i got banned from the siccness for talking about drugs in the detox section.
well the thing is i was a heavy abuser of many things , especially xanax since i would black out n pop all the pills i had (50 mg, yes 50 blue footballs). So once this guy asked "what is it about xanax, i take (1 or 2 mg cant remember) but i aint feel shit" , so comparing my own usage, with starting off with 10 blue footballs , i said "take 5", then ten mins later i replied like "you know what, you shouldnt, i dont want you going through what i am"
next thing you know 95% of people on there all like "u tryin to get him killed, you are an idiot", so i defended myself but had moderators editing my posts into shit like "i am a homosexual and i love all of you" which only pissed me off more, made me reply n talk more shit. Then i guess the moderator complained to the admin who banned me from all of siccess rather than just the detox.
after i came back tho we had a debate again about what really happened, i dug up the thread and proved my point, and eventually the same mod pmed me saying he never saw the second post telling him that he shouldnt and apologized.
its all good tho, im still sober from 8 months ago and it doesnt bother me. Im just contributing to a thread i can contribute to without being shallow like 99% of the threads in the open forum.