fuckin super dave man..

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Sicc Triple OG
Apr 25, 2002
holy shit I was driving home from my moms about an hour ago and I drove through some glass in the road on the highway I looks in the rearview and theres a blazer flipped in the ditch so I flips a bruster and run up to the car. the musics blaring and I'm scared ima see some shit most people don't wanna see at 3am, I didn't see shit so I call the popo while I'm on the phone with the sherrif I turn around and look in the ditch about 20 ft from the car and I see a body laying there..man still tripping to this moment I ran up to it and its a chick and it didn't look like she was breathing so now I'm really freaking out I yell to her and no movement. finally the sherrif rolled up and he comes up asked me if I moved her..fuuck no man I watched rescue 911. anyway the ambulance shows up and says she has a heart Beat so thank god..I'm cold as fuck so police take my info and send me on my way..now I can't sleep so I thought I'd share this horrific adventure of mine..hope everything goes ok with the girl..man that had to of been some of the craziest shit.
Feb 21, 2003
damn thats fuckin crazy..props to you tho for turnin around and helping out, alot of people wouldnt even think twice about not goin back to help, or all they would do is keep driving and call 911..

hope she survives and all is cool..


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
holy shit I was driving home from my moms about an hour ago and I drove through some glass in the road on the highway I looks in the rearview and theres a blazer flipped in the ditch so I flips a bruster and run up to the car. the musics blaring and I'm scared ima see some shit most people don't wanna see at 3am, I didn't see shit so I call the popo while I'm on the phone with the sherrif I turn around and look in the ditch about 20 ft from the car and I see a body laying there..man still tripping to this moment I ran up to it and its a chick and it didn't look like she was breathing so now I'm really freaking out I yell to her and no movement. finally the sherrif rolled up and he comes up asked me if I moved her..fuuck no man I watched rescue 911. anyway the ambulance shows up and says she has a heart Beat so thank god..I'm cold as fuck so police take my info and send me on my way..now I can't sleep so I thought I'd share this horrific adventure of mine..hope everything goes ok with the girl..man that had to of been some of the craziest shit.



Sicc OG
Sep 27, 2002
I remember when I witnessed a horrible car wreck accident literally right in front of me....The car did flips for days and end up landing on the side of the highway...it felt like a 3-D movie...my homeboy knew the girls that were in it...the girl he knew was bleeding like crazy and she ran up on him, he was afraid to touch her because of all the blood and the fact that she was a well-known slut...he felt awkward as hell when she was trying to hug him covered in blood.....lol...nobody died though..


triple og from the sbp
Sep 1, 2005
I remember when I witnessed a horrible car wreck accident literally right in front of me....The car did flips for days and end up landing on the side of the highway...it felt like a 3-D movie...my homeboy knew the girls that were in it...the girl he knew was bleeding like crazy and she ran up on him, he was afraid to touch her because of all the blood and the fact that she was a well-known slut...he felt awkward as hell when she was trying to hug him covered in blood.....lol...nobody died though..
lol, bitch get yer aids blood away from me!


Sicc Triple OG
Apr 25, 2002
new twist to the story found out today the chick is my cousins daughter, never met her before but man what are the odds..btw she broke her pelvis and has brain damage im boggled by this whole ordeal
Oct 30, 2002
I have friend who was driving down highway 1 when a car full kids was riding his ass b4 they zoomed around him. Basiclly fucking wit him real quik. He said they where all college age kids screaming "woo hoo " laughin and shit. So a few miles up the highway their car is flipped over. He rolled by real slow to peep the carnage. One of the girls was hangin out the window and was bloodied and asked for help in a low ass voice. He looked at her and said "FUCK YOOU". And rolled away...