nortenos in georgia

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Dec 13, 2004
Tvo14 said:
I'm 34 ese and I know the history as well as on the calles. And for the record never refer to your any nortenos as carnal as true full blown NF members call each other Familiano. Carnal is used by La eme to refer to one another. A true Norteno inside the pinta would never call each other Carnal.
As far as schooling the young ones on how to be a norteno, its doesn't matter if they are from a different varrio. IF you see your fellow Norteno and he needs help or schooling on doing the right thing and he's down for the cause, than you do what needs to be done. Theres not enough Nortenos as it is and subversive talk like yours will just divide when we need to unite and recruit as much as possible.
Being that you been schooled by some veteranos you should no that Nortenos see no varrios in the pinta. All street beef in left on the street. Theres no EHP Vs. Horseshoe, everyone is a norteno and you can get schooled by a vato from a rival varrio is need be.
Once your earn the respect of the streets than you can impart whatever knowledege you need. Don't side bust, gossip or politicking (I dunno if thats even a word) thats written in our constitution.
Simone In the calles I will say Carnal for being my fellow carnales,but Inside they will dissapline the ones for saying things or doing what you shouldn't be doing.You will here some gettting out telling others"Hey somos Familia".,
Dec 13, 2004
Bulldog$4Life said:
There'$ Pai$a$ here but there'$ foo$ from L.A. coming here Claiming that $krap $hit and the foo'$ here from Phoenix don't like that becau$e the $krapa$ coming here i$ banging on PHX (Phoenix) talking down on foo$ $aying Cali'$ the $hit fuck Phoenix $o the $krap$ from L.A. don't get $hown no Love from Phoenix Foo$ e$pecially there own kind here there$ $krap$ fighting $krap$ here, I told $ome Foo$ i wa$ from Cali and they were $aying you banging on phoenix I $aid i got re$prect for everyone that ha$ heart dont matter what $tate u from $o i gue$$ everyone coming from Cali i$ con$idered to talk down on Phoenix but i told them Central to tha Bay they dont talk $hit on anyone there ha$ to be a rea$on to talk $hit on u if ur a bitch ur gonna get talk down on $o Phoenix Foo$ dont like Cali Foo$ from L.A. If there were more norteno$ here yall would take over the $krap$ here are Pu$$y'$ mo$t of them are $kinny a$ hell wieghing at lea$t 85 pound$ but the Pai$a$ coming from the border i$ getting jumped in to $ureno$ I gue$$ the $krap$ are $aying to the Pai$a$ there the only mexican gang here $o there getting hella deep out here.
Yeah,The last time I went their I did see things like that happen.They know if your not from Phoenix their.It kinda reminds me of Detroit MI. The south their hate LA for saying their better than them so I'm sure it's happening like that in Phoenix too.
On the skinny issue.My primo got locked in that city and he said their's alot of skinny south gente inside.He knocked one of them out inside the vatos cell for trying to run up on him and said the Asians inside were kool with the Nortenos.WHo knows now..
Mar 12, 2005
Tvo14 said:
I'm 34 ese and I know the history as well as on the calles. And for the record never refer to your any nortenos as carnal as true full blown NF members call each other Familiano. Carnal is used by La eme to refer to one another. A true Norteno inside the pinta would never call each other Carnal.
As far as schooling the young ones on how to be a norteno, its doesn't matter if they are from a different varrio. IF you see your fellow Norteno and he needs help or schooling on doing the right thing and he's down for the cause, than you do what needs to be done. Theres not enough Nortenos as it is and subversive talk like yours will just divide when we need to unite and recruit as much as possible.
Being that you been schooled by some veteranos you should no that Nortenos see no varrios in the pinta. All street beef in left on the street. Theres no EHP Vs. Horseshoe, everyone is a norteno and you can get schooled by a vato from a rival varrio is need be.
Once your earn the respect of the streets than you can impart whatever knowledege you need. Don't side bust, gossip or politicking (I dunno if thats even a word) thats written in our constitution.
It's good to learn knowledge whenever, but Og don't you think, talking about deep stuff like that is too much for the internet. Well to many of the Older homies that still go on or no longer are affiliaties but remember those times tell me well here in stocktone, that back in the 80s if someone was to be from your varrio they had to be from that side of town. I understand what you mean, by not allowing others to learn because it causes division. No Wonder why in the 80s stocktone had so much Varrio Funk, the South Side Versus Crow Valley and other varrios funked back in the day, because of what I speak off. I don't think, but I know knowledge is a good thing to learn, but en serio, don't you think that getting knowledge is better left for your OG's to teach you not the internet. Cause the Placas already know about this, and it shouldn't be a website that exposes the gente more. Ay much Respect because knowledge that is never taught, will cease througout the younger generation.
Dec 13, 2004
Stockton209SS said:
It's good to learn knowledge whenever, but Og don't you think, talking about deep stuff like that is too much for the internet. Well to many of the Older homies that still go on or no longer are affiliaties but remember those times tell me well here in stocktone, that back in the 80s if someone was to be from your varrio they had to be from that side of town. I understand what you mean, by not allowing others to learn because it causes division. No Wonder why in the 80s stocktone had so much Varrio Funk, the South Side Versus Crow Valley and other varrios funked back in the day, because of what I speak off. I don't think, but I know knowledge is a good thing to learn, but en serio, don't you think that getting knowledge is better left for your OG's to teach you not the internet. Cause the Placas already know about this, and it shouldn't be a website that exposes the gente more. Ay much Respect because knowledge that is never taught, will cease througout the younger generation.
