Support the troops?

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How do you feel about the war and gthe troops

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Apr 16, 2003
Man when I think of the war it makes me kind of depressed. This country is going downhill fast under the mighty W. We're sending our young men and woman to fight a war which was waged on personal issues such as greed and shit. While Bush continues to fund this war with billions upon billions, we have veterans of foriegn wars (Legit wars WW1&2 etc.) that are homeless and dying in the streets. Shit my grandfather served in WWII, was shot twice, and served as a sergant, but struggled to pay for his healthcare and lived off a small ass pention. I know ya'll know some war vet livin' in fucked up situations. I just wish people would get their minds right when voting, and look at the big picture rather than bush's campaign commercials. It might sound shitty, but this country needs to take care of it's own, and quit sendin supplies and cash to other places, shit we got third world looking areas within our own cities. One day maybe....yeah right, not in my lifetime.
Apr 16, 2003
It just kills me because OUR tax dollars arent going to OUR people. OUR money is going to the middle east to fund some fucking rape and pilliage of a country that had nothing to do with 9-11. It's funny because the whole Weapons of Mass Destruction theory is completley silenced, now it's all about freeing Iraq. Iraq was Iraq, now it seems as we're trying to Americanize it at the cost of lives of our friends and family. I wonder how many times Bush has been to Iraq vs. the times he's went hunting/golfing and vacationing. I wish someone would assasinate him.
Apr 1, 2002
EvilWayz said:
I support the troopz wit everything i got in my heart........not a big fan of the war now, was a supporter of it at first....but now not so much
Why did you support the war? To take Hussein out of power and to democratize Iraq? Or was it to fight terrorism in Iraq? It's funny because most people think the war in Iraq was in retaliation to 9/11. When in fact there was not one Iraqi on that plane... I can't believe people still think the Iraqi's hit up the twin towers. Not saying that you didn't know, I'm just saying.

May 29, 2002
I chose support both but only because if we left iraq now, we would be worse off in the long run then if we stayed in until the end. If we left now, saddams men would just get stronger and stronger and many of our iraqi allies would turn against us, eventually we'll be back to a point even worse then before. We should have never gotten into the war in the first place, but we're in it till the end now.
Apr 25, 2002
Mean Mugg said:
Why did you support the war? To take Hussein out of power and to democratize Iraq? Or was it to fight terrorism in Iraq? It's funny because most people think the war in Iraq was in retaliation to 9/11. When in fact there was not one Iraqi on that plane... I can't believe people still think the Iraqi's hit up the twin towers. Not saying that you didn't know, I'm just saying.
Where in my post did I say one thing about 9/11? I supported this war because I come from a family of military, my brother is in Iraq as I type this, my best friend is at Guantanimo Bay baby sitting these fucks, and I believed a president that said that there was WMD......regardless, Saddam being out is a good thing. The people of Iraq got a better chance now, it’s up 2 them to make it work..........hope thatz a good enough explanation of my feelings
Apr 25, 2002
Ha ha well i dont care if you guys support the war but its good many of you support us over here. thats y i made the poll the way that you can click the number of votes and see who voted what lol. im outtie.


70 percent here say they support the troops but to 'shit' with the war. I think you could have spent $200 - $300 BILLION DOLLARS a lot better IMO.