STOP THE RIAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Feb 24, 2003
Zer0.MediA makes a very good point... The month before 50 Cent's CD came out in stores, every mp3 channel on Efnet was crowded with fans/groupies/bootleggers askin' when "Get Rich Or Die Tryin" was going to be ripped. Then finally, when it was ripped, the bots were FLOODED. Thousands upon thousands of people downloaded and burned the CD (not counting the millions who undoubtedly downloaded 50 Cent songs from off of P2Ps such as KaZaA), yet the album was still able to go platinum faster than any rap debut album in history (it even displaced Snoop's "Doggystyle", if I'm not mistaken). To me this seems to suggest that the buzz created by the early (unauthorized) leak of the album may have actually HELPED the album sell massive units primarily off of positive word-of-mouth from the people who downloaded it.
I for one was not very enthusuastic about the album before it was released, but I'll be the first to admit, the day after downloading and listening to "Get Rich Or Die Tryin," I put in a pre-order at the Wherehouse music across from where I work.

Anyway, That's just my 2 Cents...
Aug 26, 2002
^^^50 Cent , that is easy, a lil white fella named Slim Shady...........all white america feels 50 Cent is safe cause he was endorsed by Marshal...........

downloading one or two songs ain;t no big deal but a whole album............stealing, the Lord will take of you
Nov 14, 2002
jesse james said:
^^^50 Cent , that is easy, a lil white fella named Slim Shady...........all white america feels 50 Cent is safe cause he was endorsed by Marshal...........

downloading one or two songs ain;t no big deal but a whole album............stealing, the Lord will take of you
Listen Cowboy.... I'm white and I'll download the blackest motherfucker endorsed by an even darker motherfucker if I like the tunes... What's your theory got to do with white vs. black?
Jan 12, 2003
call me crazy, or just lucky, i buy cds all the time, and almost 90% are things i like, i do buy carefully, i dont buy when an albulm first comes out, or is hyped- To much markerting = booty.

Lets say again more clearly and slower so some can understand, downloading hurts underground and small companies, dont like whole cd downloads, or burnt- bootleg cds. a song here and there i could care less about.

Motto: you bump, you buy

I believe artwork and stage shows show a big part to why Tech is still keeping on, {OH and the fact that cant nobody fuck with him on flows}and i believe downloads, hurt , should be way more sales than that. Not being greedy, its just the fact he deserves it every single fan and sale, been in it to long and way to talented to still be working this damn hard.

a summary-)still stealing, no way you can justify that. Dont really care about anybody but Tech, and the small guys. whole cds are my beef. Not the quantiy of your cd collection the quality of your cd collection,
Sep 26, 2002
good words^^^

but i have to say that the recent incident of fuckers suing a 12 year old girl who lives in the projects for downloadin music is bullshit... i dont know what record co. did that or if it waas the RIAA but its fucked anyhow
Jan 16, 2003
the 12 year old girl thing is what pissed me off the most about the whole situation

again, sue people who have money and still choose to download what, poor people like me and that girl and whoever have to suffer without entertainment because we poor? fuck that, them richie bitches may like to see that, but i say fuck that i may be poor and not able to afford cds as much but why should i not be able to be happy that'z the fuckin problem with america you don't got money, you got no happiness, no life

i wanna be happy i got my life i got my happiness if music makes me happy, i'ma get that shit and fuck them rich bitches tryin to hold us poor people down
Nov 14, 2002
skeptikaltruth said:
the 12 year old girl thing is what pissed me off the most about the whole situation

again, sue people who have money and still choose to download what, poor people like me and that girl and whoever have to suffer without entertainment because we poor? fuck that, them richie bitches may like to see that, but i say fuck that i may be poor and not able to afford cds as much but why should i not be able to be happy that'z the fuckin problem with america you don't got money, you got no happiness, no life

i wanna be happy i got my life i got my happiness if music makes me happy, i'ma get that shit and fuck them rich bitches tryin to hold us poor people down
Why should people who don't have money get the same shit for free that others have to work and pay for?

Fuckin' commie. Get a job.
Jan 16, 2003
i ain't sayin that poor people should get everythin and rich people should get nothin that ain't true at all see this is the problem in america, and anywhere else for that matter....poor people are usually born in the poor environment and even though you can, it'z extremely tough to get out of a poor life rich people are lucky they have money they can do what they want basically i see homeless people out on the streetz no homes, no foods, shitty smelly ass clothes, all that nasty shit they miserable but they completely flat out as far as america is concerned, he got no life......why? cause he broke just cause i'm poor, and ends is tough to get, i can't be happy? fuck that! every muthafuckin human being on this muthafuckin planet has a right to be happy and that'z why a lot of rich people and poor people seem to clash cause poor people look at these rich muthafuckas and they're thinkin these people have so much money they got all they need they're set for life right now or some shit like that then we start thinkin they got all the money they need, why are they so bitchy about these music albums, these people are set for life and they still this muthafuckin greedy that they gonna go out and sue a fuckin 12 year old girl and shit that just makes a muthafucka mad

but then again look at it this way, poor people what do we pay, bills, food, car if we need a poor muthafucka like me most of my money goes towards bills and food and the family and all that shit so fuck it, if i want a little bit of entertainment, i got my fuckin right

