White people

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White people: how do you feel about them?

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Jan 29, 2005
Those people that "looked like me" are literly my forefathers does that change anything?
Why would you blame -all- current white people though? I'm white, I wasn't involved in coming to Central America or South America and killing Mayans, Incas, or any other group of people. Do you blame me?


Mar 26, 2006
Thats actually a very good question. I never realised you were that clever

White people - in my opinion - are the people with white skin that created “discrimination” and “racism”. They the people that been invading our/my countries and enslaving, murdering and torturing our/my ancestors for a couple of thousand years.
Nowadays if you ask a white people about this, they tell you they sorry for what their ancestors did to your people. And that everything is different now. But behind your back they still feel superiour because you are not white and they will still invade your countries and murder your family because you are ‘different’ or because there is oil in your country or whatever other something there is in your mother land that will increase the white man power.

Feel free to give me another definition of “white people” if you think my definition is wrong
I hate to say it but this more seems you have some deeply rooted physiological issues. And im not trying to diss you.

You claim they created "discrimination" yet you kinda do the same in your post. Putting them all in the same box. That is like saying evey black is a gangbanger.

I know what your saying is what a lot of people have been teached. It's bad. Just as bad as rascism. It leads and shows pure hatred. Keeps us divided. I know a lot of people that have let their mind become poisoned the same way as you have. Sadly.

The truth is people are indivually so different from eachother that you can't judge as person simply because of their colour. You seem to think you have the answer and believe that what you made up in your mind is the truth. Don't believe eveything you think.

Maybe you will enjoy the world a bit more if you learn that not everybody is out to get you. Not every white is racist towards you.
Im honest. I kinda had to learn this to. I to was poisened but once I was able to learn and surround myself with more different people then I had in my negative toxic circle of people, that all had that kind of mentality that everybody was against them, that I had before I learned and saw a lot of more good in people. Even from the ones you don't expect.
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Jun 21, 2006
Where did I tell anybody to forget? I'm asking why you or anyone else hates -all- white people because of it. I bring up the people not personally experiencing it because you can't see how it's foolish as fuck to hate an entire race because of something -some- of them did to -some- people that were the same shade as you hundreds of years ago. Your literal thought process is "some bad guys did something to some people that looked like me hundreds of years ago, now I hate ALL of them". Seriously? The fuck did I ever do to you? The fuck did I ever do to any black person or Mexican person or Asian person? I didn't do a goddamn thing, but you hate me because of my shade?

You're trying to hardest to prove how all white people are racist, but instead you insinuate how I think or how I post, rather than what I have actually posted. Hate against white people has been the only thing racist in this thread.

You'll notice a big difference between myself and your thought process. I judge people based on their personal character. If I turn on the news and see a black person murdered some innocent people, I don't immediate start freaking out saying "black people are bad". Whenever an illegal alien from Central American commits a crime, I don't immediately start lumping all illegal aliens into the "Mexicans are criminals, deport them" group. Whenever a Muslim shoots up 50 people I don't say "All Muslims are terrorists". Meanwhile people like you do that very same thing towards white people. You say "maybe I can learn something out of this".........no man, maybe you can learn something out of this.

Blanket racism is stupid.

I also didn't laugh at dude for having Spanish blood, I'm making a point that it's retarded as fuck to hate an entire race of people for something -some- of them did. It was hyperbole.
I cant remember i ever said i hated all white people. When did i say that? I might have said it, just cant remember it lol

Im talking historical evidence of white man committing crimes against humanity over and over again for thousands of years. Its not hate: its science. The proof is there in the history books. I was just asking peoples opinions on it.

Whats your opinion on it?

I really dont need you commenting on my thought process. You dont know me and you dont know nothing about my thought process.

I respect you for not being the type to scream “all Muslims are bad” after a terrorist attack. I wish there was more white people like you.

I dont hate white people. As a matter of fact: my mailman is white and we always greet on a friendly basis when he delivers my mail. We even call each other by first name.

