Jewish race/ Judaism

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Jan 29, 2005
The teachings of Christianity, ranging from do not murder, lie, steal, etc... to love your neighbor as yourself, living a life that would glorify God aka living as righteous and holy as possible, so on and so forth.

You didn't mention specifics, but any "Christians" doing things or living a lifestyle contrary to this or promoting such through various means may not be Christians at all. I don't buy that this is a Christian nation. From the beginning, Jesus talked about their being very few. He said things on purpose that tested and essentially drove away large crowds of people, and so on. I've been a Christian 17 years, and seen a lot of people profess to be Christians and end up going back to how they were sometimes in a few months or few years. It happens, but they were likely never a real Christian to begin with.
Since the mass majority (yes I'm throwing a blanket statement like mass majority, because it's true) of Christians are terrible people and that means they aren't actually "true Christians", then what are they? If they're the mass majority, wouldn't it make them the Christians and you something else?

These terrible people who claim to be Christians which make up the mass majority of Christians act the way they do because of how they interpret the bible. Which makes me go back to your defense of "Christianity doing good for people, no matter how much people want to bash Christians". I'd argue it has done much much much worse over the centuries, decades, and even current day.

How many of those people that it does good for, immediately become a "God hates fags and they'll burn in hell" and "If you have an abortion you'll burn in hell" or "if you have sex before marriage you'll burn in hell" type people? I'd venture to guess a very high percentage. I've seen it with my own eyes.

For every 1 tolerant open minded Christian I've met in my life, I've easily met 10 vile people. Even the ones that on the surface seem like the nicest, kindest people you'll ever meet, the moment you step foot in their building on a Sunday morning it's pure hate speech about who is going to burn in hell.

The hate spewing majority of your religion are also the ones bending laws in this country based around bigotry and persecution of various groups of people solely based on their own personal interpretation of the bible.

Could Christianity help somebody get off booze or drugs sometimes? Sure. Does it act like a crutch and "help" people through dark times? Maybe. Does it also get gay people beaten and killed, abortion clinics shot up and bombed, and various other acts of bigotry and hatred? Definitely.

This is just a response to the "true Christianity" and and your quote of "there's more hate towards Christianity than from it" which is one of the most laughable things I've read on this website in awhile outside of the flat earth thread lol

Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
Since the mass majority (yes I'm throwing a blanket statement like mass majority, because it's true) of Christians are terrible people and that means they aren't actually "true Christians", then what are they? If they're the mass majority, wouldn't it make them the Christians and you something else?

These terrible people who claim to be Christians which make up the mass majority of Christians act the way they do because of how they interpret the bible. Which makes me go back to your defense of "Christianity doing good for people, no matter how much people want to bash Christians". I'd argue it has done much much much worse over the centuries, decades, and even current day.

How many of those people that it does good for, immediately become a "God hates fags and they'll burn in hell" and "If you have an abortion you'll burn in hell" or "if you have sex before marriage you'll burn in hell" type people? I'd venture to guess a very high percentage. I've seen it with my own eyes.

For every 1 tolerant open minded Christian I've met in my life, I've easily met 10 vile people. Even the ones that on the surface seem like the nicest, kindest people you'll ever meet, the moment you step foot in their building on a Sunday morning it's pure hate speech about who is going to burn in hell.

The hate spewing majority of your religion are also the ones bending laws in this country based around bigotry and persecution of various groups of people solely based on their own personal interpretation of the bible.

Could Christianity help somebody get off booze or drugs sometimes? Sure. Does it act like a crutch and "help" people through dark times? Maybe. Does it also get gay people beaten and killed, abortion clinics shot up and bombed, and various other acts of bigotry and hatred? Definitely.

This is just a response to the "true Christianity" and and your quote of "there's more hate towards Christianity than from it" which is one of the most laughable things I've read on this website in awhile outside of the flat earth thread lol
I would charge that the people doing the things you speak of, are not only likely to not be Christians at all, but they certainly do not have an understanding of the Bible.

