Man, I first smoked weed when I was 10. Went to my boys house at lunch and got into his parents roach collection. That was a one time thing, we did it maybe two or three times. When I was 11 a year later I dipped into it a little bit more, my sister started throwing house parteis and shit, so beers and weed were around all the time.
I started SMOKING WEED when I was 13. Started buying it every day, going in on eighths with my friend, on the weekends we'd go in on quarters and smoke that shit until it was ash. Every single fucking day. Until I was about 17. Lit up one day, was about to watch that Howard Stern joint, when I started getting real paranoid and un-controllable negative thoughts. I was buggin' out major. Shit was probably laced or something, I don't know. But ever since that day I stopped smoking, stopped abusing that bitch. Now I only smoke when I'm drunk or out partying, and even then it's only a few hits to get me going. Started fucking with my mind man, I used it too much.