How do you view animals?

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Apr 1, 2008
We should not use vivisection, it is one of the stupidest things we do. The animals we test are too different from us, the human animal. We are animals, dont forget that.
Even in fucking middle school science you learn about controls and all that shit for running experiments. One slight difference in a control, and the experiment proves nothing.

I value non-human animals life more than I value human life.
No non-human animal fucks up this planet like we do. Or at all as far as my knowledge goes.
When you eat a fruit, do you go shit the seeds out into the wild so some new fruit trees will grow?
Probably not, if you do, props to you.
Let me put it this way:
David Mortari threw a puppy off of a cliff.
I would rather throw a human baby off of a cliff than any type of animal. ANY type of animal.
We do nothing for this planet, only ourselves as a species.

Go watch these.
Aug 15, 2003
i believe a lot of the universe and everything is based directly upon human life all the big things and then the small things as well (animals). I believe there is this incredible love out there for us (God) and he supports us all the way threw our lives.
Dec 27, 2002
Homie, go read about vivisection, watch those movies I posted links to. That shit is a complete scientific fraud, we might even have more advancements than we do now if we had never used vivisection.
the fuck you talking about?...vivisection is dissection of/surgery on a living rather than dead animal..."scientific fraud"? wtf......


Sicc OG
Mar 9, 2005
I'm split on this topic, as most of us should be imo

On the one hand, as my avatar suggests, I'm predominantly anti-anthropocentric (hate humans). There are 6.5 billion of us, and collectively we're only good at one thing - destroying the world. Populations are still expanding (especially in countries that can ill afford to support more people), increased energy use and pollution are tearing gaia apart and the status of people/countries is still predominantly based on their wealth and affluence. We are a scourge, and NOBODY can deny that the world would be a much better place without us.

As such, I value animal life (and even ecological health) above human life. I don't mean 'animals' as in those puppets we drag around, pat and feed to make us feel better (e.g. dogs and cats), but animals that have evolved to fill an ecological niche and are satisfied with surviving - the ones that we are sequentially making extinct.

Let's say there are only 1,000 white rhinos in existence - would you rather these 1,000 individuals die, or 1,000 humans? On a one-for-one basis, could you justify claiming that human lives are more important than those of the rhino's? Rhino population: 1,000 - 1,000 = extinction. Human population: 6,500,000,000 - 1,000 = 6,499,999,000.

On the other hand, if this group of 1,000 humans was comprised of my family and friends, the decision would be a lot harder.

Thus, I treat humans like that bastard uncle. You may not agree with what they say or do, you may not like them - but you're in the same family so you've just got to put up with it.
Mar 4, 2007
testing is necessary to advance the human species. without it, most of the great medical advances we have today would not be. It's sad in some cases, but it's controlled; it's a very tiny percentage of specific animals that these tests are performed on and it does not endanger the species as a whole.
i disagree there.
its only because new diseases are created from imbalances.(yes i am biased here, this is my opinion)
we keep knockin off the balance of life, startin within ourselves, then outwardly affecting other animals as well(other humans, dogs, cats, etc.)

i think if we focused on curing ourselves, yes ayurvedic medicine philosophy, instead of 'curing the disease' then we would have much more success as a species.

Yes, we are equal in the sense of balance.



Animals are part of the natural food chain. Even though as part of that food chain it must be respected. Take what you need not just because you want.
thank you.
i'm seriously glad you post on here, its so refreshing.

ok, i agree with calm 1 npk, but i am vegetarian, so obviously i am a lil biased w/ the whole eatin animals.
its not animal cruelty that actually got me into becoming vegetarian, but the basic fact that if i had a chicken in my hand and a knife in th eother, i could not kill it. call me pussy, but i just couldn't do it, the taste is not at all appetizing(i never liked steak either, always forced to eat it as a kid).
But if i caught a fish, i'd feel bad, but i really need that protein, and ive gutted a fish before, so i think i could kill one.
I only eat what i would be able to do on my own without the process of meat factory farms, and hormone pumped animals.

with that said, i need to start go fishing..
im hella impatient tho..
Dec 8, 2005
...middle school science you learn about controls and all that shit for running experiments...if you know anything about science, it gets us nowhere...Educate yourself.
You are a fucking joke, but you got me thinking about those who suffer from your condition. Basically i hold humans above all other animals until i encounter someone like you.

