Lol so either this guy really got kicked off the bus like he says (must take a real asshat to get kicked off by a guy like Tech), or he's trying to stir up controversy to get views. Guy must be pretty desperate to be whorin his music out at a "pay what you think it's worth" rate. I should throw this guy 50 cents and show him what I think it's worth...
I lol'd at the third verse and that was pretty much it. Disses don't stir up as much attention as they used to, and this one sucked for two verses straight, so it's gotta 33% approval rating with me. In other words an F. Nice try though Jokerr
Sounds to me that he's just mad tech didn't recognize his so called "talent".
Also calling the whole Strange roster b-list and talentless artists made me laugh a little.
Overall a mediocre diss that proofs he just wants more attention.
I hope nobody on Strange replies to this joker.