Okay if you say you never previously said you laughed at Mexican homey with spanish blood and you never told us to ‘just move on’ i guess your right. Its not like you wrote that down in black and white earlier in this thread....
Jan 29, 2016
East Palo Alto
Why would you blame -all- current white people though? I'm white, I wasn't involved in coming to Central America or South America and killing Mayans, Incas, or any other group of people. Do you blame me?
I said earlier I dont blanket hate anybody. If you admit its fucked up than I dont have a problem with it. If you sincerely care, which I know most whites don't. Do you care? I'm sure Its nothing you lose sleep over right?

Maybe not to MY people. But youre people were EVIL to blacks. You're British right?
"Britain was one of the most successful slave- trading countries. Together with Portugal, the two countries accounted for about 70% of all"
Props: datplaya
Jun 21, 2006
I hate to say it but this more seems you have some deeply rooted physiological issues. And im not trying to diss you.

You claim they created "discrimination" yet you kinda do the same in your post. Putting them all in the same box. That is like saying evey black is a gangbanger.

I know what your saying is what a lot of people have been teached. It's bad. Just as bad as rascism. It leads and shows pure hatred. Keeps us divided. I know a lot of people that have let their mind become poisoned the same way as you have. Sadly.

The truth is people are indivually so different from eachother that you can't judge as person simply because of their colour. You seem to think you have the answer and believe that what you made up in your mind is the truth. Don't believe eveything you think.

Maybe you will enjoy the world a bit more if you learn that not everybody is out to get you. Not every white is racist towards you.
Im honest. I kinda had to learn this to. I to was poisened but once I was able to learn and surround myself with more different people then I had in my negative toxic circle that I had before I learned and saw a lot of more good in people. Even from the ones you don't expect.
I appreciate the positive message man! This thread was about asking opinions on white
People. Im not planning a terrorist attack on white people or anything. Just asking opinions. If you have a positive opinion about white people feel free to share it.

Kind of funny how yall are defending white
People when they are the group of people that dont need defending. Since they already have all the power in this world. Now obviously this is racist when i say this, as not ALL white people hold the power. Its just that whenever is see someone with power, its a white man. I guess its just a coincedence. It
Might just as wel have been a black/muslim/jew/asian (or whatever) person with power.

I now feel really sorry for discriminating white people, man. Imagine all those innocent white people being butthurt because they have been discriminated against for the first time in their lives! Oh my God: what have i done?
Jun 21, 2006
Why would you blame -all- current white people though? I'm white, I wasn't involved in coming to Central America or South America and killing Mayans, Incas, or any other group of people. Do you blame me?
You may not have been personally involved in this genocide. There are still plenty of white people (notice i didnt say ‘all’ white people) that benefit from this massacre and all the riches it brought their family.

What would happen to all white americans if they were to return everything they stole from native americans, black people and whatever other kind of people they mistreated over centuries? White people would be homeless and broke as fuck.
Jan 2, 2006
give me an example where “these people” raped and killed white people. Im not talking 1 individual. Im talking a large group of white people that have been raped and murdered for years and years

Nah its because they white
Then spain for 600+ years lol
And every country they have invaded now and in the past
Jan 29, 2005
I cant remember i ever said i hated all white people. When did i say that? I might have said it, just cant remember it lol
A lot of your comments heavily insinuate that you do, such as "white people created racism and discrimation", which isn't in true. If you don't hate white people your comments definitely reflect otherwise.

Im talking historical evidence of white man committing crimes against humanity over and over again for thousands of years. Its not hate: its science. The proof is there in the history books. I was just asking peoples opinions on it.

Whats your opinion on it?
I've brought up historical evidence of every race committing crimes against humanity over and over again for thousands of years, yet you only speak about the whites doing it. What's your opinion on it?

Also whites haven't been doing it for thousands of years, they've been doing it for hundreds of years. Arabs and Asians have been doing it for thousands though if you want somebody else to yell at.

