Does anyone think todays music is garbage?

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Apr 25, 2002
That's why all I listen to lately is some old Heavy Metal.....great shit that I disregarded back in the day....there is so much old rock that I never heard that it's all new to me....
Oct 28, 2005
Anyone who says today's Hip-Hop/Rap is garbage, is a closed-minded idiot. No exceptions. Not one. Not for KRS-One. Not for GZA. Not for anyone.

I'm not going to go into elaborate explanations--but there will always be a group of people out there who will only like shit until the next man likes it...then they'll call it crap and move onto something else. With Women. With Cars. With Rap. With EVERYTHING. These people are snarky anti-hipsters, and if you don't like today's rap're probably one of them.
Oct 28, 2005
That's why all I listen to lately is some old Heavy Metal.....great shit that I disregarded back in the day....there is so much old rock that I never heard that it's all new to me....
I'll bet you your life savings there's 10's of thousands of hours of Rap music from 2007 you still haven't heard yet too.

It's funny because there's probably some smart-mouthed goth kid on a rock board right now, bitching that today's metal sucks, but he thinks 90's rap is the shit.
May 16, 2002
I find myself playing more Led Zepplin, Traveling Wilburys, Tom Petty, Chili Peppers and a few seldom rap albums on top of other genres of music. I haven't stopped liking rap any less, but I don't flood my day with it (like I used to).

Plus, I find an artist, it helps expand the mind.
Apr 25, 2002
I'll bet you your life savings there's 10's of thousands of hours of Rap music from 2007 you still haven't heard yet too.

It's funny because there's probably some smart-mouthed goth kid on a rock board right now, bitching that today's metal sucks, but he thinks 90's rap is the shit.
I'm not really wanting to get into a nonsensical worthless discussion with you, but yeah there is a lot of rap I haven't listened to from last year. Why would I subject myself to shitty music? Face it, rap music isn't as tight or as innovative as it used to be. So why waste my time with it? I'll just find something I DO like, and move on.......

And no, my opinion on current rap, or on music in general, has nothing to do with what other people think. I've always listened to music that most the people I associate with don't listen to. I listen to the shit I like......
Nov 1, 2004
I kinda feel this way, but theres always good music being made, its just harder to find now. I get sick of albums alot faster now though. I think its cause good albums nowadays have only a few good songs compared to the whole album being good. Still love hip hop, gangsta rap all dat shit though.. Im trying to get back into Jazz again so I can also get back into playing jazz drums get in the "swing".
Dec 18, 2002
I get bored with hip-hop in general but I wouldn't say that the music is all garbage. Timbaland has had a good year. Sometimes it helps to supplement hip-hop with other music genres.
Apr 26, 2006
Rap music today sucks, plain and simple. I don't care what anyone says, it sucks. It's just fucking gay, I especially can't stand the beats and silly lingo like "yaddaamean." Overall, I think rap today is very immature, it's for the youngsters, middle schoolers and high schoolers are probably the only ones who really dig it. Yeah there's "some" good respectable shit, but it's not enough. As a whole, rap sucks. There's too much wack shit that brings the entire genre down.

Besides older rap, I find myself listening to:
reggae, jazz, chill-out lounge music, house, trance, drum n bass, classic rock

Anyways, it's been a LONG ass time since I listened to the radio for rap music. The only station I really listen to here in San Diego is 92.5 (Oldies) & 98.1 (Jazz).
Apr 26, 2006
I get bored with hip-hop in general but I wouldn't say that the music is all garbage. Timbaland has had a good year. Sometimes it helps to supplement hip-hop with other music genres.
Supplement Hip-hip with what, Trance music?

I like Trance, but I personally can't stand how today's rap music sounds so techno-trance influenced. Shit just doesn't go with rap.
Apr 26, 2002
Get XM'll turn you onto all types of new shit! I would of never thought of payin for radio until I bought this new Chevy. I get a month for free and I'm gonna keep my subscription. Has over like 400 stations and if you hear a song you like you can hit the info button and it'll tell you everything...
Jul 25, 2007
DUH!! Todays shit that they play on the radio is bullshit. How did we get to 2pac's "Dear Mama" to Soulja Boys "Now whatch me YOUUUUUUUU!!!"
Feb 12, 2008
i think there's still good rap music being made i just have different taste than most of you. i like kanyes new stuff, ghostface killah's new album and a bunch of other new rap music. but like i said i have different taste than many of you.
Apr 26, 2006
DUH!! Todays shit that they play on the radio is bullshit. How did we get to 2pac's "Dear Mama" to Soulja Boys "Now whatch me YOUUUUUUUU!!!"
That's what I've been wondering. Shit is just childish and meaningless now. I really don't understand how people can take someone like Soulja Boy serious. Peeps & songs like Soulja Boy should have just been looked at as a joke, but nope, people actually taking this shit seriously and letting it escalate by choosing to dance to it,etc... Fuck promoting that kind of bullshit music. I guess it just goes to show that most people have wack taste in music. Their judgement is that if it's on the radio, it must be good. Fucking stupid shit. Fuck the media, if it wasn't for the radio, rappers & producers would be on some grimey shit still. Every region would have their own sound and style based on how their living and doing their shit. Just look at 90's shit, WC had their own style, EastCoast... Now it's all the same sounding bullshit. It's all ONE, just as the gov't will eventually become ONE world Gov't. Everything is closing in. Fuck the internet too, it's infecting people's minds as well.
Oct 28, 2005
I'm not really wanting to get into a nonsensical worthless discussion with you, but yeah there is a lot of rap I haven't listened to from last year. Why would I subject myself to shitty music? Face it, rap music isn't as tight or as innovative as it used to be. So why waste my time with it? I'll just find something I DO like, and move on.......

And no, my opinion on current rap, or on music in general, has nothing to do with what other people think. I've always listened to music that most the people I associate with don't listen to. I listen to the shit I like......
I bet you $1,000,000 that if your 20 closest friends all listened to music you say you "like" the most, you'd stop listening. Fact of life. People like you exist, it explains why you like underground music so much. It's your angle, it's what you do.

Rap music has only gotten better in the last 5 years. If you don't realize that, you aren't listening right (multi-syllables, wordplay, live battles, etc.) Stop listening for emotion, storylines and other shit that plays out, and start listening for TECHNIQUES, which are (on the whole) constantly improving. Except for Soulja Boy, that fucker.

Byrdie for example...I know you know his style has changed. He used to spit in snippets/segments (FTS, first solo, etc.)--now he's doing sentences with multi's like everyone else, same exact techniques over and over again. Sooner or later, he'll fall back and find the proper balance of old and new....and then he'll be golden.
Dec 9, 2005
I honestly just think people focus too much on the music that they don't like. I really only pay attention to the music that I enjoy.

Do people really not think there was garbage music out there even in Hip Hop's 'Golden Era' ? Or any other time period where the music was 'good' ?
Dec 9, 2005
I honestly just think people focus too much on the music that they don't like. I really only pay attention to the music that I enjoy.

Do people really not think there was garbage music out there even in Hip Hop's 'Golden Era' ? Or any other time period where the music was 'good' ?
Feb 12, 2008
i feel you like the people who won't stop complaining about hyphy music it's hella obnoxious. we know you don't like hyphy music what else you got to say?


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Yeah most rap music these days is weak. I prefer Mobb music to tell you the truth. I don't like all these Souljah boy dance type music. Most music from the south is weak.