Satin Dolls?

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Jan 7, 2003
Anyone going to the show tonight at Satin Dolls?

MASZIVE? Are you in town?

By the way talked to Accoustic (Tye & Kalibur) yesterday. There going to send me a copy of that CD cover you saw for an "opinion"!
Aug 21, 2002
Nahh, I'm still in Jeff City... Sorry I can't make it...
I hadn't heard about anything going on tonight... I can't make it, my truck is in the shop, so I dont think I'll even make it there this weekend for the two shows also. I hope that it is fixed by tomorrow so I can hit the road. Are you going to either show this weekend? Lemme know!
Jan 7, 2003
Ahhhhh...Still in Jeff City....Boo!!!!
keep your ass there and go to school. Is your truck still gonna cost the high to fix?
How many peeps you think they can fit into Satin? Its not that big. Woder what the maximum is?

If your truck aint fixed are you still coming down for thw weekend?
Aug 21, 2002
I am trying to. Shit my truck caught fire on Tuesday because of a gas leak under the hood, so major repairs are being made. That is why my "Check Engine" light had come on for the first time a couple weeks ago, the Gas Regulator (not like you know what that is) was going bad. So that's what caused the fire...I'm sure I can get up there cause I want to go to the show's, but if not, I'll live... I'll call you and let you know what's the Dilly...
Jan 7, 2003
You let your check engine light go for 2 weeks? Is that because I told oyu mine was on for 2 months? Hee-hee!! Sorry and Shit!

Just cause I am a chick doesn't mean I don't know shit about cars. I know enough. PUNK!!!

1st: Someone steals my truck, in Chicago.
2nd: Someone wreaks into my truck, in the same weekend.
3rd: I get back to school and someone steals my bag, with all my stuff. ( At least I got that back.)
4th and final: My check engine light comes on and I let it go long enough that the stolen, wrecked, and fucked up truck catches fire. WHO AM I?

Someone needs to find a 4 leaf clover, or rabbit's foot.
Did you break a mirror, walk under a ladder?

Good luck buddy, stay at least 150 feet away from me.

In fact, you might want to keep your unlucky ass up there to keep mine safe, I dot need no help fuckin up, I do a damn good job myself.

Dont worry, it had to get worse before it gets better.
Talk to you soon.
Jan 7, 2003
Damn baby, it's good to here from you guys.
i do like that, it's good. Is your idea alot different?
I have an opinion, but it's just my view, I love the pic and all of that, but why the Tech N9ne skull cap. Just wondering....this is y'alls shit? Ya heard me? it should say the Shiying....ya know.

But for real....on a different note. You guys missed the show at Satin, it was off the chain. I was so fucked up........At least Kutt pulled me up on stage for Panic Box. It was great. Good show, they were taxing to get in, but who wouldnt spend grip to see my boys? There probably would have been 3x the people if they werent charging what they were.

You were supposed to call me back the other night.
love ya guys, miss ya guys...Tell Moe I said whaaaaz up...How's San Diego treatin ya?
Mar 27, 2003
crazy, i aint even know the n9ne logo was even that noticable, but you're bout the third person whos mentioned it , so maybe we should have him cover it up...
its just cuz we left there to do that, and strange gear was pretty much all we had with us in Portland, so we said fuck it, cant hurt to rep the homie a lil....
plus, we dont have Shiyning gear....
but i guess if its bein took sideways, might as well change it....
but yeah, dudes doin the cover all different, wit this picture of Suttle crouched in front of me and me standin behind lookin like im prayin in the middle, and then individual close-ups on either side, all black n blue n silver n shit, plus itll have the title and features, so itll be way better...
but wut u think of the song though?
haha u always be addin extra E's to shit like dan quayle....Tye and Moe is just Ty and Mo, but yeah,she doin good...
sorry we aint call u back, Ty's fault, i was high, sumpin....
haha...get at me when u hear that shit.....
Nov 14, 2002
Cover it up!? That shit is cool.

And "way better"!? That's easily the best graphic I've seen on the siccness, except for the fact that the kat on the right's head doesn't seem to match his body, but that's only noticeable to Photoshop kids anyhow.
Jan 7, 2003
Leave all my extra e's alone.

The logo isnt that noticable, It's always good to give props and stuff, I was just saying that Its y'alls shit.
make some Shiyning gear goofy.

Ty told me about him and his girl. I hadnt realized y'all had been gone so long. Seems like just yesterday i was coming home to you cooking dinner. hee-hee!!!!

i havent listened to the song yet, I am at work, but I will soon.
When Kutt comes home on Saturday, we'll go somewhere and listen to it.
You guys coming back to KC ever?
Aug 21, 2002
Ha, ha @ Zer0... That's Kalibur your talking about dude... Ha, ha...

Shit DeanAllmighty...
1. Matt gets me beat down by my ex-girl at the release party...
2. Girlfriend leaves me after Uptown show cause "I'm a playa!"... :sad:
3. My truck get's towed in Chicago, so I have to pay 160 to get it out.
4. Someone hits my truck and drives off/ leaves me 2,000 in damages.
5. Someone steals my bag, and I do get it back.
6. Jose gets us lost, box trucks transmission burns up, I drive home late and nearly fall asleep at the wheel.
7. My truck catches fire, and now I have to pay for it out of pocket.
8. Cant go to the show tomorrow because I have to get a rental to pick my roommate up in K.C. so I can resign the lease down here tomorrow, then take him back afterwards.
Jan 7, 2003
I aint going to the show either, need to spend some time at home, and save some money.

You should have been here for the show last night, it was tight. I was about as drunk last night as you were in Columbia...I am feeling it today though..ouch...With about one hour of sleep. They are trying to kill me..
Jan 7, 2003
What's up chica?
Everything here is cool. Not sure when I will be out that way, but sine the guys are going on tour, they will be out there. I may try to hook up with them somewhere in Cali for a couple shows or something, I will make sure its out there your way.
Apr 10, 2003
Hey Dena

well I hope you can make it out here and we can chill San Diego style...give us a call and we can make some plans..I can wait to see them all at the show...its gonna be tight!