PS3 could retail for $1000

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Dec 11, 2002
.. $500..? $1000..? shit.. I know a 12 and a 14 year old boy that betta get J-O-B-S... lol..

I know its probably been said in this thread already.. but will it be out by March 26th..?
May 6, 2002
As a gaming system... No... 1000 is too much, but as a component for a high definition system? With all that it will be capable of, I could see it goin for that much...

Think of it like a powerfull pc/blue ray player/video game consol... A pc ALONE with a cel processor and blue ray player would retail for well WELL over 1000... So to me it makes sense... But if it did, it damn sure wouldn't sell many units... But then again, they wouldn't be loosing as much money from production costs either, so it prolly would even out somehow...
Jan 18, 2006
KALYN said:
.. $500..? $1000..? shit.. I know a 12 and a 14 year old boy that betta get J-O-B-S... lol..

I know its probably been said in this thread already.. but will it be out by March 26th..?
To my knowledge no release date has been set, im expecting something like august
Apr 27, 2005
3do and cd-i used to cost 700-800 back in the day. and that was yearssss ago. its not tottaly far fetched when you read kutaragis comments about working harder for one and when you think about the new tech in it
Apr 27, 2005
Oh Coy!Ocerto said:
And they are still sround makin game consoles....right????Cmon man... you gotta do better than that....failure is a muthafucka....
look homie, everything up to this point is SPECULATION. No one knows how much the system will cost. All i did was post an article from SOMEONE ELSE SPECULATING on how much the system could POSSIBLY cost. all i've been doing on this thread is DISCUSSING the speculation and offering my opinions on it/how much i think the system would cost. looks like you've been catching feelings or some shit and i'm really cool off arguing with you on how much we THINK the system will cost.
May 9, 2002
Home-E said:
look homie, everything up to this point is SPECULATION. No one knows how much the system will cost. All i did was post an article from SOMEONE ELSE SPECULATING on how much the system could POSSIBLY cost. all i've been doing on this thread is DISCUSSING the speculation and offering my opinions on it/how much i think the system would cost. looks like you've been catching feelings or some shit and i'm really cool off arguing with you on how much we THINK the system will cost.
Its the fact that you such a PS basher that baffles seems like youre always finding a way to knock it...and im just trynna figure out why..

Feelings???Your mixing up feelings with "rubbing shit in your face"...learn it and know it...

I aint your homie...
Feb 23, 2004
Who cares, if it does cost that much xbox 360 is gonna take over, or people are going to end up buying pcs instead. Then maybe we can get all the good games in one console finally lol (but fuck having prices skyrocket)....And when ps3 comes out it better not have dial up(56k connection) like ps2's gay shit. Cuz that lag is what made ps2 online wack ass fuck.
Apr 27, 2005
Oh Coy!Ocerto said:
Its the fact that you such a PS basher that baffles seems like youre always finding a way to knock it...and im just trynna figure out why..

Feelings???Your mixing up feelings with "rubbing shit in your face"...learn it and know it...

I aint your homie...

hahaha, I never bashed the PS at all anywhere in this thread. In fact, I have a PS2 with over 15 games. so what are you talking about? the fact of the matter is youre a PS fanboy
May 9, 2002
Home-E said:
hahaha, I never bashed the PS at all anywhere in this thread. In fact, I have a PS2 with over 15 games. so what are you talking about? the fact of the matter is youre a PS fanboy
And your point?I do love my PS equipment...its all around the best on the market...but i also own a GC and a XB...and a DS....and i HAD a PSP...

