Is it just me or are Asian women pussies tighter?!

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Sicc OG
Jul 2, 2002
I think a good queastion is no matter how good the pussy, right when your done fucken do you all of a sudden find everything wrong with her? her gums show to much when she smile....her ass don't connect to her back right....her stomach look a lil like mine her mole on her cheek is bigger now that i cumpted....damn!!!
As if bitchez werent worthless enough....They loose all value right after the nut is busted......Your statement is truth......
Aug 9, 2005
lol safe ta say I want her to make me a sandwich Scratch that wash up than make me a sandwich and than leave!

I have had a nice lil handfull though that were so fire that I was like cooooo! but i mean phisically dope and faces just beautifull annnnnnnd get theiss..... careeeeers! when I CUM across them we good for a while..... till I find something else...? lol grass is always greener bebe
Sep 5, 2008
I remember my boy at work was all hyped up talking about hes going to smash his first japanese broad and the whole tight pussy thing... day he comes in pissed talking about it was the looses pussy he ever fucked haha
Aug 9, 2005
I remember my boy at work was all hyped up talking about hes going to smash his first japanese broad and the whole tight pussy thing... day he comes in pissed talking about it was the looses pussy he ever fucked haha
ya i had 2 females in my life with just sloppy crevis! (<copywright) a white chick and a Hawaiian/cambodian/some other shit? & ugh ughmmm i consider myself to have heet! don't know about yall lol but some shit just be that real quadruplit ready crevis!

Mike Manson

Still Livin'
Apr 16, 2005
I've had my share of Chinese pussu, some never had a foreign dick inside them pussu, and all of them were in pain when I fucked them (" aahh tong tong uhh tong"). And I don't have no huge dick.

So I would say yes to the question.
Jan 27, 2005
if the bitch pussy is loose that means she fucked earlier or few days ago.
every pussy gets tight as the days go by cuz its a muscle if it loose when you hitten than you aint the only one bangin within a week
May 6, 2002
I wouldnt say tighter, I can just say I've never been with a loose Asian girl.
From what I understand, it's based on how nervous they are, since they tend to get tense. That's why as you start having sex with that girl more often it is never as tight as the first time, because now they are more comfortable and the muscles relax.

Not trying to get all doctor about it, but that's what I've heard and experienced.

This one asian girl back in high school, I couldnt even stick a pinky (barely got the tip in) in there and she had to wear pads because she couldn't wear tampons. Sad to say, I never took her virginity. Damnit I tried though...
May 6, 2002
Never had an asian.. i fuck with fat white bitches.. ONLY
I've done 2 fatties in my life. One was an overweight mexican and the other one was a fat white trailer girl, I'm not going to lie. CHick was straight fat, at least 250. Fat girls juice harder though, I don't know why. Either because they never get any, or their body retains way more water. Puddles for days...