But come on man, you really believe the guy shooting up the abortion clinic was a Christian because the media says so? People like that and the westboro baptist "church" are the antithesis of what Christians are supposed to be like. Ever heard the expression "wolves in sheep's clothing?" What you're doing is acting like the cops shooting unarmed dudes in black neighborhoods. You're ascribing every negative thing you want to believe about an entire group of people essentially because of some people who give Christianity a bad name, and may not even be Christians to begin with. What does that make you?

I talk to people all the time. And I'm sure this will yield a joke, but whatever... but I have gone door to door and talked to people about these subjects. I've heard just about every apologetic for and against Christianity that might exist. Virtually all of the negative attitudes that people have against Christianity are false assumptions with little to no education about what they're talking about whatsoever.

In regards to the preaching, I seriously doubt there are many churches preaching "fags will burn in hell" all the time like you're talking about. We're probably not far from that being an offense that could get someone arrested. However, to be fair, the Bible does say that ALL sin demands a punishment. There's a lot of terrible and/or false teachers out there too parading themselves as "pastors" but don't even know what the word means. But even then I doubt they are going to single out gays week in and week out, and that's why gays are being killed in hate crimes.
Jan 29, 2005
So who are you to decide on who are "true Christians", that's the point of my post.

The majority of self proclaimed Christians are bad people, when you say things like "there's more hate towards Christianity than from it" it's fucking laughable.

Also lol @ you doubting many Churches preach that shit. You're right, a lot of them dress it up by putting a smile on their face and saying "gays will go to hell" instead of all out "fags will burn in hell".

You yourself just tried to dress it up and throw one in there insinuating being gay is a "sin" that deserves punishment. Which is making my point.

That in itself is bigotry and hate, even if you do it with a smile on your face, that message alone, when said by enough people to enough people and spread around fosters a hateful environment towards an entire group of people.
May 7, 2013
They can't comprehend bigotry and hate when they use a book to justify their bigotry and hate. The book tells them what to think and how to act. That is the law of their god. Nevermind that their god's word is written as well as compiled by various human men, men in power and control with dominion over the Earth. In fact they teach the youth in their religious schools that you do not question the word of God. How do I know? I was forced to go to their brainwashing schools as a youth. You take the word for exactly what it says in the book, literal interpretation is the only accepted view. Nevermind that languages don't always translate that way across other languages. Nope, no questioning. Just bow your head and let the Lord God be in control.

How has that been working out for the last 1700 years?

Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
So who are you to decide on who are "true Christians", that's the point of my post.

The majority of self proclaimed Christians are bad people, when you say things like "there's more hate towards Christianity than from it" it's fucking laughable.

Also lol @ you doubting many Churches preach that shit. You're right, a lot of them dress it up by putting a smile on their face and saying "gays will go to hell" instead of all out "fags will burn in hell".

You yourself just tried to dress it up and throw one in there insinuating being gay is a "sin" that deserves punishment. Which is making my point.

That in itself is bigotry and hate, even if you do it with a smile on your face, that message alone, when said by enough people to enough people and spread around fosters a hateful environment towards an entire group of people.
Your blanket statements aren't getting anywhere, and honestly they're as shallow as can possibly be. Maybe the people professing to be Christians that YOU know are that way, but to say the majority of Christians are all that way is just plain stupid.

And i'm not condemning anyone. Jesus said not to condemn anyone. However, if I were preaching it, the Bible does teach that God will judge people for the good and bad they have done. It also says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It talks about sexual immorality being a sin which will be punished, but in that very sentence it says that gossipers and liars will be there too. Anyone singling out any particular sin would be foolish and obviously hasn't read the text in context. Not only that, that is only half of what should be the message. The wages of sin are death, both physically and spiritually, but while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. If you believe and confess that Christ is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead, you would have eternal life. That is the good news. Man cannot get into heaven on their own, but God loved the world enough to send His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.

I'm not the judge of who is a true Christian or not. But I do know what the Bible says, I know what Jesus taught in the Bible, and that is why I said what I said. There are some extremely clear passages that outlines what his followers are supposed to look like in terms of how they live their lives. What you describe doesn't line up with Christian living or ideology at all.