a rich person, sure he works too maybe even harder than a poor person does and he certainly does make more money, he can afford to buy a few cds he can also afford to buy movies, better foods, going out to restauraunts and shows and concerts and all that kool entertainment shit he got a nice ass house not a shitty little side apartment like i got he got a nice ass car maybe 2 got big screen tvs and stereo equipment hooked to the whole fuckin joint and all that nice shit now not all rich people have all that, i ain't no stereotype, but rich people are more likely to have all that or at least, if they wanted to, whip out a wallet, snap a few fingers, they got everythin they want in seconds...theyre able to do that me, if i wanna save for somethin nice, i gotta save for months.....i don't have much entertainment cause i can't fuckin afford it got no video games, only a dreamcast that some kid gave me the games are too expensive, so i burned a disk of nintendo, master system and atari games to play on that shit i got a small shitty ass tv i got a crappy cpu i only got cable modem cause my job gave it to me, i used to work at a place like that so fuck it if i want a little entertainment, i'd like to buy i really wish i could but it'z hard on a muthafucka after a is my life, i can't live without music if there's a way i can support my artists, especially my favorites, that don't cost money i'll fuckin do it....that thing where i e-mail the new york radio company to play i'ma tell and i'ma playa and that shit, i did that shit daily unlike some people, i do put in my support for 2 reasons, number 1 cause i'm fuckin down......and number 2, cause i can't do otherwise.....very few cds i've paid for tech n9ne anghellic and ap is two of them, my favorites which is tech n9ne and ice-t i try my best to pay for there's still an ice-t cd i didn't get to pay for yet you know what i'm sayin?

what i'm basically sayin to the riaa is calm the fuck down realize why people are doin this and don't sue all these fuckin people for the wrong ass reasons and shit and certainly don't fuckin sue a 12 year old girl, a poor girl no less you sue a poor person for money, how the fuck they gonna afford it in the first place? try to hold a muthafucka down and watch that girl is an honor's student and all that shit makin good for herself in some catholic school it'z hard nowadays for a poor muthafucka to make it like that in school and cause of that fuckin riaa bullshit which is probably gonna be on her records and shit, watch when she tries to get in a nice ass college, be a s mart girl get out of the projects and make fuckin good for herself, a few colleges is gonna reject her for that bullshit non phixion has a song sayin the cia is gonna kill me.......fuck the cia! the riaa is gonna kill me
Nov 14, 2002
cause he broke just cause i'm poor, and ends is tough to get, i can't be happy? fuck that!
Read a book. They're free at the library. So is FM radio.

theyre able to do that me, if i wanna save for somethin nice, i gotta save for months.....
Such is life. I'd like a car too, but can't afford one. Does that mean I should go steal one from a factory just because nobody has paid for it yet?

what i'm basically sayin to the riaa is calm the fuck down realize why people are doin this and don't sue all these fuckin people for the wrong ass reasons and shit and certainly don't fuckin sue a 12 year old girl, a poor girl no less you sue a poor person for money,
I'm sure they didn't know she was 12 when they were looking at her collection of over 1000 songs.... The family is the one they were suing, and the family is the one who played it off like "Oh hey, it was my little girl" so they didn't have to pay.

Not being able to purchase something doesn't give you the right to steal it.
Jan 16, 2003
actually the family paid 2000 bucks

i do read......but a few things, libraries ain't common in poor areas or at least not in mine also not many people up in here have a great readin level

fm radio sure but what if i don't like that commercial shit what if i prefer tech n9ne and brotha lynch hmm?

there's a difference between stealing a car and downloadin a song....if you download a song, it'z not anyone's property no one paid for that personal piece of equipment or whatever you steal a car a person paid for that shit it'z someone's property
Nov 14, 2002
skeptikaltruth said:
actually the family paid 2000 bucks
They got off easy.

i do read......but a few things, libraries ain't common in poor areas or at least not in mine also not many people up in here have a great readin level
So because most poor people are stupid, they should get free cd's? So now when you're poor and stupid you should get things for free that an average person would have to pay for...

fm radio sure but what if i don't like that commercial shit what if i prefer tech n9ne and brotha lynch hmm?
Beggars can't be choosers.

there's a difference between stealing a car and downloadin a song....if you download a song, it'z not anyone's property no one paid for that personal piece of equipment or whatever you steal a car a person paid for that shit it'z someone's property
What if I jack a car off a lot? None of my neighbors own that, so would it not be stealing?

And you know who owns that music?? The person who wrote it. They own it before it's even released for sale, let alone download.
I can relate to that shit skeptikaltruth, i understand totally where u coming from, its good to hear your doing something with your life and your story is all to common. I myself am pretty poor and don't have a lot of things other people do. I aint jealous of no-one and im gonna make my own way in life.

Its shit that you can give your opinion like this and get shot down for it and the shit with the RIAA sueing anyone they want has gone too far. Then again if you really support an artist your gonna drop the money for the real album.... unless you don't have enough money like me, who bang the album until they have enough money to get the real copy of the album.

People these days care too much about your financial situation and shit that they forget what makes a person which is the personality of that person and the way they go through life still struggling to hold on even through the tough times.
