn't even include all the other times you mention his name in completely irrelevant topics. I mean seriously, how can anyone take you serious when you have topics like "Court Dog is the sexiest muthaf---a in this rap game!!"?
Nov 13, 2004
shep said:
haha. who's the net gangsta now? mafiaqueen, you're a joke. do a search on court dog and narrow it to just this forum. there are about 10 topics about the dude started just by you. that doesn't even include all the other times you mention his name in completely irrelevant topics. I mean seriously, how can anyone take you serious when you have topics like "Court Dog is the sexiest muthaf---a in this rap game!!"?
Ok that was a joke dog...LOL I didnt realize I was the only female on here..LOL And dont take me serious...Take court serious. What rapper from KC has done what he's done?? At the sametime..What rapper has done what Tech has done? Or rich? Just show respect for one of your own thats makin big moves. Expand your thinkin past the block and the latest mixtape.
Aug 26, 2002
Ha HA!!! Gotcha...U just had your ass handed to u by a dumb bitch..
My ass handed to me? Id hand your ass to you but Court is still makin it bounce...

You come on here actin like we are down talking Court "your homie"...when in all reality aint no one sayin bad shit about him. We dont need Thread after thread with "updates" about Court....when in reality. Court is SEMI-finished.
you hate the fact that everyone knows you dick ride court to the fullest but atleast you aint denyying it. Calm the fuck down you dumb ass bitch...aint no one your son around here. Just cause Court done fucked you and your cousin (from your own mouth)......dont mean he is the bomb to anyone else in KC. Ima real asss dude that can have 9000+ posts on a internet site and still slap the shit outta you with my right hand....you think everyone on the internet is a "nerd" ...get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. I dont met several people from this site and they all know whats up with me. So you aint DESTROYED nothing..bitch. you just putting gas on a fire.......

I swear you a groupie ass bitch.


Completely Destroyed

Cesolito....nigga you aint shit...and I dont already said and proved that one to many times. You and Mafiaqueef are a match made in FICTION heaven..

Nov 13, 2004
JLMACN said:
My ass handed to me? Id hand your ass to you but Court is still makin it bounce...

You come on here actin like we are down talking Court "your homie"...when in all reality aint no one sayin bad shit about him. We dont need Thread after thread with "updates" about Court....when in reality. Court is SEMI-finished.
you hate the fact that everyone knows you dick ride court to the fullest but atleast you aint denyying it. Calm the fuck down you dumb ass bitch...aint no one your son around here. Just cause Court done fucked you and your cousin (from your own mouth)......dont mean he is the bomb to anyone else in KC. Ima real asss dude that can have 9000+ posts on a internet site and still slap the shit outta you with my right hand....you think everyone on the internet is a "nerd" ...get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. I dont met several people from this site and they all know whats up with me. So you aint DESTROYED nothing..bitch. you just putting gas on a fire.......

I swear you a groupie ass bitch.

Cesolito....nigga you aint shit...and I dont already said and proved that one to many times. You and Mafiaqueef are a match made in FICTION heaven..

You must be back at work cuz its early and you back on the computer. What time do they let u take lunch? Anyway....with all of the rubbish u just spewed from your mouf i will only comment on two things. 1. Court has never fucked me and that has never came out of my mouf.!! 2. How is he semi-finished? What is semi finished? Finished is The Rogue Dogs or when a persons career just keeps fading...kinda like u and your desk job. How do u come back with more press than ever and star in a movie with other stars and be semi-finished? Explain that before u take lunch...if u can. Oh yeah why u gettin mad at Cesolito? Cuz he got his own mind and dont act like lil bitches like the rest of yall.
Aug 26, 2002
mafiaqueen said:
You must be back at work cuz its early and you back on the computer. What time do they let u take lunch? Anyway....with all of the rubbish u just spewed from your mouf i will only comment on two things. 1. Court has never fucked me and that has never came out of my mouf.!! 2. How is he semi-finished? What is semi finished? Finished is The Rogue Dogs or when a persons career just keeps fading...kinda like u and your desk job. How do u come back with more press than ever and star in a movie with other stars and be semi-finished? Explain that before u take lunch...if u can. Oh yeah why u gettin mad at Cesolito? Cuz he got his own mind and dont act like lil bitches like the rest of yall.
incase you didnt know you dumb bitch...this is a RAP forum..
and thats what im speaking on.

you are talking about him and his MOVIES and Im talking about him and his music??? and like I said again....aint no ONE talking down on court...but you take us talking down on you...like we talkin down on court..