But we can be honest and know we're not going to get anywhere with this. You have said some of this type of stuff to me before. I think I understand how you feel about it. But you should also recognize the hypocrisy in what you're saying. You're guilty of the things you criticize a majority of a group of people of doing in regards to trying to stir up dissension and hate towards an entire group as though you know what you're talking about or that you could have possibly have met a majority of the people in that group. It's whatever man, peace to you.
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May 7, 2013
In Phoenix, we used to have the Phoenix Indian School, hence where the name Indian School Road came from, on Central Ave & Indian School Rd. This school was a school of forced assimilation, which included Christianity. The torture they went through at that school, stripping them of their culture, identity, values, and psyche is unimaginable, but it happened. Not only does the majority of the people on this website not know about it, neither does the majority of people in general, including so called Christians. Christians were okay with this though. Know how I know? Because my religious school competed against them athletically. Where were the Christians standing up for these people? Where were the Christians speaking of these people's oppression and torture? Where are these Christians now, reminding their masses of this horrible part of American history? How about the entire history of what they have done to the indigenous people of the Americas for centuries? How about their treatment of African slaves in the Americas? We could really go on and on. These things aren't spoken to because they want them to be forgotten. They will eventually erase this stuff from the internet and the books will no longer be available. Only their books and their recollections.
Jun 21, 2006
Aboriginals in Australia got fucked liked that also. I’m not sure it was the Christians who did that, but shit was messed up. Abducting aboriginal children to give them a ‘decent white’ education....
Jan 29, 2005
Your blanket statements aren't getting anywhere, and honestly they're as shallow as can possibly be. Maybe the people professing to be Christians that YOU know are that way, but to say the majority of Christians are all that way is just plain stupid.

And i'm not condemning anyone. Jesus said not to condemn anyone. However, if I were preaching it, the Bible does teach that God will judge people for the good and bad they have done. It also says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It talks about sexual immorality being a sin which will be punished, but in that very sentence it says that gossipers and liars will be there too. Anyone singling out any particular sin would be foolish and obviously hasn't read the text in context. Not only that, that is only half of what should be the message. The wages of sin are death, both physically and spiritually, but while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. If you believe and confess that Christ is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead, you would have eternal life. That is the good news. Man cannot get into heaven on their own, but God loved the world enough to send His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.

I'm not the judge of who is a true Christian or not. But I do know what the Bible says, I know what Jesus taught in the Bible, and that is why I said what I said. There are some extremely clear passages that outlines what his followers are supposed to look like in terms of how they live their lives. What you describe doesn't line up with Christian living or ideology at all.

But we can be honest and know we're not going to get anywhere with this. You have said some of this type of stuff to me before. I think I understand how you feel about it. But you should also recognize the hypocrisy in what you're saying. You're guilty of the things you criticize a majority of a group of people of doing in regards to trying to stir up dissension and hate towards an entire group as though you know what you're talking about or that you could have possibly have met a majority of the people in that group. It's whatever man, peace to you.
LMAO You went back to dressing up hate in a nice pretty package, tried to slide away with the "we're not going to get anywhere with this" after dancing around and ignoring what was said about what is preached by the majority of Christians every single Sunday and then proceeded to take a victim role once again all within a couple of paragraphs.

Nice work man, you could make a good preacher/head of church yourself.

Before I go though I gotta really laugh real quick about you comparing Christians preaching hate speech every day to millions/billions of people to me talking in a thread to the 4 people reading it. That was some great deflection to slide yourself into that victim role LMAO
May 7, 2013
Teacher threatened for inviting Muslim woman to speak to students - NY Daily News

Bristol Public Schools Superintendent Susan Kalt Moreau said, “I canceled this speaker because the teacher felt threatened — she was getting phone calls and emails that were, in her words, threatening.”

The letter was also posted on the closed Bristol Talks Facebook group, where commenters called the presentation a disservice to Christianity and denounced Islam as a religion, according to the Hartford Courant.

Another presentation on Judaism was (also) canceled, although Moreau said the school district was planning on holding a panel discussion on world religions at a local high school.
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May 7, 2013
Aboriginals in Australia got fucked liked that also. I’m not sure it was the Christians who did that, but shit was messed up. Abducting aboriginal children to give them a ‘decent white’ education....
Mos def they did.... Christian missionaries and their missions.....