Well if no ones gonna do it..Bank robbery leaves officer dead

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Dana Dane

RIP Vallejo Kid
May 3, 2002
Thats real talk justin..... This is so fucked up.

Think abt loftys kids... Lost both parents in one fell swoop, got taken on by an amazing family, only to lose ANOTHER father within 9 months. How does an 18 year old and an 11 year old come to terms woth that?
Nov 1, 2004
^^^ until your house gets robbed or your kid is molested...
Not advocating it, just answering a question.
Besides, that's why I have a .45.
And when my house DID get robbed, the police didn't do shit, so swing and a miss on that one.

I feel bad for the kids but if you don't want this to happen, then don't be a cop. Times are tough, when economic times get bad, crime goes up.

RIP to apparently one of the rare good cops.
Feb 22, 2006
RIP. He sounded like he was really protecting and SERVING his community. he even sounds like a cop that might let you slide a few blocks home to your house and not give you the dui. But this reminds me of the ending of Colors. He should have started a non-profit a while ago, because it is hard to help the community while enforcing laws that are unjust (mainly crimes of poverty: drugs, robbings, etc.) and not expect to be risking your life. When it comes to the government taking your liberty, it is do or die. There have been 7 fatal shootings in Oakland this year, all the cops won. Its the game they are in...
Apr 16, 2003
Dude robbing the bank was probably the type that complained about "hard times" but never filled out a job application. You don't rob a bank out of necessity. You rob a bank because you think youre above earning a living.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
the hypocrisy in this thread is astounding, and this is coming from a siccness character whose whole angle is saying one thing one post, then contradicting it the next. on the one hand you have the whole entire siccness glorifying the violent and recessive dark side of vallejo culture, now we have a memorial to one who goes against it entirely. im not trying to rain on anybodys parade or talk shit, i just found it interesting.

the violent idiot who chose to rob and kill because he thought he fell on hard times is a cultural problem specific to america only; as long as we continue to hold an entitlement attitude and glorify easy money and violence nothing will ever change.
nobody is entitled to a house and a comfortable lifestyle; i think the easiest change we could all make to start building towards a better country would be to live within our means, stop getting massive loans and living on credit.
May 22, 2006
I don't understand why the robber didn't shoot it out tho!? How u gonna go out without lickn more shots after u smoke a police. Might as well try n shoot ur way out of it after u crack a troopers helmet
Jan 5, 2006
the hypocrisy in this thread is astounding, and this is coming from a siccness character whose whole angle is saying one thing one post, then contradicting it the next. on the one hand you have the whole entire siccness glorifying the violent and recessive dark side of vallejo culture, now we have a memorial to one who goes against it entirely. im not trying to rain on anybodys parade or talk shit, i just found it interesting.

the violent idiot who chose to rob and kill because he thought he fell on hard times is a cultural problem specific to america only; as long as we continue to hold an entitlement attitude and glorify easy money and violence nothing will ever change.
nobody is entitled to a house and a comfortable lifestyle; i think the easiest change we could all make to start building towards a better country would be to live within our means, stop getting massive loans and living on credit.
Banks would go outta business, the sad truth.. they thrive on our debt.
Jul 25, 2007
Yep. Fuck the police. I dont want contact with one, but if i do, i hope hes as upstanding as jimmy capoot was.
The thing thats fucked up about it is that cops like Capoot are rare. If everybody was like Capoot, we would actually believe that the police are here to "PROTECT AND SERVE."
May 2, 2002
I'm not a huge fan of "the boys" (at least not the ones who abuse their power), but he was just doin' his job and got killed in the line of duty. Sounds like he did a lot for the community. Most police precincts across the country are prob plagued with corruption, scandals, etc., so to find to a cop who takes the "Protect & Serve" motto seriously is prob rare. Let's not forget the family and loved ones he's leaving behind.

RIP Officer Capoot

DJ Mark 7

Jul 18, 1977
Sorry, but if you lump everyone based on race, creed, religion OR career and then turn around and say "well, everyone except for THIS guy" then that is kind of asinine.

Everything I've heard about this guy was that he was a great human and there's nothing to make me doubt that. But some of the same people saying "RIP" to him are the same ones who post "fuck all pigs" in other threads where a cop got killed. What makes you think that some of these other cops weren't as stand-up as Officer Capoot? Just something to think about.


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
he was a good dude, coached the Vallejo High Girls hoop team until this year, and took in the children of Joe Battle from N2Deep when him and his girl died this year... let the hate begin...
He was probley molesting the girls, then karma stepped in, burn in hell pig, I think I'm gonna go find his grave, and knock it down with a sledge hammer, karma.


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
Sorry, but if you lump everyone based on race, creed, religion OR career and then turn around and say "well, everyone except for THIS guy" then that is kind of asinine.

Everything I've heard about this guy was that he was a great human and there's nothing to make me doubt that. But some of the same people saying "RIP" to him are the same ones who post "fuck all pigs" in other threads where a cop got killed. What makes you think that some of these other cops weren't as stand-up as Officer Capoot? Just something to think about.
No rips from me, Im gonna find his grave and take a giant steamy shit on it.