LOL.The things I talk about are basic things gente know about. I don't know how old you are homie, so I don't know if you already know these informations that I type or not.The things are simple not deep things,but to some I guess it can be if it's new to them. Even at time Older vatos get told by younger homie since the generations have changed on the things in some Barrios today being this is the younger generation.
Mar 12, 2005
Basic, How homeboy, when you have foos From Texas asking, how is it done in Cali. Well here it's a little different, Stocktone goes by it's own politics. It's like letting a SEM Norteno become part of Triple S SOUTH SIDE STOCKTONE Nortenos, you can't do that. You want to become a varrio hopper, you're not listening to what I was saying ese, IF YOU WANT KNOWLEDGE OF BEING A NORTENO, ASK YOUR OWN OG'S OR OG'S FROM YOUR TOWN, BECAUSE FIRST OF ALL IF YOU CLAIM A VARRIO, DON'T YOU HAVE AN OG TO TEACH YOU, NOT THE INTERNET HOLMES, SABES QUE. No disrespect, but direct lessons from Real OG's is better.
Dec 13, 2004
I can see what you mean about the outsider asking the Insider.I'm in my mid 30's myself so I know the rules.Seems like your trying to skool me. SO I will take this info you give me,but whier have I giving someone information that the gente don't know already? Your Norteno definition of real and not in Califas is what?I'm not a viejo yet,but Older gentes are not all concidered OG's by their age,but by their experience and time they have put through out the years with the knowledge.. You can have a 50 year old vato who never did work and not be concidered a Veterano in the Barrio so To call me a fake is Bullshit and you say no disrespect! Chale!! Here in Sacra to call someone that's been in the calles and elsewheir that did and put in work for Years from the begining, a fake.Is beat by the affiliates and concider and outcast from the Barrio till further notice from the clique.So I won't take that the way you typed it.I've earned my respects in Sacra aswell as other cities here in Califas and in other states.So I will forget about this subject and not take all this drama the wrong way..We're still kool sabes nomatter what and I'm their for you,If you ever need me.
Mar 12, 2005
I can see what you mean about the outsider asking the Insider.I'm in my mid 30's myself so I know the rules.Seems like your trying to skool me. SO I will take this info you give me,but whier have I giving someone information that the gente don't know already? Your Norteno definition of real and not in Califas is what?I'm not a viejo yet,but Older gentes are not all concidered OG's by their age,but by their experience and time they have put through out the years with the knowledge.. You can have a 50 year old vato who never did work and not be concidered a Veterano in the Barrio so To call me a fake is Bullshit and you say no disrespect! Chale!! Here in Sacra to call someone that's been in the calles and elsewheir that did and put in work for Years from the begining, a fake.Is beat by the affiliates and concider and outcast from the Barrio till further notice from the clique.So I won't take that the way you typed it.I've earned my respects in Sacra aswell as other cities here in Califas and in other states.So I will forget about this subject and not take all this drama the wrong way..We're still kool sabes nomatter what and I'm their for you,If you ever need me.
Listen homeboy, I never intended for it to mean like, but you know my drift. Who am I to call a vato a fake, and that vato knows deep in his heart that he and his Varrio know he's down. See I'm Youngster 19 to be exact, I've hung around the Veteranos, and Older Gente, and yes some of them don't even have the Credentials of Being an Og. I see that you've earned the respect in Sacra, and here in Stocktone, we always welcome other enes, from other lados. This aint the 80s no more, and our Politics have changed. Here we're still divided through The Sides of Town were from, but it's funny we accept nortenos from outta town, more then the ones that are from our towns. I could never raise my voice to a viejo, neither can you teach a Older Vato anything new about the Vida. I still have a long ways to go before I make a name for myself in the calles, fighting scraps here and there, isn't gonna get me anywhere if my superiors or homies don't see me. Stay up, and fuck this internet talk, it's music, and if I ever come to Sacra, I'll bring some Coronaz or something. Much Respect from your Fellow Vallero, Stocktone to Sacra
Dec 13, 2004
Stockton209SS said:
Listen homeboy, I never intended for it to mean like, but you know my drift. Who am I to call a vato a fake, and that vato knows deep in his heart that he and his Varrio know he's down. See I'm Youngster 19 to be exact, I've hung around the Veteranos, and Older Gente, and yes some of them don't even have the Credentials of Being an Og. I see that you've earned the respect in Sacra, and here in Stocktone, we always welcome other enes, from other lados. This aint the 80s no more, and our Politics have changed. Here we're still divided through The Sides of Town were from, but it's funny we accept nortenos from outta town, more then the ones that are from our towns. I could never raise my voice to a viejo, neither can you teach a Older Vato anything new about the Vida. I still have a long ways to go before I make a name for myself in the calles, fighting scraps here and there, isn't gonna get me anywhere if my superiors or homies don't see me. Stay up, and fuck this internet talk, it's music, and if I ever come to Sacra, I'll bring some Coronaz or something. Much Respect from your Fellow Vallero, Stocktone to Sacra
I respect what you did homie. No need to appologized.No harm taken .I will be the first to buy you a beer.Keep the knowledge you know and never doubt it.Remember Somos Familia and that's what make us different than the others..
.Check you PM homie.
Feb 16, 2006
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