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Jun 27, 2002
Revenge is not a dish best eaten cold. Who the fuck wants to eat a cold meal? Revenge is best eaten after being brilliantly planned and cooked expertly. This guide is intended to help you give you maximum enjoyment while making your enemies rue the day they were born. STEP 1

Fucking with people is an artform, while giving someone a good kicking or destroying their property is upsetting to your target it lacks one important factor: psychology. Think about your target long and hard then ask yourself these three questions:

What is most important to them?

What is the thing they take greatest pride in?

What is their greatest fear?

When you have thought out reasonably intelligent and informed answers to these questions you are ready to move on to step 2. Example answers could be along the lines of, their religion, their family, their looks, their popularity, their material possessions, their partner or spouse etc etc. If u don’t know your enemy that well, then you probably don’t hate them enough, or at the very least you should do them the courtesy of getting to know them better before you try to ruin their life.


Step 1 calls for abstract empathetic thinking, step 2 calls for pure evil creativity. Having identified what your target is within your enemy’s life you must work out how to destroy it. To help I will use two common examples:

Fucking with someone who is either very close to their parents (and lives at home) or who values there partner or spouse highly is very easy. Subscribing (yes I know its gonna cost you but the best things in life don’t come cheap and this is a guide for real revenge not idle pranks) to a magazine with a subject matter such as Fisting, watersports or any particularly unpleasant fetish in your enemies name is always good. Picture the scene a plain A4 brown paper envelope arrives addressed to your target, “whats that?” enquires mom\sis\dad\wife, “don’t know” replies the target eagerly tearing it open (no one can resist a parcel)…. Well look at that its Fisters Monthly with a 23 page anal sex special, its kind of embarassing to explain to mom that “I honestly didn’t order this” and even harder to make her believe you. Especially when a shiny new magazine arrives on the 5th of every month, before long its divorce if the target is married or counselling if still living at home: “we believe you that its not your magazine we just want you to talk to Dr Kauffman, tell him how you feel……”

Another great trick that is especially effective against people who consider themselves very respectable is burying a 1 ounce bag of weed (money again – but hey nothings free) in there back garden then phoning the proper authorities, advanced pupils may wish to try and collect a reward for shopping the guy who you saw “talking to all the kids outside the school and taking money from them”. Spending time in prison for drug trafficking when they have never so much as smoked a cigarette in their life really gets to some people. Even if the case is so flimsy that there is no conviction a professional “respectable” person like say a school teacher is unlikely to ever recover in terms of career of even being suspected of being a drug dealer. Remember mud sticks: a poster campaign denouncing a local man as a child molester is easily proved the sick lie of some begrudged individual (that’s you) but I guarantee you even 10 years down the line parents will tell their kids not to play near his house because “he’s not a nice man”.
Jun 27, 2002

You should now have the ideal idea for how to fuck with your enemy, the third step is execution. Think it through, plan it, then think it through again. People say I’m paranoid and there is some medical evidence to support this but one rule holds firm: if your so fucking careful that you become borderline obsessive about it you will never ever, ever be caught. Wearing gloves, sneaking about at night and making up alibis for when your out carrying out the sort of plans detailed above may seem excessive, because it is but take my word for it you won’t get caught. If you would rather do things quicker and with less hassle then feel free but sooner or later your gonna get nailed…


Gloating is great, but having a similarly fucked up plan executed on your dumbass by the guy you just fucked with isn’t. Chances are if you hate someone bad enough to fuck em like this they probably know you hate them. Depending on the type of revenge you have chosen, use it to your advantage to prove it wasn’t you. If you have humiliated them or incriminated them then speak to anyone who will listen in a preachy manner “I’ll make no secret of the fact I never liked him, now look at him, I’m sorry to say I’ve been proved the right..” etc etc. If the revenge was more obviously a work of destruction its time to go round and be the bigger man “Look, I know we’ve had our differences but that stuff with your house being burned down was well out of order, I wanted to shake your hand and say if I ever catch the fucking kids who did it i’ll kill them”.
Jun 27, 2002
How to make anyplace unenterable due to the strong odor that will fill the room:

Take a can of Axe body spray and put a rubber band or tape on the button so that it sprays non-stop until it is out and it will leave a strong scent thoughout the room. Make sure to put it in a garbage can or hide it so no one will know where the scent is coming from.