On the other hand, for the rest of the planet, yes human consciousness and the universe becoming aware of itself shows we are certainly not equal to or less than "animals" leaving only one other option.

i respect animal life in that protein from meat fuels our brain, in that we are animals ourselves, in that i "respect" nature, maybe i respect them more than some of you in opposition to me, because i respect their potential to help save lives and extend life. we can grow animals, we basically grow fish and chicken and cattle, so the majority of all humans already sacrifice animals for survival.

seriously I am disgusted by those who say an animals life is worth more than a humans, but they prove that they may be right in regards to themselves, pretty cool
Aug 1, 2004
Animals are part of the food chain, as are humans.

The difference to me is if a human gets caught slipping in the jungle a carnivorous animal would probably eat him/her because it has a survival instinct and needs to eat just like it would eat anything else.

Humans, on the other hand, will go as far as to breed millions of animals strictly for the enjoyment of eating them in excess, not just for survival.

There's something savage about that when you really think about it.

As far as animals being used for testing purposes to better human health/survival by eliminating disease/sickness, that might be true if the results (cures, vaccines ect.) were available to ALL humans in the world free of charge (would'nt that be the correct action if testing was really meant to better all human life ?). Of course then the population would explode and supporters of eugenics would have to come save the day. :ermm:

Animals don't test shit on eachother or us and have done fine as would humans IMO.

This whole thing is really about money and control.
Apr 1, 2008
You are a fucking joke, but you got me thinking about those who suffer from your condition. Basically i hold humans above all other animals until i encounter someone like you.

On the other hand, for the rest of the planet, yes human consciousness and the universe becoming aware of itself shows we are certainly not equal to or less than "animals" leaving only one other option.

i respect animal life in that protein from meat fuels our brain, in that we are animals ourselves, in that i "respect" nature, maybe i respect them more than some of you in opposition to me, because i respect their potential to help save lives and extend life. we can grow animals, we basically grow fish and chicken and cattle, so the majority of all humans already sacrifice animals for survival.

seriously I am disgusted by those who say an animals life is worth more than a humans, but they prove that they may be right in regards to themselves, pretty cool
lol@ you man.
We are all entitled to our own opinions, so go ahead and think we are idiots. But know we feel the same about you, and know that no one here is correct. So dont go thinking you are the correct and smart one here, that is just your view.
And if people who have your views respect nature, why would they go clear out rain forests and rare jungles and eliminate more than 1 species a day?
Some of those species of plants, animals or insects may contain cures and vaccines.
Dec 27, 2002
if you know anything about science, it gets us nowhere...Educate yourself
wow...the irony...

anyways, i haven't watched those videos, but if YOU knew anything about science, you'd know that vivisection is legitimate technique that sometimes needs to be utilized in order to address particular scientific problems/questions, establish appropriate experimental systems/animal models, etc...and anesthesia is used; so, really, what's the problem?

edit: oh yea, i don't and won't get my scientific education from youtube videos...but thanks............

