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    Votes: 7 14.0%

    Votes: 43 86.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
OKAY-SURE...except that it will be a HUGE change to begin with a Democratic in the White House not a Republican and it will be a woman or a black man...There's the first change...
Why does skin color and gender matter so fucking much? All of a sudden we have to have a fuckin minority in office or we're hate mongers? I mean really, we don't need a fucking quota on the White House.

Russell Simmons said some stupid shit on BET yesterday. Some shit about how Barack needs to help all the black people and concentrate on them. Really? That's interesting. How about every other fucking human in the US? They get bent over cause they aren't black?

He is a fucking HUMAN, just like Hillary, and every other politician. They ALL lie.

Democrats and Republicans are NOT that different. They just tell you different shit...but in the end, when you look at the way they VOTE, you can tell 99% of them are the same.

Did Obama and Hillary vote FOR the Iraq bullshit? Hmmmmm....they ain't no fuckin different besides how much they want to tax you, and how much control they have in your life--but as far as that goes, almost all politicians now are on the security side of the pendulum, rather than freedom and liberty. People are too stupid to fucking vote for anyone competent enough to really make change....but we'd have to have a candidate that wasn't a sell out.....and that will never happen.
Apr 25, 2002
OKAY-SURE...except that it will be a HUGE change to begin with a Democratic in the White House not a Republican and it will be a woman or a black man...There's the first change...

no change what so ever these politicians aint gonna do shit for you , you'er gonna have to make them change. it's up to citizens to make change and its done with more than voting

Mr Ceza

Xplosive Magazine
Jul 10, 2002
Why does skin color and gender matter so fucking much? All of a sudden we have to have a fuckin minority in office or we're hate mongers? I mean really, we don't need a fucking quota on the White House.

Russell Simmons said some stupid shit on BET yesterday. Some shit about how Barack needs to help all the black people and concentrate on them. Really? That's interesting. How about every other fucking human in the US? They get bent over cause they aren't black?

He is a fucking HUMAN, just like Hillary, and every other politician. They ALL lie.

Democrats and Republicans are NOT that different. They just tell you different shit...but in the end, when you look at the way they VOTE, you can tell 99% of them are the same.

Did Obama and Hillary vote FOR the Iraq bullshit? Hmmmmm....they ain't no fuckin different besides how much they want to tax you, and how much control they have in your life--but as far as that goes, almost all politicians now are on the security side of the pendulum, rather than freedom and liberty. People are too stupid to fucking vote for anyone competent enough to really make change....but we'd have to have a candidate that wasn't a sell out.....and that will never happen.

My point was AMERICA is ready for a CHANGE as we can see...We are willing to elect a woman or a Black man! The real Changes we need as a country will come from the most Honest and Truthful Candidate-BARACK OBAMA

28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
Maybe if more people realized voting is an act in futility and that a vote is not a catalyst for change but in actuality it is more equivalent to political xanax. Then when the retards who did vote sit down and expect the new administration to start making the changes that are sooo needed, and they realize that the administration that was elected is only superficially different than administration that previously held office, then maybe they will realize that every time they vote the joke is on them.

i'd be pleasantly surprised if anything big changes with the next administration.



Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
My point was AMERICA is ready for a CHANGE as we can see...We are willing to elect a woman or a Black man! The real Changes we need as a country will come from the most Honest and Truthful Candidate-BARACK OBAMA
You don't know him personally, so to say that is pretty questionable.

That's something that someone who thinks this country can change would say. Sorry bud, it ain't gonna fuckin happen. You might see him or the hoe in office, but in all reality, they aren't going to change shit in 4 years. Besides taxing the fuck out of us and making everyone get health care--even though it should be their own fucking choice, and if they don't get it, they get to deal with the consequences.

I've said this before, I pay $200 a month for my own fucking health insurance. Why? I want to make sure IF I need that shit, I dont' have to pay 30K in the end. It's about priorities. You either spend your money on shit you don't need or your health insurance. Not all plans cost $200/month either, mine just does cause I got a $500 deductible.

They BOTH voted for the shit in Iraq. Now they are both saying, "that was dumb." Well, no fuckin shit really? Those idiots are just like every other politician in the American system.

