Sicx Update

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Apr 25, 2002
I do not know for a fact, so yeah I guess I was a bit off base. I should have said IF he did it (which it seems like he did cus there were so many cases) he deserves not to die but to learn a lesson. Of course the system is some bullshit and putting a cat behind bars for a few years only works for like 20 percent. But maybe somebody would beat his ass into shape...and I guarantee you being in the Pen for child molestation will get ya ass whooped, but I know you know.
I guess I was jumping to conclusions.
Apr 25, 2002
@ YoungB

You must be a fuccin moron like most of the other fuccs who share this beautiful Earth with me. Religion is the absolute worst INVENTION that mankind has ever made! All religions. That's what keeps us humans separate. And no I didn't say I'd have sex with an 11 year old, because personally that don't do it for me. I just said if their sexually mature; then their ready for some fuccin', if they want to. You're saying GOD makes mistakes, when GOD makes youngsters sexually mature? You know better than nature, huh. The young sexually mature people are the ones who are supposed to reproduce(why do you think they can), while the elders(senior citizens) of society are supposed to raise the children, because they have life experience. Not the fucced up way we run our society now. Now, we know jr. high/ high school kids have sex everyday, and when they have kids, our society tells them 'you had it, you raise it'. Thats totally wrong and goes against human nature. We make kids who no nothing about life(like you) raise kids. Kids raising kids, our future. Each generations more fucced up than the last one. And how dare you call me a cribsnatcher, you puppet of the law.....'It's morally wrong', man get the fucc outta here wit that bullshit. In this world nothing is "right" or "wrong", it just "is". That's because GOD is the "good" and the "bad" and everything inbetween, GOD IS EVERYTHING! Everything you can see, as well as everything you can't see. Ask Jesus and He'll tell you the same....Man, all I said(in a nutshell) was if those yougsters were sexually mature and wanted to have sex, thats THEIR choice. Not yours or anybodyelse's(like the law). I also said if they didn't want to and were forced to against their will, then thats really fucced up. PEACE OUT!
Apr 25, 2002
A YoungB, sorry for callin' you a moron; I don't know you, so I can't speak on that. It's just I get a little heated, when people criticize me. You got your opinion and thats coo. I got the truth. PEACE OUT!
May 22, 2002
I bet u listen to sicx all the fuccin day till somebody told you he raped kids..,then u burned the cd's and suddenly sicx's music was crap for u........shit.......
May 2, 2002

Didn't anyone ever tell you not to assume anything?

I actually still have his album...I don't think I'll ever get rid of it.

Please, tell me more about myself.....
Jul 13, 2002
I don't think getting your ass beat is all you gotta worry about when you in the pen for child molestation. But as i recall, they keep the Mo-Moes in the block with the cops. I don't think they keep the molestors and the dirty cops that get caught in a seperate area for safety, cause every dude in the joint has a neice or a daughter or a son or a nephew and would either rape or kill any child abusers. And as for the cops...they don't want them to be in there with all the dudes they framed and shit. Can you imagine the cop that arrested X Raided getting arrested and then ending up in the cell next to him. Whoops.
As for this shit about Sicx. I guess I'm way out of the loop, cause I never even heard anything about this. I haven't been paying much attention I have been working hard for a while and havent had much time for anything but that and my brother and my girlfriend, so if someone could please fill me in on what the actual report is.
And jsut because someone is convicted by 12 men in a jury doesnt mean they did it. In the end everyone will get what they deserved. I can't judge one way or the other, and i will try my best not to. All you can do in this world is protect yourself your family your loved ones adn your friends. If chesters come in your circle deal with them to protect your's. You know what I'm saying? That's how I'm living at least. I pray i dont have to deal with anything like that, and as a matter of fact that no one else does either.
SO if anyone could just fill me in and let me know what the papers said and how long he is facing when it happened and the ages of these kids and shit id appreciate it. And yes i did a search for it so I tried to study up.
Thanks a lot and peace
Jul 30, 2002
Cyrus fka DJHex said:
none of ya'll should even be able to judge sicx. according to christian faith
This shyt right here is what killz me....everyone n they fuccin momma is quick to quote somethin they no nothing about...Pholkz are far to often using what is called truncated theology, which assentially means you paraphrase something smaller taking only the bitts and peices out of it you want to hear & or see and excluding the where in the bible does it say " Do Not Judge" and then says "do not judge for in the same manner you judge so shall you be judged"....the bible never says judging is wrong((the only time when judging is refferd to as a "no-no" is when it comes to ones own personal relationship with "God" becuase no other man/woman knows someone elses, that is between you and your savior))....what is does say is that to judge someone of something when you are doing the same thing is hypocritical, and thus is wrong....but there is nothing wrong with mearly passing judgement on someone, if this were the case we wouldnt have laws, or courthouses. They are passing judgement based on physical actions, they are judging based on what "said person" has choosen to show one is that stupid, if you come out of a house smellin like weed with a roach clip in your hand, u cant get bent when someone says you smoke chronic, regardless of wethier you do or not, cuase thats what it looks like, thats what they have been shown.