Ive seen you talk down on the PS in other threads...dont front....
May 9, 2002
You dont remember some thread in the Open FOrum a few months back talkin about how GREAT the new Nintendo system was gonna it was gonna SHIT on the PS3?How the PS2 was overrated?How the PS3 will be a big disappointment?About how you dont even LIKE PS products???Im not gonna go and dig out a thread from 3 months ago bor....itll take me forever...thats why i wasnt surprised when you posted always seems like you trynna BASH Sony...i think its very strange....we even got in a arguement over Sony LOSING stock in the last year...and how they were gonna go honestly dont remember that?????Cmon guy...put the blunt down for a sec...
Apr 27, 2005
Oh Coy!Ocerto said:
You dont remember some thread in the Open FOrum a few months back talkin about how GREAT the new Nintendo system was gonna it was gonna SHIT on the PS3?How the PS2 was overrated?How the PS3 will be a big disappointment?About how you dont even LIKE PS products???Im not gonna go and dig out a thread from 3 months ago bor....itll take me forever...thats why i wasnt surprised when you posted always seems like you trynna BASH Sony...i think its very strange....we even got in a arguement over Sony LOSING stock in the last year...and how they were gonna go honestly dont remember that?????Cmon guy...put the blunt down for a sec...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH youre trippin!!!! you obviously got me confused with somebody else! If i think the nintendo revolution is gonna be the best out of the 3 then thats my opinion! that doesnt mean i think the PS is shit! I own one and i enjoy playing it! I will get ps3 later on when its cheaper! I never said any of that other shit you just cited! i dont like PS products? SONY STOCKS?! it'll take you forever to pull all out my posts huh?? well i'll do all the work for you then, heres every other post i ever made regarding videogames except for the ones in this thread:

"Nintendo will be on top once again...


"its not just a tv remote, it can sense all movement, if you move it left and right, or up and down, it can even sense how far away from the tv you are, like if you were to throw a line for a fishing game or go through the movements of throwing a football for a game like madden. and for a racing game all you gotta do is turn the controller over and pretend its a steering wheel. turn it left and the car will go left. you get the picture? the possibilities are endless. games like halo will be the best on the revolution due to the analog stick attachment, better than pc mouse setups even. I cant wait for resident evil 5 and metroid prime 3"

"see thats the thing, lots of people are talking down on it because they dont understand it, but when they find out what its all about, then its like ohhhh ish "

"ps3 is gonna be over $400"

"Ocarina of Time, Prince of Persia the sands of time and resident evil 4"

"chrono trigger is the best rpg of all time"

"this guy flipped some chrono trigger music into some hip hop beats and threw some acapellas on there from mainstream artists, the results are interesting especially to those who are fans of chrono trigger, check it out"

"The Nintendo Revolution will be the best out of the 3"

"everybody who talks down on the revolution doesnt understand the controller. you'll all see though"

"great game but ocarina of time is the best game of all time, that is, until twilight princess comes out"

"doom 3 is terrifying"

"mario bros."

"zelda: majoras mask is way too hard. prince of persia 2: warrior within, but only because the game is so glitchy that i cant advance. thats the glitchiest/buggiest game of all time. damn ubisoft"

"itll be 199"

"punch out holding two controllers. star wars using the controller as a lightsaber. a musical game where you use the controller as drum sticks. tilting the controller like an actual steering wheel for racing games like mario kart. endless possibilities...."

"hahaha, it wont be like the powerglove"

"revolution will be twice as powerful as gamecube. the graphics will look great, look at RE 4 on gamecube. also, Nintendo has patents for new technology and programming techniques that allow for better graphics with less processing power. and the system will be $199. it might even be $150 and nintendo would still be able to make a profit. funny how the people who hate on the controller know nothing about it"

"you dont have to hold your arm out and wave the controller around. you can just rest it on your lap or whatever and move your wrist. and they are releasing a shell that you plug the controller into so that it works like a traditional controller with the benefits of the gyroscope technology."

Excuse me, but what the FUCK are you talking about?!? what are you gonna pull out of your ass next? youre just trying to pick a fight and you lost. its over
May 4, 2005
Cheaptimes said:
without reading the article, Id say Sony will shoot themselves in the foot on that one. It had better have HDTV, TIVO, CD/DVD feature, internet access, word processing ability, a calculator, and a mircowave to cook popcorn in for all that $$$.[/QUOTE