Unarmed Teen Shot To Death By Police In St. Louis While His Hands Were Up

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Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
People are frustrated, what are people supposed to do sit on there thumbs while some cop murder sleeps in his own bed every night???
you can't rebuild and repair your community by destroying it. I look at the way that Cesar Chavez and MLK marched and protested and called attention to their cause and were extremely effective with organization and well articulated statements. That's the problem with a lot of the minorities in our nation now, we lack direction. You're seen as a sucka if you have an education and you're articulate. Violence begets violence man. We have kids that are 16-18 right now and all they know is this case and the Trayvon case. They don't know about the Detroit riots, the Watts riots, or even the LA riots after the Rodney King case. There needs to be peaceful organization to call attention to this somehow instead of aimless aggression.


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
you can't rebuild and repair your community by destroying it. I look at the way that Cesar Chavez and MLK marched and protested and called attention to their cause and were extremely effective with organization and well articulated statements. That's the problem with a lot of the minorities in our nation now, we lack direction. You're seen as a sucka if you have an education and you're articulate. Violence begets violence man. We have kids that are 16-18 right now and all they know is this case and the Trayvon case. They don't know about the Detroit riots, the Watts riots, or even the LA riots after the Rodney King case. There needs to be peaceful organization to call attention to this somehow instead of aimless aggression.
people are being peaceful, but a over militarized police force, is oppressing and brutalizing them, thats why there authority over that area has been revoked, when is the last time you ever saw that happen? why does a small police force have such weapons? why is there picture after picture of the police with there weapons leveled? any idiot with any training knows thats now how you carry a weapon, police on average is a steroid abusing, wanna be rambo, just reality.
Mar 18, 2008
We've suffered from slavery, Jim Crow and other things that have had a negative impact on our psyche and we've passed these things on to our children. We, as a people, have really not had the time to heal like others have. Yes, we're fucked up as a people. I am NOT saying other people are without problems, all races have issues, but we are fucked up and can improve our situation. Shit is becoming bad for everyone, so a lot of people are not going to have time to devote to our problems when they have problems of their own.

Thanks for the compliment and we are saying some of the same things. Yes, we have done a lot for ourselves after slavery and all the wars we have helped fight (which is a whole different topic) and that is why I provided the link about the black cities/suburbs that were destroyed by non blacks.

Our people have come a long way, there is no denying this and my only thing is to see my people prosper and help each other so they can then help others no matter the color, religion, etc. We're ALL human, we all bleed the same, whatever, but there is no way that I can expect or demand a person who isn't black to help blacks and fix what is wrong within the black community when black people aren't doing all they can to fix it. However, people still try to help and at times it still leads to problems.

As quiet as its kept, people look to black people for more than just entertainment, fads and trends. So if they can look at us and learn from a distance then we need to hit the ground as hard as we can. This is one of the reasons why I help young cats get their records expunged because I know what people will do to you if you don't have a clean record. And then we won't even go into credit scores and how that impacts our hiring, so it's a vicious loop. The problem is, the world is looking at us and asking why the fuck we aren't doing what we should and there are a billion things to point our fingers at. Again, we are better than where we were 50 or so years ago, even 10 years ago, but we can do better, humanity as a whole can do better, but it won't do better until things are equitable for all those involved.
MAAAN...I keep preaching to cats about fixing their credit and learning how to use it correctly besides burning a gaping hole your own pocket...but they just look at me and say..."I just rather pay cash and be done with it." I fall backwards and I'm like look why use your own money...use the banks money or credit...jump from a lower platform to the next level that's how real business move...I have to manage the credit that I have from my wholesaler (t-shirts) I explained to him..."Hey I been going back and forth to stores, supply places and you the wholesaler and it's killing my flow because I do this like every 3 days. I need you to work with me and provide a bulk of shirts that I can cycle through that will only have me coming here every 2 weeks. They agreed because of my years of doing business with them...it was the only way I could grow. I keep narrowing down needless activity example: delivering shirts to each store by jumping in the car hitting every spot once I finish printing. To correct that problem I set up scheduled pick up dates through my on line Post Office account so I'm affectively killing my drive time (hours in traffic) or standing in a Post Office line waiting to mail off. It's subtle shifts and changes of progress that you recognize at the end of the month. Having bad credit is like a jail record...you are fucked in so many ways...to sum it up...your just running in place.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Explain the shot that entered the back of the head and exited through the chin officer.

