White people

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White people: how do you feel about them?

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Nov 15, 2008
Russian disinfo agents alive and well

LOL, what a fuck? Is it really like this in US? Turn off your TV, please. It will make you feel better.

There is no system better than capitalism. One day you will understand this fact, like I did and I came from actual communists that fought against fascists and oppressive regimes.

Victory or Death

To claim that there is no better system than having few people get filthy rich while destroying the planet and having more and more people living in poverty, is pretty ridiculous. You don't have to be a communist or want communism to understand that capitalism is indeed failing massively and that we have to find an option ASAP. Last year the billionaires got 12% richer while the poorest got 11% poorer. And it doesn't work anymore even for the middle class ( https://howmuch.net/articles/how-much-americans-make-in-wages ). This parody video pretty much sums up the capitalism:
And I know you tried to impress me with your family history, but it doesn't work. I'm only sad that you turned out to be such a sell out. But then again, maybe your family was those well-off people who "escaped the communism" so that they wouldn't have to share anything with the poor people.
Props: SeriouslyThug


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2018
LOL, what a fuck? Is it really like this in US? Turn off your TV, please. It will make you feel better.

To claim that there is no better system than having few people get filthy rich while destroying the planet and having more and more people living in poverty, is pretty ridiculous. You don't have to be a communist or want communism to understand that capitalism is indeed failing massively and that we have to find an option ASAP. Last year the billionaires got 12% richer while the poorest got 11% poorer. And it doesn't work anymore even for the middle class ( https://howmuch.net/articles/how-much-americans-make-in-wages ). This parody video pretty much sums up the capitalism:
And I know you tried to impress me with your family history, but it doesn't work. I'm only sad that you turned out to be such a sell out. But then again, maybe your family was those well-off people who "escaped the communism" so that they wouldn't have to share anything with the poor people.
Show me the data. Not youtube videos.

You know that the term 'trickle down' is a meme, right?

Trickle-down economics is political, not scientific.

You got tricked, buddy.

You should read a book or something.
Jun 21, 2006
Remember when this thread used to be about white people?

And then white people came along and now we talking about capitalism and rich vs poor.

Well played white man! Well played!
May 7, 2013
LOL, what a fuck? Is it really like this in US? Turn off your TV, please. It will make you feel better.
I have worked on low level portions of psychological warfare projects, stop fronting. Translate that into whatever bullshit you speak, I don't give a shit now go lay in the street. Grown folks are speaking and I didn't invite you.
Jun 21, 2006
Scenario:. Catastrophic event wipes out everyone on the planet, except two, one woman and one man from completely opposite spectrums of ethnicity, social class, and upbringing. It won't matter how much they were brought up or chose to hate the other, they will fornicate and potentially reproduce and that race shit will go to the wayside real fast. If your truth can't hold up under the simplest of terms, then you are living a lie.
In this scenario: if the woman is white, does she have blonde hair and big titties? If she is some fat ugly white cow, humanity is doomed. I’m spending my final days at the porn store.
Nov 15, 2008
Show me the data. Not youtube videos.

You know that the term 'trickle down' is a meme, right?

Trickle-down economics is political, not scientific.

You got tricked, buddy.

You should read a book or something.
Of course it's only a political term (or meme or whatever you like to call it). In reality there is no trickle down. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. That's how capitalism works. And to keep the current status quo, the elite likes to talk about the trickle down theory. That was my point. They are bullshitting us.

I linked up that video, because it tells in a funny way how this whole scam is done.

I have worked on low level portions of psychological warfare projects, stop fronting. Translate that into whatever bullshit you speak, I don't give a shit now go lay in the street. Grown folks are speaking and I didn't invite you.
Don't get mad. Of course you're allowed to see evil Russians everywhere. I'm pretty sure there's one under your bed right now.
Nov 15, 2008
Remember when this thread used to be about white people?

And then white people came along and now we talking about capitalism and rich vs poor.

Well played white man! Well played!
The truth is that I don't want to make this thread about capitalism vs. something else. I first brought up the capitalism in the same sense as Malcolm X or MLK; as a root of racism. But then again, if I see some dumb comments, I'll answer. And that's how this has turned away from the original topic and the link between racism and capitalism. Sorry about that.
Props: datplaya
Jun 21, 2006
The truth is that I don't want to make this thread about capitalism vs. something else. I first brought up the capitalism in the same sense as Malcolm X or MLK; as a root of racism. But then again, if I see some dumb comments, I'll answer. And that's how this has turned away from the original topic and the link between racism and capitalism. Sorry about that.
Apologies accepted, man lol
I agree capitalism is evil. Even if it wasn’t invented by white people, it would still be evil.

So you also recognize capitalism is a ‘root of racism’? Care to explain this from a white mans perspective? I’m interested
Props: 2massive
Nov 15, 2008
Apologies accepted, man lol
I agree capitalism is evil. Even if it wasn’t invented by white people, it would still be evil.

So you also recognize capitalism is a ‘root of racism’? Care to explain this from a white mans perspective? I’m interested
Well, first time the racism or race was brought up in a big way, was when the slave trade really started. The slave traders wanted to justify their doings by labeling the black Africans as some sort of lower form of humans. Lazy, dumb, etc. As people who must be forced to do something productive. And the slave trade was one of the first capitalist manifestation, it gave a huge boost to a whole system. It was about the free labor as I've wrote earlier. Most of the North America's and Europe's wealth is because of the slaves. Slaves build cities and railways, and also made capital for their owners by working for example in plantations without any pay. All the fruits of their labor went for the slave owners. And the slave business lasted so long that it kind of normalized the racism. It was normal to see black people serving rich white people. Later on it became easier to oppress the black people as so many saw them as a lower form of humans anyway. Like the late Trinidadian ex-PM Eric Williams once said: "Slavery was not born of racism. Rather, racism was the consequence of slavery."