Some of those species of plants, animals or insects may contain cures and vaccines.
of course, if you had it your way, we'd never know.

you see, those animals (mostly mice) used in scientific research are kind of important. :cheeky:
Jan 17, 2008
wow...the irony...

anyways, i haven't watched those videos, but if YOU knew anything about science, you'd know that vivisection is legitimate technique that sometimes needs to be utilized in order to address particular scientific problems/questions, establish appropriate experimental systems/animal models, etc...and anesthesia is used; so, really, what's the problem?

edit: oh yea, i don't and won't get my scientific education from youtube videos...but thanks............

of course, if you had it your way, we'd never know.

you see, those animals (mostly mice) used in scientific research are kind of important. :cheeky:

Once again using human test subjects is a better idea then using animals. If we would use some of the convicts in prison as subjects we would get a way better understanding. Wah we cant because they are humans.....If you believe in evolution whats the difference....nothing.
Dec 8, 2005
lol@ you man.
We are all entitled to our own opinions, so go ahead and think we are idiots. But know we feel the same about you, and know that no one here is correct. So dont go thinking you are the correct and smart one here, that is just your view.
And if people who have your views respect nature, why would they go clear out rain forests and rare jungles and eliminate more than 1 species a day?
Some of those species of plants, animals or insects may contain cures and vaccines.
you pussy dont hate on my homosapian bretheran just because youre an insecure little faggot, face up, you hate yourself and now youre trying to convince yourself youd rather toss a baby over a bridge than a rat, id rather be a crying little pussy than a faggy goth kid

Shit like that happened to me about 2 years ago. I was sad as fuck at first, and even when I tried to get high to forget about it, it made me think about her even more.
What ended up happening, was I stayed sad for almost a whole year, and eventually it was eaten up and made me an evil motherfucker. I felt like my heart died, and I just lost a whole bunch of my emotions. I no longer have respect for the human race, it is very hard for me to trust women, and I am now a bitter motherfucker in general.
If we actually do have things like a soul, mine is gone now, or it is evil.
It is like a killing rage has built up inside of me.
Mar 20, 2007
My theory on all this is that this planet will become desolate not too long from now.
Thousands of species have already been killed. In order for life to survive on this planet, there has to be species that have adapted to certain changes. For example, in the past there were a couple thousand species that could survive extreme cold climates, that makes it so life can survive on Earth. Then there's a couple thousand that could survive extreme heat climates. Whatever the case, there was always a balance. We continue to destroy the planet and these species, there are just too many humans! Nature is also not allowed to play it's part in this "balance". What happens when there is a flood? A dam is there so people aren't going to suffer or die. We control how many animals there are, "Zoos, tearing down animal habitats, etc." Basically, we're trying to be "God" for this planet. Think about it, we're always in controlled situations for the most part. When we first started out as animals, just like everyone other species, there was a balance. You kill what you eat, you put effort into it, if not you die. Survivial, but at the same time, there was enough animals around to be survive as well. Now, humans just hog all resources until there's none left, what will we do then?
Feb 21, 2003
My theory on all this is that this planet will become desolate not too long from now.
Thousands of species have already been killed. In order for life to survive on this planet, there has to be species that have adapted to certain changes. For example, in the past there were a couple thousand species that could survive extreme cold climates, that makes it so life can survive on Earth. Then there's a couple thousand that could survive extreme heat climates. Whatever the case, there was always a balance. We continue to destroy the planet and these species, there are just too many humans! Nature is also not allowed to play it's part in this "balance". What happens when there is a flood? A dam is there so people aren't going to suffer or die. We control how many animals there are, "Zoos, tearing down animal habitats, etc." Basically, we're trying to be "God" for this planet. Think about it, we're always in controlled situations for the most part. When we first started out as animals, just like everyone other species, there was a balance. You kill what you eat, you put effort into it, if not you die. Survivial, but at the same time, there was enough animals around to be survive as well. Now, humans just hog all resources until there's none left, what will we do then?
Dec 27, 2002
Once again using human test subjects is a better idea then using animals. If we would use some of the convicts in prison as subjects we would get a way better understanding. Wah we cant because they are humans.....If you believe in evolution whats the difference....nothing.
even if scientists were given free rein in working with human subjects, animals would still be needed for experimentation because of their (e.g. mice's) shorter generation time and greater availability (in terms of numbers), coupled with their genetic tractability.