Why I'm not voting for Romney

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Feb 10, 2009
South Sacramento
this years election proves that all elections are fixed, they gave Ron Paul the boot just because he speaks on real shit that Obama & Romney don't speak on.....the mainstream media barely ever did any coverage on Ron Paul, instead they only talked about Obama & Romney and then all the sheep that get all their information from CNN get brainwashed.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Also I didn't say that it shouldn't matter, it should. It's just that it currently doesn't and hasn't for quite sometime now. In all honesty we could have switched out who the current and past presidents have run against for at least the last few decadeds and if we had them in office instead and we'd be in the exact same spot more or less.

But if you honestsly think the president, one man, has that much pull then I really don't know what to tell you.

That last part is not necessarily @ you either JLMCN. Just in general.
Props: kane916
Oct 9, 2008
I like how everybody acts like Obama lives in the projects and smokes dro all day...lol They're both rich fucks! The only difference is i personally think my constitutional rights aren't threatened by Romney like they are by Obama. We are about to be forced to pay for health care for muthafuckas who don't work and Obama is a major gun grabber. Some of the shit this administration want's to inact is practically communism. Sorry but i can't support that. Not to mention the fact that i got family members that have been out of work for months under this administration. Even with the recent drop in unemployment the precentage is almost exactly the same as when Obama took office...
Feb 10, 2009
South Sacramento
I like how everybody acts like Obama lives in the projects and smokes dro all day...lol They're both rich fucks! The only difference is i personally think my constitutional rights aren't threatened by Romney like they are by Obama. We are about to be forced to pay for health care for muthafuckas who don't work and Obama is a major gun grabber. Some of the shit this administration want's to inact is practically communism. Sorry but i can't support that. Not to mention the fact that i got family members that have been out of work for months under this administration. Even with the recent drop in unemployment the precentage is almost exactly the same as when Obama took office...
they both could potentially be anti guns, Romney was against guns when he was governer of Massachusets.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Divide and conquer. The American population couldn't be more divided and the politicans will keep on doing as the like as long as we are.

Labeling yourself as democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, whatever or whatever and sticking to those core values has gotten us nowhere. Both sides are too hardlined to compromise or try to work together to get things done. It's like gangbanging in the 80s as I've said before. It doesn't matter you are just on the wrong side so fuck you is the mentality.
Oct 9, 2008
they both could potentially be anti guns, Romney was against guns when he was governer of Massachusets.
You are right he voted for some anti-gun legislation but he is no where near as bad as Obama on the topic. The only thing thats stopped Obama from out right banning firearms is the majority of senate isn't onboard. I've heard interviews with Romney recently where he says that he doesn't think there needs to be any additional gun legislation. He is also a republican and will be expected to uphold some values of the party should he become president. Go ask the NRA who the majority of them are voting for and i promise you it is not Obama!
Feb 3, 2006
You are right he voted for some anti-gun legislation but he is no where near as bad as Obama on the topic. The only thing thats stopped Obama from out right banning firearms is the majority of senate isn't onboard. I've heard interviews with Romney recently where he says that he doesn't think there needs to be any additional gun legislation. He is also a republican and will be expected to uphold some values of the party should he become president. Go ask the NRA who the majority of them are voting for and i promise you it is not Obama!
You do know that Obama has been in office for 4 years and you still have your guns rights. My only problem with Obama was that he extended the Bush tax cuts for the rich, other then that he did a good job for the mess that Bush left him. Increase the taxes on the rich back to Clinton term levels and the country will be way better off. Give that man one more term they gave Bush 8 years to mess up the US, why not give Obama 8 years to fix the problem. Mitt not even pres and he said he needs 8 years to fix America why not Obama for one more term.

28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
barack obama seemed decent at first, but turned out to be a big softie... remember when that uppity black professor from cambridge got fucked with by the police at his front door? barry the hope man said the police acted foolishly, which i agreed with... but then he retracted his statement when he was criticized by people who weren't ever going to give him his due regardless of what good he may do... fuck that shit
let's not get started on how he vowed to leave medical marijuana alone, but yet, more clubs got raided during his 4 years in office than in bush's 8 years in office
what's worse is, i'm seeing people on facebook trying to make excuses... talking about "obama needs 8 years in order to fully reverse what bush has done!!" umm... that would mean if he gets re-elected, he has 4 years worth of catching up to do.. because we are NOT in the condition we were in back in 2004

and romney is bullshitter and is completely out of touch... this fucker is talking about creating millions of new jobs, when his only experience in "jobs" is sending them oversees, and shutting entire cities down from ohio to the florida panhandle
i watched a vice video about his mormon family in mexico, and there's this clip of him saying "i don't plan on legalizing marijuana, because it's a gateway drug" umm... keeping it illegal has NEVER stopped people from using marijuana, and last time i checked, i don't know one pothead who ever considered trying anything else other than weed (or psychedelics)... and don't let me get started on my "drug war" rant

that being said, there is no one for me to vote for

Oct 9, 2008
The thing i liked most about Romney after watching the debate was he seemed very pro-state government. Which makes sense because he is a governor. He basically said on the issue of health care and education that the state gov. should decide whats best for the people they govern which i totally agree with. Obama wants the federal government to control eveything. He would like to inact policy's without the say of state govenment which is the people who represent us.

Right now there is a amendment for my state of Colorado which legalizes marajuana for recreational use. Alot of people think it has a good chance to pass too. I will be voting yes! Do i think it matters if Obama or Romney is in office if that happens? Neither one of them will make it legal on the fedral books. Like i said though Romney is pro-state and doesn't seem to think the federal gov. should control your life which i like.

I've never voted, this will be my 1st year voting. I'm not a republican or a democrat but i know people who had jobs before Obama was in office and now struggle. Romney also thinks people should show proof you're trying to get a job to collect welfare which i agree with. I've worked my whole life and nobody ever gave me shit! But i still pay tax dollars for all these free loading muthafuckas who don't have any intention of getting a job and Obama doesn't give a shit.. I'm living a little below middle class and Obama ain't done shit for me. Shit at least Bush cut me a stimulus check. I could see how somebody who waits for checks from the government to make a living would like Obama. However the regular working man is gettin dicked!
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