Before the great African slave trade the black Africans (Nubians, etc.) and people from Mediterranean empires did make business together all the time with no problems. Romans had slaves, but most of them were white (Eastern Europeans) and a results of the wars they had against each others.

Capitalism is also a root of basically all of the wars, the weapon industry is a huge business. And wars destroy nations, sending masses of people to flee to peaceful countries with proper living conditions. And as that happens, the locals get mad, because they think the immigrants should just stay in their own countries. Even though most of the time, those countries are destroyed by the West in the name of financial profits. So also in that sense, the capitalism is the root cause of racism.

And of course the global capitalism keeps poor countries poor, so that some idiots in Western world can tell how bad those poor (black) people really are. Like "look at their countries, they can't do anything right", when in reality those countries are never even let to stand on their feets. Those countries are only a resource pools for the Western world.

In my mind, the capitalism absolutely needs racism to exist. The Western world must keep thinking that we are better than all the rest, and that's why we deserve all the luxury instead of the poor people in Asia or Africa. We like to think that those "lazy people" should just work harder to get to the same point as the Western world. The same excuse comes up nationally, too. The problem is always the laziness - never the unfair power structure or taxation or whatever real reason behind the poverty.
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Props: datplaya
Jun 21, 2006
Yessss, now we are getting somewhere, man.

And now picture this: there is a multi-culti (multiple cultures) country, like the USA or the Netherlands, where people from different race live ‘peacefully’ together. However; one part of this multi-culti country population (the whiteys) have been gathering wealth for generations. This wealth stays within the whitey family for generations. And this wealth has (in the past) largely been obtained through racist ways (slavetrade/stealing resources from colonies). “Follow the money”, like the Americans say. I say “follow the money back a couple of generations”.
At the very least it gave the whiteys an unfair headstart in todays capitalist society. It gives whiteys the opportunity to go to good schools, where they get educated for the better jobs and where they get to build a whitey network that they can chill with at the golf course.

The other part of these multi-culti countries (The non whites) have been treated as inferior for generations. They didn’t have access to good education and they didn’t have access to good jobs. They basically had to start (financially) from scratch as their forefathers were slaves or whatever and didn’t have the opportunity to built a fortune. So these families have been gathering poverty for generations. As a result you will see that ghetto’s (which are a direct product of capitalism!!) are overpopulated with non-whiteys.

In a country where whiteys are the majority; the Majority of people living in poverty are the non-whites.

Capitalism is an ingenious trap invented by whiteys to maintain their superiority over the non-whites, even though racism is now banned by law. They will tell you that you can create your own financial opportunities, but in reality that’s not how it plays out, right?

You mention the ‘new’ refugees. Whiteys get mad at them, eventhough they started the wars that drove these refugees to western countries. But check this: the Netherlands allow a lot of these refugees to live here. That’s real nice of them, right? However: the capitalist system is designed in such a way that these war refugees will be living in poverty for generations. In a wealthy country. They come here with no money, no (western) education, and they don’t speak the language. Let’s not forget the psychological effect of living in a warzone and having to escape from your own country to a culture that’s not your own. So they will only get the lousy jobs. So they can’t afford to send their kids to good schools. And were are these people going to live with their minimum wage income? In the whitey capitalist trap: the ghetto.

Shit gets me angry, man.
Jan 2, 2006
You mention the ‘new’ refugees. Whiteys get mad at them, eventhough they started the wars that drove these refugees to western countries. But check this: the Netherlands allow a lot of these refugees to live here. That’s real nice of them, right? However: the capitalist system is designed in such a way that these war refugees will be living in poverty for generations. In a wealthy country. They come here with no money, no (western) education, and they don’t speak the language. Let’s not forget the psychological effect of living in a warzone and having to escape from your own country to a culture that’s not your own. So they will only get the lousy jobs. So they can’t afford to send their kids to good schools. And were are these people going to live with their minimum wage income? In the whitey capitalist trap: the ghetto.

Shit gets me angry, man.
Education is free in my country but they still end up the same way (actually its worse than the previous generations) and we are on 3rd and 4th (maybe 5th) generation now? At this point they are just doing it to themselves.. some of these kids dont even speak our language despite their familie having been here 60+ years lol excuses excuses! You have to be dumb as fuck to still believe these people
Props: S.L.A.B
Jan 2, 2006
The trap is you believing all these stories you keep telling us man thats what keeps you from making a good life for yourself

Instead of believing you should be living lol
Jun 21, 2006
But yea, what do you dudes know about this world? I spit a lot of truth. Y’all just too brainwashed (or white) to comprehend.

All this time trying to educate you mutherfuckers is obviously lost time. All the things I could have done in this time, man lol
Props: NotAllThere
Jan 2, 2006
But yea, what do you dudes know about this world? I spit a lot of truth. Y’all just too brainwashed (or white) to comprehend.

All this time trying to educate you mutherfuckers is obviously lost time. All the things I could have done in this time, man lol
All you really did was making me think that maybe we should waste all these motherfuckers before they try to kill us lol and that maybe all these evil white people was right all along