Support the troops?

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How do you feel about the war and gthe troops

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Sicc OG
Nov 2, 2002
i dont suport the white redneck ass troops that are over there just to "kill ragheads". Fuck them.

Not supporting the troops has become a taboo in this society.
Oct 14, 2004
im cool off that said:
i dont suport the white redneck ass troops that are over there just to "kill ragheads". Fuck them.

Not supporting the troops has become a taboo in this society.

I am supporting those too.
Oct 14, 2004
You phrased it wrong. Its only the soldiers form of choice because they decided to join. Make sure you understand that.
Apr 25, 2002

make sure you understand that their parents, family, friends, and community could have stoped them from going if they had wanted to. instead they put on a smile, patted them on the back, and said go get your young self killed and don't come back till you've killed lots of brown people that we know nothing about.
Oct 14, 2004
^^^^ Your wrong about that it is in fact that persons choice. They never said kill at all. WOuld you have wanted Sadam to kill more Iraqs. We took care of him and should have left we didnt. The troops know what they are getting into and its their choice not the parents. If someone is going to do something they are going to do it regardless. If someone is going to kill a person they do it without thought.
Apr 16, 2003
Man alot of people signed up for the military long before this war was even brought to the public. Alot of people go to the military to earn money for college and to put food on the table. I'm sure a good number of the troops over in the middle east do not support the war they have to fight everyday. You can't blame people for doing what they have to do. This is real life, we all do shit that we have to do, but don't want to do.
Apr 25, 2002
Most of them had no idea what they were getting into when they signed up. And those that had the slightest idea before going into battle still didn't fully comprehend it. No one knows 100% what they are getting into before a war.

Only crazy people kill without thought.

And only sick fucks let their own go off to die with a smile on their face and a loving shove out the door and do it with no remorse.

People need some shame.
Apr 25, 2002
Likwid said:
Man alot of people signed up for the military long before this war was even brought to the public. Alot of people go to the military to earn money for college and to put food on the table. I'm sure a good number of the troops over in the middle east do not support the war they have to fight everyday. You can't blame people for doing what they have to do. This is real life, we all do shit that we have to do, but don't want to do.
Likwid said:
It's not letting people go off and die, it's SUPPORTING a decision one makes.

it's that kind of "rationalization" of this situation that makes things bad.

people should be educating young men and women on the facts about military service and the myths of financial stability and educational prospects.

if that fails it is the responsibilities of those who love them to prevent them from being put in the type of situation they are currently in. their families, friends, communities, should have protected them and kept them from being there.

individuals have responsibilities as well, it is up to the individual to save themself as well, they could have prevented themselves from going if they had wanted to

so you're god damn right i blame them for what they are doing. they are concious beings that made a choice and were backed by people encouraging them to make a poor poor poor mistake. this is real life and if you want to save your own and not have the blood of others on your hands then you have to do what you have to do. it's up to you to prevent yourself and those you love from doing things they don't want/shouldn't do.

Support is clinging to them with every ounce of strength you have left in your body and beggin them through your tears not to go because you love them so much and you don't want them to die/come back mamed or mentally damaged. Enabling is pinning a fucking flag on them and giving them a kiss on the cheek as you wipe away tears of pride in seeing your child go off to war and then wrapping a fucking yellow ribbon around your oak tree and having your neighbors shell our some exzorbadent fee for a shitty support the troops bumper sticker. It's called enabling! It's what sick people do for other sick people to make both parties feel better about the mistakes they are making.

Apr 16, 2003
If educating was that simple, all of out problems would be solved today. You can't blame one half more (troops) than the other (bush) when the government started the situation that these men and woman are in. I mean shit, if it were that easy to let go of your last opportunity of making something of yourself (example: joining the military) then how would people get into college and fund a family. Like I kind of said before. The military is a job, when your boss makes it an over hostile environment, thats his or her fault, not the employees. You can only blame the dumb fuck who leads you into the dark and into a fucked up situation.
Apr 25, 2002
I'm not blaming anyone more than anyone. I blame them all. Everyone has some share of the burden of this misfortune on their sholders.

