Niner News Thread

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Mar 13, 2003
Was @ work so didn't get to watch live but watching on my DVR n immediately notice the niners subbing a lot on both defense and offense.....y now with what was as stake tho?! Smh
We won n that's wot counts but damn!!!! Lol
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Feb 10, 2006

expect your fanbase to grow 10 fold now, because majority of 49ers fans are bandwagoneers....

great way to say goodbye to The Stick.
you & I both know half your fans are bandwagon fairweather fans breh,.... you only joking with yourself.

everybody knows that.... like, every person who watches the game of football knows this very common knowledge.

& I dont give 2 shits about Seattle.

I usually agree with you(my sicc breh goon) but in this case that I cant breh. I would catch a lot of heat cuz im from az, but no bandwagons here 49ers did there thing(last 3 years and they deserve this shit) I usually don't post just for the simple facr I get called a hater or a bandwagon or the easier fact that I came from nowhere just to post. but the simple fact remains is that the 49ers clinched and I could give a fucc about what you say! sorry shea, I put it all in one, had to get it off my chest before everybody starts talkin...
May 2, 2009
What a great game. Navarro is the man for that pick 6. I'm definitely going back before they tear the place down, some way some how, to take a couple of seats from the stands as souvenirs.