Why do 49er fans think they're team is so much better than the RAIDERS???

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Jan 6, 2004
You can't argue with me because you don't know how to win an argument. There's just something about you that makes me think you're like the 20-year-old high school senior in remedial classes being given his last chance at graduation. Not quite retarded, just really slow.[/QUOTE

That's really funny to me, I choose not to argue with you becuase there is no winning. You have these long drawn out dellusional theories and its a waste of time to even read. Do you enjoy spending that much time arguing with someone on the internet? To me your a slap dick and not really worth the time, but since you insist, I'll jab back and forth with you. FYI I own a sucessfull business. Have a share of another family business thats been in operation for over 30 years. I have graduated from the Los Angeles Recording School, got an AA at San Diego Mesa College, got BA at Sonoma State University (double major), and will be possibly starting my masters there this Spring. So why don't you go choke on Nate Davis' dick and die.


Bob Pimp MOBBEN!!!
Apr 25, 2002
31 other teams also heard Singletary bashing him in the media. Warranted or not, that plays a role in their decisions.
those same 31 teams have scouts that have watched Nate davis since he was a freshman in college until now. and its not the coaching staffs job to help him with his learning disability, its to teach him football. i coached high school baseball and our goal was to win sections, if im doing drills with my hitters and one of my kids comes up and says i dont get this math problem, should i stop what im doin and help him figure out his equation? there are plenty of people to help with learning problems, coaches jobs are to win games... which at this point Sing is not, so maybe he should resign and help Nate with his learning problems...
Jul 21, 2002
I'm a niners fan and we suck right now obviously. The Raiders have a good defense but generally suck and have definitely been worse than the niners the last few years. This year they will likely finish with a better record than the niners but it's not like Oakland is going to the AFC championship so as it always does, it comes down to Super Bowls and the Raiders don't compare in that regard. That's why
Feb 12, 2009
Ann Killion

Over here in the non-euphoria section of the Bay Area sports world, we’re getting ready for the Embarrassment Bowl: a regular season meeting between our two woeful NFL teams.

Once every four years, when inter-conference play dictates, we get the chance to measure the 49ers and Raiders side-by-side.

While this should, in theory, be a fun and entertaining event, it’s become a depressing exercise in learning who stinks less.

In 2000 and 2002 -- when both teams were actually functioning with a high degree of competence -- the games appropriately went to overtime, with each team winning on the road. In 2006, we learned that Mike Nolan’s lousy 49ers team stunk less than Art Shell’s historically bad Raiders team.
So going into Sunday’s game at Candlestick Park, who stinks less?

Obviously, it’s the Raiders. Oakland is 2-3, while the 49ers are 0-5. The Raiders are coming off a huge victory over the Chargers, the first time they’ve beaten San Diego in seven years.

The 49ers are coming off another helping of misery.

How else do the two teams compare in important areas?

The Raiders have two quarterbacks who have proven they can win a game. The 49ers have one quarterback who proves every week that he can’t.

Bruce Gradkowski, who is back to starting this week after leaving the game with an injury last week, has that intangible element that is useful for the less physically gifted quarterbacks in the league: he has an innate ability to rally his team. Jason Campbell has more tools and appears to be finding his comfort zone. He came off the bench to lead the team against San Diego.

Alex Smith? No rallying ability. No comfort zone. Right now -- nothing, including no viable backup option.
Edge: Raiders

Tom Cable and Mike Singletary earned their jobs the same way: they happened to be sitting nearby when their boss got fired. Since their respective interim ascendance in 2008, Cable has gone 11-22 while Singletary has a 13-17 record.
Edge: Raiders

Singletary hasn’t gotten more praise, as a leader and deep-voiced motivator. But Cable is holding his ow. He has, without question, more difficult working circumstances. Less control over his situation. He’s been on the hot seat every second that he’s had the job. Until the past week, Singletary’s security has never been questioned.

While no genius, Cable clearly has a better grasp of technical football than Singletary. He’s been a head coach before, an offensive coordinator, an offensive line coach. Singletary has never had to make a game plan.

And in the event of total failure? Well, of course Al Davis has a backup plan. He brought in Hue Jackson and the obvious assumption is that if he fires Cable, Jackson – who has extensive experience running offenses – would inherit the job. If the 49ers feel the need to fire Singletary – and according to Dadgum Yahoo reports, they might be - there isn’t another truly qualified candidate in the building.
Edge: Raiders

This is when you know the 49ers are in real trouble – when they’re making Al Davis look like the sane and rational owner in the area. Normally, I’m not a fan of Davis’ impulsive and punitive style of management. His constant coaching turnover since Jon Gruden left has led to a lack of stability and hurt his team.

But, in contrast to the 49ers stagnation, I admire Davis’ sense of urgency. His willingness to make change when things aren’t working. I thought pride and finances would prompt him to hold onto JaMarcus Russell. I was wrong. Davis jettisoned the useless quarterback. Meanwhile, the 49ers - in Years Six – continue to “exhaust everything with Alex Smith,” as Singletary said Monday.

Davis, for all his faults, truly does want to win, baby. He feels the intense pressure of the league. The York’s 49ers? They act like they’re running a NFL preschool, where their coach and quarterback (and owners) can get their feet wet and learn before heading off to the real NFL.

The Raiders are essentially a one-man operation, run by one of the legends of the league. There’s talk that the NFL has passed Davis by. But the 49ers are a team running without any expertise, without any proven NFL veteran. Better to be passed by than to never be plugged in at all.
Edge: Raiders

Conclusion? The Raiders aren’t a very good team. But they’re the best NFL team we have right now.
Tags: Oakland Raiders, San Francisco 49ers, Tom Cable, Mike Singletary

Read more: Killion: 49ers-Raiders, Who Has the Edge?
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