And (refering to your workers example) it's that kind of attitude that keeps workers in this country in the shitty position that they have been in for decades. The power is in the hands of the workers and it is up to them to decide what is safe for themselves and their families. It's the fault of the workers for letting things get as bad as they have without doing anything about it.

Who's to blame more the dumb fuck(to use your words) that leads or the dumb fuck that follows the dumb fuck???? :paranoid: Their both dumb fucks, neither gets a pat on the back from me.
Apr 25, 2002
Let's end this military life is a good way to get an education bullshit. It's that kind of blind lemming attitude that keeps people signing up thinking they're going to get what they are promissed.

-- travel, training, money for college. Sounds pretty good, doesn't it? All advertising does. But if military life doesn't live up to the advertising, you can't bring your enlistment agreement back to the recruiter for a refund. You're in for eight years of your life (including inactive reserve duty). You wouldn't buy a car without looking under the hood. Don't enlist (or let someone you love enlist) before you check out the reality of military life that lies behind the glamorous television ads and glossy brochures.

Joining the military is hazardous to your education.
The military isn't a generous financial aid institution, and it isn't concerned with helping you pay for school. Two-thirds of all recruits never get any college funding from the military. Only 15% graduated with a four-year degree.

Joining the military is hazardous to your future.
After you've spent a few years in the military, you're 2 to 5 times more likely to be homeless than your friends who never joined. And, according to the VA, you'll probably earn less too. The skills you learn in the military will be geared to military jobs, not civilian careers; when you come out, many employers will tell you to go back to school and get some real training. As former Secretary of Defense Cheney declared, "The reason to have a military is to be prepared to fight and win's not a jobs program."

Job Skills?
Why do veterans earn less than similar non-veterans? Why are veterans imprisoned more often? Why are 1/3 of all homeless people veterans?

Money for College?
Why do 65% of recruits who pay the required $1200 into the Montgomery GI Bill never get a dime in return?

In a comprehensive overview of 14 studies which analyzed this question, Stephen R. Barley of the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell U. found that the average post-Vietnam War-era veteran will earn between 11% (Crane and Wise 1987) and 19% (Rosen and Taubman, 1982) less than non-veterans from comparable socioeconomic backgrounds. According to a 1990 study by Bryant and Wilhite, the average veteran will earn 85 cents less per hour (about $1700 less per year) than non-veteran peers.

Bryant and Wilhite found that veterans averaged only 1.78 months of training in 31 months of active duty. Mangum and Ball, Ohio State researchers who received funding from the military, found that only 12% of male veterans and 6% of female veterans surveyed made any use of skills learned in the military in their civilian jobs. Barley concludes, "The evidence on rates of return to training and the probability of finding a job in one's chosen occupation, strongly suggests that, all else being equal, young people should look to sources of training other than the military if they wish to optimize their careers."

Army Times reports that over 50,000 unemployed veterans are on the waiting list for the military's "retraining" program. The VA estimates that 1/3 of homeless people are vets.

Either way, people are killed and you might be the one who kills them. As much as the war in Iraq has been celebrated, you can find US veterans who can't forget some of the awful things they saw there. Is that the kind of risk you want to take to finance your college education?
Apr 16, 2003
I never said it was a good way, if you didnt catch it, i was implying that for alot of people it is the only way. Not for all people, but alot of people. And my previous posts agree with you, the military is hazerdouz, I don't disagree with that one bit. The military is horrible, my first post gives my personal reason why I don't beleive in the system or war. I just don't blame the troops for doing what they gotta do. Like I said, we dont like to do alot of shit that we have to do. I support the troops meaning I back them, not the system, not the war, not our president. Same can apply to other situations. Dude up the block sellin rocks, he's runnin a huge risk, but dudes daughter has a roof and food on the table. Do I like what he's doing, nah, but do I hate on him for trying to give his kid what she needs, nah not at all.