Michael Brown was 6'3. Unless that pig was 7 feet tall, Brown had to be on his knees, surrendering.
Ill explain it: that's completely false.

Did you even look at the autopsy report? Youre so fucking stupid and delusional you think he was shot in the back of the head, when the report clearly says the top of his head, as though he was charging forward.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
you the pigs lawyer??
No, I'm just a defender of the truth who read the actual autopsy report in order to see the facts. No matter what people have said and done to make it appear as though the white cop was a racist who executed a young black male for no reason, the truth won't change.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
people are being peaceful, but a over militarized police force, is oppressing and brutalizing them, thats why there authority over that area has been revoked, when is the last time you ever saw that happen?
How is burning and looting business for nearly two weeks peaceful in any way? How is shooting at police every night peaceful in any way? This began peacefully, but there are now more outsiders than actual peaceful ferguson residents who are protesting. Curfews are in place every night to stop the violence and looting, and every night it degenerates into looting, shooting at and throwing things at the police, and they have to be pushed out as rioters, because that's what they are after curfew. The police are not gassing and pushing peaceful protesters out during the day, they are pushing out violent rioters after curfew.
why does a small police force have such weapons?
This is because of laws enacted during the war on drugs and gangs. Police felt outgunned and not protected, and laws were enacted for them to receive military surplus equipment rather than it being destroyed or sold to other countries. These archaic laws were expanded during the war on terror. We aren't actively on the ground in iraq anymore, and police departments across the nation are getting all of uncle sams old toys for free. And there are A LOT of them. The MRAP mine resistant vehicles you see, the m16s, all for free. The police could either pay hundreds of thousands for bullet proof vehicles and advanced weaponry, or they can get this military stuff for free. Who would turn that down?
why is there picture after picture of the police with there weapons leveled? any idiot with any training knows thats now how you carry a weapon, police on average is a steroid abusing, wanna be rambo, just reality.
They are poorly trained officers, with poor leadership, who are in a situation they cannot handle. The st louis area is surrounded by nearly 100 municipalities and small police forces. The best officers are likely winning jobs in the big city. Places like Ferguson gets the leftovers. This is why their force is also disproportionately white. It'd be ideal to have a force representative of the community, however that's not how it seems to work in that area. The governor should have ordered officers from st louis to deal with the rioters, because they actively train for crowd control, and these are big city problems that little neighborhood cops can't handle.
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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Lmao what else happened leading up to it sounds like you were there
Yeah, lets talk about that.

Michael brown committed strong arm robbery, a felony, in a store less than ten minutes prior. Fact.

An officer in the area, who was working on something else, not responding to the robbery, possibly unaware a robbery even occurred, stopped michael brown and his friend for jaywalking through the center of a street (notice I didn't say accomplice, michael brown handed him cigars to take but he put them back, thus he is not involved in the robbery and wasn't charged). They weren't crossing, they were walking down the center. Fact.

Words were exchanged, brown and friend continued walking, the officer blocked the street by whipping his vehicle around, then tried to get out of his car. Fact.

What happens next no one knows, these are the facts the nation and world want cleared up. There are two presented scenarios:
1. The officer slammed his door into brown, started choking and punching him and tried to pull him into the drivers seat, drew his gun, shot michael brown once, brown ran while his friend hid, the officer continued shooting and chasing him, michael brown stopped, turned around with his arms up saying "I don't have a gun stop shooting at me", then the cop shot him several more times in execution like fashion.

2. The officer tried to open his door but michael brown started punching the officer and reaching for his gun through the window, he almost got the gun and a shot was discharged in the vehicle, brown started to run, the officer chased him, brown then turned and charged at the officer and was shot dead.

Let's see the evidence supporting scenario 1. Mainly the friend who was there, and who presented that scenario as a witness. Hes already been caught lieing three different times by my count, presented by me earlier in this thread. Any other witness is just parroting what he said. They did not see it, rather they are speculating and hearsay is rightfully inadmissible.

Evidence supporting number 2.
So far the autopsy report. There was no point blank gunshot wound like his friend stated. There also was bullet wounds consistent with a person charging forward as an attacker. This isn't some biased person presenting this evidence, this Is a private practitioner hired by michael browns own family.