We need new blood, and I mean someone who doesn't fuck with politics. Back in the 1700's and shit, when we first started, congress and all that met ONCE a year, to make new laws and talk about shit. Now they make new laws every day. We don't need that bullshit. But Barack and Hillary won't do shit about that, or the Electoral College....All they are talking about is what THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR.

They have highly paid Public Relations people in their staff. If you don't know what PR is, it's someone who tells you information that someone else told them to tell you.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
I believe that would be a big fat, NO. He said it himself too. Although, I don't think that matters so much. If you're logical and have common sense, you can deal with many situations.
Dec 27, 2002
They BOTH voted for the shit in Iraq. Now they are both saying, "that was dumb." Well, no fuckin shit really? Those idiots are just like every other politician in the American system.
check your facts on obama.

and i find it funny how the persistently pessimistic here either expect the entire country/political system to be changed in one fell swoop or insist that it can't/won't ever be changed.

my view is: small changes are better than no change at all, and small changes over time can give rise to or set the foundation for bigger changes. talk of change may be exaggerated, but why not give a chance to the candidate who has been speaking consistently and passionately about it, who is a relative newcomer to washington, and who seems to be able to inspire and unite people on a scale not seen in recent times rather than to some other candidate? let's see how much change can be delivered by the "change candidate". the only other options we have are to revolt or do nothing (i.e. let the establishment candidates run unchallenged). it's okay to be hopeful, but still realistic, about a candidate.
Feb 15, 2007
i've been wondering myself how much more the people are gonna be taxed for this universal health care the democrates keep preaching about...

I once meet a elderly lady from canada that had to move to cali cause it was and i quote "IMPOSSIBLE TO LIVE OVERTHERE BECAUSE OF THE AMOUNT THEY WOULD TAX MY RETIREMENT CHECK"


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
You're lucky he didn't eat you back then.
BAHAHAHA No doubt. He was a fat mother fucker back then. He's a nice guy, though. I gathered a lot of respect for him when we spoke at the hospital. People were staring at him like he was an alien as he walked through, so I took it upon myself to treat him like I would anyone else. I can almost (never completely, since he's still a politician) say that he's the exact same person on the real that you see on tv.
Aug 6, 2006
Would say that I'm surprised at the poll results, but I was pretty much aware that Obama has an appeal to the younger crowd. Not to mention, he simply has more to offer as far as leadership imo. But what the hell happened to this forum?!! I haven't been here in a while and now it's only 4 pages? There were some good discussions on here, hope they weren't lost.
Nov 24, 2003
no shit i cant stand retards who say " why should i vote fuck that " then they sit their and complain about their government and their fuckin president. i just wanna slap their ignorant asses. at first i was kinda leaning towards hillary but i think im a vote for obama
ColdBlooded said:
I can't stand when retards say "people died for my right to vote" or "you can't complain about the government and president and not vote". These imaginary people who died for your right to vote didn’t die for your right to criticize the government?

Obviously they didn’t die to preserve the education system or civics knowledge.

Your vote does not count. It doesn’t count in primary voting. It doesn’t count in Presidential voting. And the actual utility of voting is negative. Your time would be better spent sleeping than taking the time to vote.

The U.S. economic system and political system are based on psychological delusion.

Belief and trust in them is what allows them to continue operating. Knowledge to the contrary is the enemy of both.

You spend with imaginary money that has no real value. You cast votes for people who are responsive to you in no way and your “vote” has no bearing what so ever on their actual election.

Delegates, Super Delegates, Electoral College – take some time to look them up.
Mr. Nice Guy said:
I can't stand the retards that vote and then sit around and complain about their government not listening to them and making changes. They don't realize they are conforming to, and perpetuating a system that fucks the average person in the ass, and has them hypnotized with the notion that they can fix the problems in our country every four years with their vote.

Maybe if more people realized voting is an act in futility and that a vote is not a catalyst for change but in actuality it is more equivalent to political xanax. Then when the retards who did vote sit down and expect the new administration to start making the changes that are sooo needed, and they realize that the administration that was elected is only superficially different than administration that previously held office, then maybe they will realize that every time they vote the joke is on them.
Where did you go? :confused: