Thread dedicated to the greatest move ever pulled off in combat sports

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Nov 20, 2010
Dunno. I guess I'm just not as impressed by this as everyone else is.

Sure, it's a flashy move. But if it had not connected at all, everyone would be laughing at Pettis and calling it an "amateur" move.

Everyone would be saying that shit like this doesn't belong in MMA and that fighters should be focusing on tight boxing skills and wrestling instead of flashy moves.

But... because it landed and knocked Bendo down, it's the best move in MMA ever recorded.

I guess I'm just an asshole that way. It was cool he was able to pull it off, sure, but "the greatest move ever"? I don't see it.

Personally, I think Aoki's mounted gogoplata finish of Nagata was more impressive. I mean, he finished the fight using a gogo from the mount.
Apr 2, 2010
That move is great, it gives his body more momentum and power. Its just like Cung Lee doing spinning back kicks, although his are half assed...its still a great move (generating more speed and build up is better like my avatar though, if Cung Lee did that he would be knocking mother fuckers out every fight..)
Oct 27, 2008
i dont really like pettis, & i do believe Bendo would develope an answer to his fighting style if they fought again..

but that kick was pretty fucking amazing. the fact is, it did connect. just like anderson silva's uppercut elbow & guard-kick KO connected. gonzaga's headkick that ruined mirko's career, scott smith knockin that dude out in UFC after his ribs got smashed.. of course they wouldnt have meant shit if they didnt connect. but they did.

no, it wasnt the "greatest move ever" ..but i wont discredit it, & even if it hadnt landed i wouldnt be talking shit about how it doesnt belong in mma. really, who would? most ppl i know would would be applauding his effort @ taking a risk & trying something new.
Feb 12, 2004
I've seen that back uppercut elbow done in muay thai fights before. Where do you think Anderson Silva got the idea from? That move is old school muay boran and i've even worked on it before in class.

btw if you like that move, we've worked on the spinning back uppercut elbow which looks even crazier and is 100x harder to land lol.
Oct 27, 2008
I've seen that back uppercut elbow done in muay thai fights before. Where do you think Anderson Silva got the idea from? That move is old school muay boran and i've even worked on it before in class.

btw if you like that move, we've worked on the spinning back uppercut elbow which looks even crazier and is 100x harder to land lol.
okay, show me either then. i'm sure that kick has been done plenty of times throughout history. in recoreded mma? once, as far as i know. that elbow uppercut? once, in recorded mma history (as far as i know). show it to me again.


Rest In Peace
Jun 24, 2008
Dunno. I guess I'm just not as impressed by this as everyone else is.

Sure, it's a flashy move. But if it had not connected at all, everyone would be laughing at Pettis and calling it an "amateur" move.

Everyone would be saying that shit like this doesn't belong in MMA and that fighters should be focusing on tight boxing skills and wrestling instead of flashy moves.

But... because it landed and knocked Bendo down, it's the best move in MMA ever recorded.

I guess I'm just an asshole that way. It was cool he was able to pull it off, sure, but "the greatest move ever"? I don't see it.

Personally, I think Aoki's mounted gogoplata finish of Nagata was more impressive. I mean, he finished the fight using a gogo from the mount.
it did connect so go fuck ur hand . i hate people who do what ifs , what if ur mom wasnt a whore ?
Apr 2, 2010
if you wanna see that pettis shit again, i can direct you hella jet li movies. lol.
Of course the move has been done in a ton of movies before Pettis did it, but to pull it off against someone ready to defend against it is really hard. Pettis is lucky Henderson wasn't expecting that as he barely backed up to dodge it but still got caught, movies also get a million chances to do it just right and make the move look perfect. (Although most talented Hong Kong martial artists will get it within the first couple takes)