So all that's left is common sense. I simply refuse to believe scenario 1 until facts are presented to support that. It simply doesn't make sense. What makes more sense is scenario 2. And why? Gee I dunno... maybe someone who violently committed a felony and is probably still high on adrenaline might not want to be taken to jail. Maybe he thought the cop recognized him as a suspect and was willing to do anything it took to get away. Maybe his friend, a person with a large criminal past, would rather lie to protect his friend then cooperate with police and throw his friend under the bus. Maybe an uncooperative antipolice neighborhood would do the same.
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Mar 18, 2008
Yeah, lets talk about that.

Michael brown committed strong arm robbery, a felony, in a store less than ten minutes prior. Fact.

An officer in the area, who was working on something else, not responding to the robbery, possibly unaware a robbery even occurred, stopped michael brown and his friend for jaywalking through the center of a street (notice I didn't say accomplice, michael brown handed him cigars to take but he put them back, thus he is not involved in the robbery and wasn't charged). They weren't crossing, they were walking down the center. Fact.

Words were exchanged, brown and friend continued walking, the officer blocked the street by whipping his vehicle around, then tried to get out of his car. Fact.

What happens next no one knows, these are the facts the nation and world want cleared up. There are two presented scenarios:
1. The officer slammed his door into brown, started choking and punching him and tried to pull him into the drivers seat, drew his gun, shot michael brown once, brown ran while his friend hid, the officer continued shooting and chasing him, michael brown stopped, turned around with his arms up saying "I don't have a gun stop shooting at me", then the cop shot him several more times in execution like fashion.

2. The officer tried to open his door but michael brown started punching the officer and reaching for his gun through the window, he almost got the gun and a shot was discharged in the vehicle, brown started to run, the officer chased him, brown then turned and charged at the officer and was shot dead.

Let's see the evidence supporting scenario 1. Mainly the friend who was there, and who presented that scenario as a witness. Hes already been caught lieing three different times by my count, presented by me earlier in this thread. Any other witness is just parroting what he said. They did not see it, rather they are speculating and hearsay is rightfully inadmissible.

Evidence supporting number 2.
So far the autopsy report. There was no point blank gunshot wound like his friend stated. There also was bullet wounds consistent with a person charging forward as an attacker. This isn't some biased person presenting this evidence, this Is a private practitioner hired by michael browns own family.

So all that's left is common sense. I simply refuse to believe scenario 1 until facts are presented to support that. It simply doesn't make sense. What makes more sense is scenario 2. And why? Gee I dunno... maybe someone who violently committed a felony and is probably still high on adrenaline might not want to be taken to jail. Maybe he thought the cop recognized him as a suspect and was willing to do anything it took to get away. Maybe his friend, a person with a large criminal past, would rather lie to protect his friend then cooperate with police and throw his friend under the bus. Maybe an uncooperative antipolice neighborhood would do the same.
What street did this take place on (address) where the officer came in contacts with Brown and his friend? Also how do you explain the witness who twittered just minutes after the shooting...he claims to have seen Brown running away from the cop he never said he saw Brown turn around and charge at the officer?

Article: One person who claimed to witness the shooting began posting frantic messages on Twitter, written hastily with shorthand and grammatical errors, only two minutes after Officer Wilson approached Mr. Brown. At 12:03 p.m., the person, identified as T @the ePharoah, a St. Louis-area rapper, wrote on Twitter that he had just seen someone die.

That same minute, he wrote, “Im about to hyperventilate.”

At 12:23 p.m., he wrote, “dude was running and the cops just saw him. I saw him die bruh.”

How does this scenario fit into your critical thinking of the situation? Are there any other witness accounts that you draw your conclusions from that saw Brown charging officer Wilson?
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Dec 2, 2006
ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – Authorities are responding to a report of an officer involved shooting in north St. Louis. It happened just before 1 p.m. Tuesday at Mclaran and Riverview outside a market.

Authorities say a man tried to rob the 5-Star Market convenience store with a knife.

The store owner says he got into a dispute with the man.

Police were called but the suspect refused to put down the weapon. He tried to attack police and was shot and killed.
Dec 2, 2006
^ dude is dumb to try an attack a cop with a knife with everything going on, not the smartest dude in the world he should have been killed for being a retard
Mar 18, 2008
ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – Authorities are responding to a report of an officer involved shooting in north St. Louis. It happened just before 1 p.m. Tuesday at Mclaran and Riverview outside a market.

Authorities say a man tried to rob the 5-Star Market convenience store with a knife.

The store owner says he got into a dispute with the man.

Police were called but the suspect refused to put down the weapon. He tried to attack police and was shot and killed.
That report is so vague it totally lacks the details of he encounter. I haven't read about a knife but I will look further.