Anyone attempting to enter the room will heave and vomit from the nasty, stinky smell.
Jun 27, 2002
Okay, your all probably asking what Internal Terrorism is, basically it's the nasty version of dipping your friend's hand in warm water whilst he sleeps.

1.Syrup of Ipecac, commonly found in stores and phamacies. Add 1 Tablespoon to a drink that is thick and sweet (Rum & Coke, Hard liquor works itself...) stir gently till dissolved completely. When the mark drinks this concoction in 15 minutes he'll be painting the walls red, or blue, or the common yellow that vomit is...

2.Cascara Sagrada (common name ExLax!) the berry is much more potent and common in the woods of the Pacific NorthWest (My humble backyard...) Make sure that when picking the berries you wear rubber surgeon gloves, the liquid alone can cause soiled pants or fines for polluting in the wilderness. Also make sure your aware of the laws when picking the berries, it's legal around my house but it may be trickier in National Forests. Insert the juiced berries into any drink, orange juice or any colored drink (water is often discolored after introducing the Cascara) About 10 minutes later.... Say hello to a ruined pair of britches and depending on the situation a sickened date or grossed out friends.

3.This one can be more long term and nasty. It's simple, replace the mark's Visine with vinegar or garlic juice.

4.This one is for that dog that has gotten ahold of you a couple times and your going to kill one of these days. This is an alternative. Take one pack of Ex Lax (about 10-20 pills depending on the size of the dog, 10 for small, 15 for medium, 20 for large, 5 for bitchy yappy ones and 25 for big ass dogs!) take 1lb of raw hamburger and mix the pills into it (ground up or just solid, the pills just need to be in the meat) Then just toss the meat to the dog, make sure the dog will go inside afterwards....well, just use your imagination.
Jun 27, 2002
Disclaimer: this file is purely hypothetical and has been written for informational purposes ONLY. The author takes no responsibility for the actions of readers of this textfile. If you ever discover a body you should immediately report it to the police.

OK, so you have a body for whatever reason and you want to get rid of it, with no chance that it can be identified or traced back to you. Here are 16 steps that should ensure that this happens. Be aware that transporting a body is VERY OBVIOUS and should be done with discretion; this file discuses how to dispose of the body, not on how to do it without being seen, so be aware that you MUST be subtle or you will be seen and caught - dragging a body through the streets is kinda obvious so please, for you own sakes, be cautious and use you discretion.

Wear gloves + hat + disposable clothing
Get the body to a safe location
Burn the body
Cut off: hands + feet + head
Cut off: Legs + Arms
File off: pads of fingers
Knock in: teeth
Leave all parts in an acid bath
Burn parts again
Put each part in a separate bag: hands (separately); feet (separately); legs (separately); arms (separately); head; torso.
Put acid and bleach into each bag
Put 5 bricks into each bag
Seal the bags
Bury hands + feet + head at least 6 feet under the earth in an unpopulated area off + away from all paths at least 5 miles apart.
Sink torso + arms + legs into lakes in an unpopulated area off + away from all paths at least 5 miles apart.
Burn gloves + clothes + hat + dispose of the ashes (bury them or throw them into a lake ? away from the body parts)

Note that these steps are for ideal situations: they take time and can be shortened if time is a problem: burning the body once is probably enough and the acid bath is not truly necessary. However, if you do want to do a thorough job, I'd recommend that you do them all - just to be sure.