What's my opinion on white people committing atrocity? I've already said it, it's gross and filthy....as is every race that has done it.

I really dont need you commenting on my thought process. You dont know me and you dont know nothing about my thought process.
I don't need you commenting on mine either, which you have. You don't know me and you don't know nothing about my thought process. Yet you've decided to lump me in to "how white people think" like we're all some kind of hive mind.

I respect you for not being the type to scream “all Muslims are bad” after a terrorist attack. I wish there was more white people like you.
Believe or not there are more white people like me, the majority of white people are. Like anything else in life you're only gonna hear about the bad thing and rarely the good. For example most people who buy a product and are content with it just use it and live their lives. People who aren't content with it though will go yell on the internet about how terrible and shitty the product is. Now you have 100 people not content with the product making other people who haven't used the product think the product sucks, even though 10,000 people might love the product, you just haven't heard about it.

You're always gonna hear the story of gross racist white people, but you'll never hear about the good ones, why? Because they're just living in the background living life like everyone else.

Okay if you say you never previously said you laughed at Mexican homey with spanish blood and you never told us to ‘just move on’ i guess your right. Its not like you wrote that down in black and white earlier in this thread....
Quote where I laughed at him. I used an example for hyperbole. Do you need a definition of hyperbole? Also quote me where I said "just move on". I'd love to see it.

You may not have been personally involved in this genocide. There are still plenty of white people (notice i didnt say ‘all’ white people) that benefit from this massacre and all the riches it brought their family.
This is the first time in this thread you haven't said "all" white people. What white people are currently benefiting from the Spanish genocide in Central America? A handful of Spanish families that have inherited generational wealth? How many Spaniards do you think actually benefit from this in 2019?

What would happen to all white americans if they were to return everything they stole from native americans, black people and whatever other kind of people they mistreated over centuries? White people would be homeless and broke as fuck.
What would happen to any race in America if white people gave America back to Native Americans. Do you think black people would want to be forced to move to Africa? Do you think Mexican people would want to be forced to return to Mexico? Do you think Indian people would want to be forced to return to India? Do you think Chinese people would want to be forced to return to China? Bruh, more people than white people have benefited from Native land being stolen and slavery being used to build America. If Natives got the country back, they ain't letting anybody stay either lol I grew up on three reservations and the amount of racism that come from a lot of Natives is insane. I've heard more Natives call black people the hard r n-word in my life than I have white people. You think they'll let anyone stay? lol

Kind of funny how yall are defending white
People when they are the group of people that dont need defending. Since they already have all the power in this world. Now obviously this is racist when i say this, as not ALL white people hold the power. Its just that whenever is see someone with power, its a white man. I guess its just a coincedence. It
Might just as wel have been a black/muslim/jew/asian (or whatever) person with power.
Nobody is defending white people. My entire point in this thread is there's terrible people in every race, there's good people in every race. Why only single out whites? Also the world is a massive place, white people might have most of the power base in America, but America is small on a global scale. Most of these White Americans with power bow to their Jewish and Chinese overlords anyway.

I now feel really sorry for discriminating white people, man. Imagine all those innocent white people being butthurt because they have been discriminated against for the first time in their lives! Oh my God: what have i done?
I like how you don't want people to speak for you or your thought process, but you act like you've walked in the shoes of every white person in here. You don't know people's lives or stories.
Props: kane916
Jan 29, 2016
East Palo Alto
So what? Are we the only ones thats not allowed to do it? Lol do i need to become muslims to be allowed?
So it would be fine if All the desendants of the people that got raped, robbed and murdered by whites did it back? As far as I know the natives of this land didnt do anything to white people to get slayed the way they did.

Basically what what Your saying is white people can do whatever they want but if the people they did it to do it back to them its racist?
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Props: NotAllThere
Jun 21, 2006
Yall should make your own ‘white lives matter’ thread. This thread is about white people and your opinions on them.