People need to stop the bullshyt crying and whining about this and accept the responsibilities of there choices, both derect and inderect....ya feel.........wethier or not Sicx is guilty or not isnt my place to say...I pray for everyone involved in this matter and hope that what really is the truth comes out. It is indeed a disgusting thought to think that a person i hold in high respects is accuased of such vile things, but a thought far worse is the idea that none of this is true and he is being set up.....what would it all be for then....numerous lives ruined for nothing. Now isnt the time to point fingers or accuse, now is a time reasuring & prayer. We cant fight an enemy that hasnt been declared, so why would we treat Sicx any different. Himself, his family & especially his kids need our support to make it through this ordeal. Let those who have been apointed to do the case and trial deal with what they been delegated to do......
Juzt my penniez

Secondz Away


TO ALL THAT HATED ON SICX FUCK YOU. You rip tell SIcx I said keep his head up he is one of the tightest rappers out by far. Without SICX and LYNCH their wouldnt be the siccness. And as far as him reading the Bible its knowledge fool. I would much rather have brains then be a fuckin dumbass.

P.S. 2nd comming check ya head where you think you go when you die to disneyworld their has to be something better or worse then this


Sicc OG
Jun 4, 2002
if SICX was innocent wouldnt Lynch and everyone else say here hes innocent? I mean if you or me or anybody had a friend who was framed or accussed of this wouldnt you be here saying hes innocent and not to believe what people are saying?
Jul 13, 2002
Ummmm.that's all fine and good but....

can anyone please fill me in on what he is actually accused of?
I know child molestation...but I have heard that he had like 56 charges against him...then I heard that He just like...him and his wife took pictures of their kids and molested their own children.

Funny how words get twisted into like five stories....does anyone know what the official charge is?

thanks a lot
Apr 25, 2002
Da Robber said:
TO ALL THAT HATED ON SICX FUCK YOU. You rip tell SIcx I said keep his head up he is one of the tightest rappers out by far. Without SICX and LYNCH their wouldnt be the siccness. And as far as him reading the Bible its knowledge fool. I would much rather have brains then be a fuckin dumbass.

P.S. 2nd comming check ya head where you think you go when you die to disneyworld their has to be something better or worse then this
Just because he was a tight Rapper and helped form Siccmade, dont mean shit, he is still a peice of shit. So if he raped your kids, you wouldnt care cuz he was a tight rapper? tell him to keep his head up then, i would want his head cut off. You need to check your head, cuz you got shit twisted..

May 4, 2002
jestersbro said:
Ummmm.that's all fine and good but....

can anyone please fill me in on what he is actually accused of?
I know child molestation...but I have heard that he had like 56 charges against him...then I heard that He just like...him and his wife took pictures of their kids and molested their own children.

Funny how words get twisted into like five stories....does anyone know what the official charge is?

thanks a lot
eh cuz, sicx had 69 charges of child pornography (thats what tha cops found) and is facin 400 yrs in prison....his girl pleaded insanity... :dead:
Jul 13, 2002
thanks a lot the unkut. Man maybe i shouldnt of asked. Shit 69 counts of child pornography fetches four hundred years? I mean if you get those 16 year old dutch porns and you have 60 pics that the same thing.
Were they little kids? I jsut hope that he truth comes out and everything is alright. I hope the kids are alright.
His girl pleads insanity? hmmm?? I don't know i mean that's some crazy shit but you know the difference between young and too young you know? there aint nothing insane about it it's just wrong. You don't dig on little kids cause you/'re crazy.

Then again i dont shocked ill be back with my thoughts
Jul 13, 2002
Woah. That is awful. I really really hope that it isnt true, for sicx' sake and for the sake of the kids.
Not much to say you know? Good lookin out for letting me know. In my opinion child molestors are the worst people on this planet and the most evil. But im not here to pass judgement. If i didnt see anything with my own eyes or feel it. I dont know enough to make a decision on this all i can do is hope that everything will be okay.
Man that's just some babies!!