Hopefully this will be helpful in your attempts to dispose of any hypothetical bodies in the future :) Have fun and don't get caught.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
mustynuts said:
How to make anyplace unenterable due to the strong odor that will fill the room:

Take a can of Axe body spray and put a rubber band or tape on the button so that it sprays non-stop until it is out and it will leave a strong scent thoughout the room. Make sure to put it in a garbage can or hide it so no one will know where the scent is coming from.

Anyone attempting to enter the room will heave and vomit from the nasty, stinky smell.
Does that really work? I dont think the smell would bother me much. I thought the plan would be to put dogshit into the can of axe or something...not just spray the entire bottle.
Jun 27, 2002
axe fucking stinks least to me it does...


take a tennis ball...cut a slit into it about an inch long....cut off the heads of an entire box of strike anywhere matches, maybe 2 boxed.....fill he tennis ball carefully with these heads until jsut about full....



or stink bomb

There are many
chemicals you can mix that will produce a bad smell, but to get those
chemical you have to go to some special store or find them on the internet,
and that’s way too much work while you already have the stuff to make a
stink bomb in your very own kitchen (assuming you have a kitchen.). The
amount of materials to put in the stink bomb depends on how big you want to
make it (ex. 2 spoons of mayonnaise for a regular-sized stink bomb, the
whole can for a big one). Use common sense (know what that is?) when
rationing You will need a jar with a firm lid. Add all of the following
into the jar [amounts are for an average-sized stink bomb]:

Mayon (2-3 spoonfuls)
Mil (1 cup)
Fish (1)
Cream of mushroom soup (uncooked) (1/2 cup)
Beer (1/2 cup)
Sour cream (1-2 spoonfuls)
Egg (broken) (1)
Canned sour lettuce (1 spoonful)
Sour pickle (several slices)
Urine (1/3 cup)
Water (to help mix things) (1/3 cup)

Don’t worry if you don’t put in a couple ingredients.
N put the lid on and shake the jar for about a minute. Take the lid
off (or you can keep it on, if you must), and store it in a hot and/or
sunny place, preferably outdoors (like a balcony), for about a week or
two, then come back to it and take a sniff, if you feel your stomach
conten coming up your throat you have made a successful stink bomb!
Pour it wherever you want it to stink really bad!

Iron-sulfide stink solution is sold for 98 cents for a 1/8 ounce bottle in
joke shops but for about $1.00 a quart you can make your own with little
problem. The active ingredient is ammonium sulfide which stinks to high
heaven like rotten eggs or a full outhouse in summertime especially if it is
spilled on the floor or vaporized by an explosion or sprayer.

To make some, you mix four ounces of sulfur with eight ounces of hydrated lime
in a stew pot (at least half-gallon capacity). A quart of water is added and
the mess is heated and stirred until the sulfur has completely blended. The
hydrated lime will sink to the bottom of the pan and yellow liquid is then
poured off into a bucket.

Take the bucket outside, if you have any sense, and add one pound of sulfate
of ammonia. Stir it a minute and hold your nose. Then cover the bucket with
plastic wrap and let it set for about a half hour. Then pour off the liquid
slowly through a cloth filter into a bottle. If you don't have an outside you
can use your bathroom. Just hope no one has to go for an hour or so. The
liquid is vile but it is not poison.

Sulfur may be obtained from rose dust (an insecticide) which is very high
grade and makes excellent gunpowder. Rose dust has 10% inert ingredients so
10% more should be added to any formula requiring sulfur. Rose dust and
sulfate of ammonia (a fertilizer) may be purchased in the garden department of
a home improvement/hardware store. Hydrated lime is obtained in the building
supply department where cement is sold. The total cost of the ingredients is
less than ten dollars.

Stinkum is either poured on the floor, shot from a water pistol, thrown in a
bottle (or light bulb) or vaporized by a firecracker in a plastic bottle. A
fun method in a crowded public restroom is to go into a toilet stall and shut
the door. Hold your breath and pour a large quantity on a loose wad of toilet
paper. Toss the wad on the floor behind the toilet and quickly exit the