X RAIDED [am i a satanist]

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Apr 4, 2006

July 9, 2006

I recently received a letter from an associate of mine who made reference to the fact that I haven’t accepted “Jesus Christ” as my personal “lord and savior,” and that the impression the individual had was that I didn’t believe in God. It made me wonder how many people actually think that about me! Not that I care; the people whose opinions are valuable to me are aware of my beliefs. However, the ignorance involved in the comments that I hear is what motivated me to write these words. Maybe someone out there will learn something from what I have to say.

First of all, I am not a “Satanist” or “Devil Worshiper.” If it were true that I don’t believe in God, it would be impossible to believe in Satan, since the two are undeniably tied together. A “Satanist” is someone who believes in God and Satan and has chosen to take Satan’s side in the debate, just as a follower of God has chosen to take God’s side.

An atheist is someone who does NOT believe that there is such a thing as God or Satan, period. There is no way to be confused here. They don’t believe in either ideology.

An agnostic is someone who believes that the KNOWLEDGE of whether or not there is a God is unknowable by mankind. Agnostics DOUBT the existence of a higher power as God and feel that mankind could never prove such a thing.

Me? I believe that there is a higher power. I believe that we have called that higher power “God” because we don’t know what else to call it. I believe that there is absolutely such thing as positive and negative forces of energy. I believe that we were designed by someone or something that we call “God” and that we will eventually figure out who or what that is. Any person who understands what DNA actually is knows that it is basically a recipe for designing a human being. Literally, scientists are presently capable of taking your blood and recreating an identical version of you RIGHT NOW if international law would permit it. I feel that if MAN is capable of figuring out how to create a person, someone with a greater level of technology and intelligence could certainly do it, too. Probably a lot quicker and a lot better.

My issue is not with God, and it’s not with Jesus. My issue is with the way Christians have PRESENTED Jesus to the world. I have a problem with Christianity, itself. I have a problem with Islam as well. Organized religion, period, of any kind, bothers me. But Christianity bothers me the most, and because we live in a Christian society, it’s the one that’s pushed in my face the most. Just the fact that I have rejected it alone has resulted in people assuming that I don’t believe in God, himself, or Jesus, and that I must be a “Satanist” as a result. And that’s my point; these are so-called Christians who say such things. Ignorance is the leading requirement for anyone to be a follower of modern Christianity, and plenty of people fit the bill.

For instance, while most people will lie about it out of embarrassment, most so-called Christians have never even read the Bible. They don’t even know what they believe in, they just follow what their grandmothers and mothers have shown them by example. We teach our babies to “pray” and praise “Jesus” when they are infants, certainly too young to read or even comprehend the Bible or Christian ideology in general. By the time they are old enough to ASK questions, they are too brainwashed to do it because they "fear the wrath of God” and rely on “faith.” So anytime a Christian is met with a confusing issue or a question that they can’t answer, they tell you to “have faith,” which is another way of saying “be quiet.”

My biggest problems with Christianity are the blatant hypocrisies. I can list a million of them. For one, the image that everyone has of Jesus is actually a model that was used by the artists who painted the cathedrals in Rome and Vatican City. Jesus was JEWISH. Certainly not blond with blue eyes, and certainly not black, either. If you bow to the image of Jesus on the cross or paintings of him in any church or wherever else, you’re worshipping Leonardo Da Vinci’s and Michelangelo’s cousins, aunts and uncles. Do the research for yourself and see if I’m lying.

Speaking of worshipping and bowing to images of Jesus; one of the commandments is that we are not to worship carved images and false idols. That’s at Exodus 20:4. And Exodus 20:23 says specifically that, “You must not make along with me gods of silver, and you must not make for yourselves gods of gold.” An “idol” is defined as “an image of god” and an “object of devotion.” So every time you see someone with a cross on their necks, a crucifix, or a painting of Jesus, or a statue of Jesus or the Virgin Mary, you are witnessing blasphemy being committed by the very people who would call themselves Christians. Every time someone says “Hail Mary,” they are committing blasphemy. Direct defiance of their own laws. People in power, such as the Popes and priests and reverends, etc., are fully aware of these things yet they allow it to occur and participate in most cases. What true man of God would do such a thing?

Then there are the people who say that Jesus is God and that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one, called The Trinity. If you read the Bible yourself instead of allowing people to tell you what to believe, you would know that there is no reference anywhere in the Bible about any “trinity.” The word itself is not in the Bible. In fact, Exodus 33:20 has God as having said, “You are not able to see my face because no man may see me and live.” Plenty of people saw Jesus, but the Bible repeatedly says that no man has ever seen God. Christians try to justify that with the trinity thing, but that’s not in the Bible, so it goes back to just having “faith.”

If God didn’t want you to ask questions, he wouldn’t have given you the ability to ask questions. If God didn’t want you to ask questions, he wouldn’t have given you the ability to ask questions. If God didn’t want you to understand, he wouldn’t have given you the desire and the ability to comprehend.

Are you aware that the Christian church incarcerated a scientist named Galileo for LIFE because he said that the sun is at the center of our solar system and that the Earth revolves around it? The Christian church held that the Earth was special because God loves us the most, and that all planets and the sun revolve around EARTH. They took away his life and all of his works for disagreeing with church doctrine, but guess what? It’s now common knowledge that Galileo was right and it is his philosophy that is taught in science classes throughout the world now. I wonder if Jesus has apologized to him yet.

Okay, I didn’t mean to be mean. I’ll stop. My wife is probably shaking her head at me by now. I’m sorry, baby! They shouldn’t have asked!

I encourage everyone everywhere to question whatever is told to you, even the above, because you have the right to do so as a human being and anyone who tells you differently… maybe THEY are the Satanists! Why would God want you to be oppressed?

Get Educated or die trying.

Aneraé Brown
Professor X
Terminator X
Public Enemy Number X
You get the picture

July 09, 2006
Bloc*Star Entertainment

Last edited by Bloc*Star on Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:22 am; edited 1 time in total


Sicc OG
Sep 27, 2002
Nice read..X is too honest, whether you agree or disgree with what he says, he is who he is, which isnt common in music artists. I always considered X a real nigga first and a rapper 2nd...
Dec 27, 2002
k-nine said:
I believe that we were designed by someone or something that we call “God” and that we will eventually figure out who or what that is. Any person who understands what DNA actually is knows that it is basically a recipe for designing a human being. Literally, scientists are presently capable of taking your blood and recreating an identical version of you RIGHT NOW if international law would permit it. I feel that if MAN is capable of figuring out how to create a person, someone with a greater level of technology and intelligence could certainly do it, too. Probably a lot quicker and a lot better.
please, please tell me raided believes in evolution and not intelligent design....i usually agree with most of what he says but not with this if he's saying what i think he's saying...
Apr 4, 2006
please, please tell me raided believes in evolution and not intelligent design
someone said evolution is a grown mans fairytale if you think reasonably youll see that the big bang theory makes no sense at all how could matter itself evolve from nothing,if people evolved from monkeys why are monkeys still monkeys ,weres the half breeds the living ones not the ones were they take parts of a monkeys jaw bones n put it on a human skull look it up they been doin it for almost a hundred years .finally how could a human body more complex than we can even imagine form by chance n mutation,mutation itselg is almost 100% useless or damiging to a person not helpfull. evolution what a fuccin joke