Legalize Marijuana?

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Nov 21, 2007
1. The government is not going to sell an intoxicant.
if that were the case, alcohol would be illegal.
2. Weed stunts emotional development.
or is it emotionally stunted people are more likely to smoke weed and use other drugs?
3. It has a deleterious effect on the brains of children exposed to the smoke.
so does alcohol. Ciggarette smoke can damage a childs lungs also, but instead of outlaw and lose the tax revenue.. they ticket u for smoking in a car with a child (more revenue) lol
4. It can trigger neuroses and psychoses in people with a predisposition.
lol, if they had a predisposition to neuroses or a psychoses then the trigger is of little importance because it would also vary. They could be taking anti-depressants (which some have psychotropic properties) and be susceptible to such occurrences and shouldn't be using any mind altering medication... period.