Court prolly dont know your stupid ass from the bitch he prolly fucked last night.....so raise up you dumb ass bitch.

he is semifinished with his music. With Movies I could give a shit less...i aint here to discuss movies with you or anyone else. gO to a movie Forum and talk about Court....mayne then you'll see where he ranks in acting..

and yes you have said that Court fucked you...

and you wanna talk about me and having a desk job like it makes me look bad. Bitch you dont know shit..
Nov 13, 2004
JLMACN said:
incase you didnt know you dumb bitch...this is a RAP forum..
and thats what im speaking on.

you are talking about him and his MOVIES and Im talking about him and his music??? and like I said again....aint no ONE talking down on court...but you take us talking down on you...like we talkin down on court..

Court prolly dont know your stupid ass from the bitch he prolly fucked last night.....so raise up you dumb ass bitch.

he is semifinished with his music. With Movies I could give a shit less...i aint here to discuss movies with you or anyone else. gO to a movie Forum and talk about Court....mayne then you'll see where he ranks in acting..

and yes you have said that Court fucked you...

and you wanna talk about me and having a desk job like it makes me look bad. Bitch you dont know shit..
Me sayin u got a desk job establishes that you hate your life and there for gives the reason for you hating on people, in this case Court Dog. Now, please support your claim that i said I fucked this man, post my comment sayin that! You get off at 5:30 so u got plenty enuff time to try and discredit me. I said!! My cuzin fucks with him! Anyway, how is he done musically. He produced a SOUNDTRACK ALBUM to his MOVIE. Now, is this album not better than the Kansas City Cheif album in your opinion? Listen to the album then come back and form an opinion. See my point is that you are a hater. Period. You say all I do is post shit about dude but I only post somethin if theres somethin new goin on with him that I figured his fellow midwest brethren would be interested in. Who has done what he has done from the town? I'll wait......
Aug 26, 2002
mafiaqueen said:
Me sayin u got a desk job establishes that you hate your life and there for gives the reason for you hating on people, in this case Court Dog. Now, please support your claim that i said I fucked this man, post my comment sayin that! You get off at 5:30 so u got plenty enuff time to try and discredit me. I said!! My cuzin fucks with him! Anyway, how is he done musically. He produced a SOUNDTRACK ALBUM to his MOVIE. Now, is this album not better than the Kansas City Cheif album in your opinion? Listen to the album then come back and form an opinion. See my point is that you are a hater. Period. You say all I do is post shit about dude but I only post somethin if theres somethin new goin on with him that I figured his fellow midwest brethren would be interested in. Who has done what he has done from the town? I'll wait......

get this through your thick ass skull bitch..

aint NO ONE hating court dogg...or hating on him.

just you.

Nov 13, 2004
JLMACN said:
get this through your thick ass skull bitch..

aint NO ONE hating court dogg...or hating on him.

just you.

No.....you ARE hating.....remember you said he is finished musically without even backing that up with evidence. Listen to the new music and watch the movie and then come back and holla at us. This aint about Court!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its about yall immature bullshit hating ways. We could be talkin bout S2theB. Its principal of what u doin is wrong. Basically I'm promoting somebody doin somethin positive and yall are like "Shut up bitch we dont wanna talk about him, who cares, he finished, you a groupie, yada yada"..LOL. But ANYTHING posted about ANYBODY else, then its "good lookin man, thanks for this and that" you niggaz are fantastic! Oh...dont evade the question..Who has done what he's done thus far? I'll wait.......