6 PM - WWE Wrestlemania AXXESS at the San Jose Convention Center.
6:30PM - WALEMANIA - VIP Cocktail Party with Rey Mysterio, Konnan, and others with MLW Podcast at Taste Restaurant Nightclub in Santa Clara, CA.
8 PM - MLW Radio Live Podcast with Rey Mysterio and friends featuring a Q & A with the fans. After Party beginning at 10PM featuring a special live performance by Wale performing songs from his new album coming out March 31st, The Album About Nothing. Plus, Rey Mysterio and other wrestling luminaries. Tickets available at
8 PM - Mick Foley one man show at Cobb's Comedy Club in San Francisco, CA. For details on all Foley shows, visit
Mick Foley - The Official Website of WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley.
8 PM presents EVOLVE at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA. This will be an iPPV event. For details on all WWNLive events listed, visit
WWNLive Experience.::.SAN JOSE, CA...MARCH 26-28, 2015!.
9 AM - 5 PM - Wrestlecon Session One at the San Jose Garden Hotel in San Jose, CA. For details on all Wrestlecon events and guests, visit
3 PM - presents EVOLVE at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA. This will be an iPPV event.
6 PM - WWE Wrestlemania AXXESS at San Jose Convention Center.
7 PM - ComedyMania with Colt Cabana and Rob Van Dam at Quarternote in Sunnvale, CA. Tickets at
7:30 PM - Ring of Honor in Redwood City, CA at the Sports House. This show will be filmed for DVD and VOD. For ROH details, visit
ROH Wrestling.
8 PM - Mick Foley One Man Show at The Improv in San Jose, CA.
8 PM - presents King of the Indies Tournament at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA. This will be an iPPV event in tribute to the late Roland Alexander of APW with 16 competitors competing in the tournament's opening rounds.
9 PM - ComedyMania with Colt Cabana and Rob Van Dam at Quarternote in Sunnvale, CA. Tickets at
10:00PM - WWE NXT at the Event Center at San Jose State University. Tickets available on
Ticketmaster starting March 16th, 2015.
11:55 PM - presents Kaiju Big Battel at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA. This will be an iPPV event.
11:59 PM - Macho Man Comedy Show with Marty DeRosa, Lanny Poffo and more at Quarter Note in Sunnyvale, CA. Tickets at
8 AM - 12 PM - WWE Wrestlemania AXXESS Session 1 San Jose Convention Center.
9 AM - 4 PM - Wrestlecon Session Two at the San Jose Garden Hotel in San Jose, CA.
11 AM - Meet & Greet with Jim Ross. Ringside: An Afternoon with Jim Ross (plus special guests) at RockBar Theater begins at 1PM. Tickets available on
12 PM - presents SHIMMER at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA. This will be an iPPV.
1 PM - 5 PM - Wrestlemania AXXESS Session 2 at the San Jose Convention Center.
3 PM - Ringside: An Afternoon with Jim Ross (plus special guests) at RockBar Theater. Tickets available on
4 PM - presents Mercury Rising 2015 Supershow at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA. This will be an iPPV.
4:45 PM - WWE 2015 Hall of Fame Ceremony at the SAP Center. This will air live on the WWE Network. Randy Savage, Bushwhackers, Rikishi and Arnold Schwarzenegger will be inducted.
6 PM - 10 PM - Wrestlemania AXXESS Session Three at the San Jose Convention Center.
7:30 PM - Wrestlecon Session 3 at the San Jose Garden Hotel in San Jose, CA. Featuring live card headlined by Hardy Boys vs. Sabu & Rob Van Dam.
8 PM - presents King of the Indies Night 2 at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds in San Jose, CA. This will be an iPPV featuring tournament finals plus Juventud Guerrera vs. Ultimo Dragon vs. Ricochet.
8 AM - WWE Wrestlemania AXXESS at the San Jose Convention Center. This will air live on PPV and the WWE Network.
10 AM - Wrestlecon 'Mania Moments' Brunch with Legends at the San Jose Garden Hotel in San Jose, CA.
3 PM - (Doors Open 1:30 PM) WWE Wrestlemania 31 at Levi's Stadium.
4 PM - Monday Night Raw at the SAP Center
TUESDAY March 31st:
WWE Smackdown at the SaveMart Center in Fresno, CA.