If you have an opinion on white people feel free to share them. If you want to talk bout how sad you are because somebody Made a thread about white people, dropping scientific knowledge about white people doing evil things, make your own thread

Yall white folks coming in here steaing my thread as if it is your property basically proves my point lol
Jan 29, 2005
I said earlier I dont blanket hate anybody. If you admit its fucked up than I dont have a problem with it. If you sincerely care, which I know most whites don't. Do you care? I'm sure Its nothing you lose sleep over right?
"most whites don't"

More generalized blanket statements. Literal bigotry lol

Maybe not to MY people. But youre people were EVIL to blacks. You're British right?
"Britain was one of the most successful slave- trading countries. Together with Portugal, the two countries accounted for about 70% of all"
lol @ Brits being my people. I grew up in Las Vegas, NV in predominately Mexican neighborhoods. In Birmingham, AL in predominately black neighborhoods. On Native reservations in South Dakota and Arizona. I don't personally know a single British person and have never lived in Great Britain. British people aren't "my" people in any way shape or form. I'm 100% sure if I jumped on a plane and went to London and started telling everyone there that I'm British they would laugh at me. I'm as much of a Brit as you are a Spaniard. The key to that statement is.....neither of us are either of those, regardless of DNA.
Jan 29, 2016
East Palo Alto
Reminds me of the Slave Bible. Theres over 1,200 chapters in the bible. The slave bible had 200 chapters and guess which ones they kept? The love everybody verses, the obey your master verse. Exodus isnt even in it! Imagine if the slaves were to read this.
Numbers 35:33 (KJV) So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.

Did white people not defile this land when they killed our people in the name of conquering?
Props: datplaya
Jan 29, 2016
East Palo Alto
"most whites don't"

More generalized blanket statements. Literal bigotry lol

lol @ Brits being my people. I grew up in Las Vegas, NV in predominately Mexican neighborhoods. In Birmingham, AL in predominately black neighborhoods. On Native reservations in South Dakota and Arizona. I don't personally know a single British person and have never lived in Great Britain. British people aren't "my" people in any way shape or form. I'm 100% sure if I jumped on a plane and went to London and started telling everyone there that I'm British they would laugh at me. I'm as much of a Brit as you are a Spaniard. The key to that statement is.....neither of us are either of those, regardless of DNA.
My family isn't from Spain. Their indigenous to Mexico. Lmao my family look like the cast from apocalypto. So that fallacy doesnt apply to me good try tho.
Props: datplaya
Jan 29, 2016
East Palo Alto
Yall should make your own ‘white lives matter’ thread. This thread is about white people and your opinions on them.

If you have an opinion on white people feel free to share them. If you want to talk bout how sad you are because somebody Made a thread about white people, dropping scientific knowledge about white people doing evil things, make your own thread

Yall white folks coming in here steaing my thread as if it is your property basically proves my point lol
LMAO this shit made me crack up 😂😂😂
Props: datplaya
May 7, 2013
Scenario:. Catastrophic event wipes out everyone on the planet, except two, one woman and one man from completely opposite spectrums of ethnicity, social class, and upbringing. It won't matter how much they were brought up or chose to hate the other, they will fornicate and potentially reproduce and that race shit will go to the wayside real fast. If your truth can't hold up under the simplest of terms, then you are living a lie.
Jan 29, 2005
My family isn't from Spain. Their indigenous to Mexico. Lmao my family look like the cast from apocalypto. So that fallacy doesnt apply to me good try tho.
I bet your blood says otherwise. Your family don't have to be from Spain to carry that Spanish DNA.


Just like I don't have to be from England to carry that British DNA.

Yall should make your own ‘white lives matter’ thread. This thread is about white people and your opinions on them.

If you have an opinion on white people feel free to share them. If you want to talk bout how sad you are because somebody Made a thread about white people, dropping scientific knowledge about white people doing evil things, make your own thread

Yall white folks coming in here steaing my thread as if it is your property basically proves my point lol
Are you seriously playing victim? LMAO bruh.