This aint no hate, ive always been a huge fan of Nickatina but I just re-listened to all 3 Horns-N-Halos CDs tha other day and was like whoa wtfeezy Nickatina aint up to his usual skill. Is it just me or were all the Horns-N-Halos cds just him usin an extreme amount of weird similies to describe himself, over and over again?? He's always dropped similies like that, but thats not all he did. There were a few good tracks on them where rappin like that worked but most of the tracks were just repetative of it..wat happend to the stories he used to tell and shit..Classified, Train With No Love, Saw a Gangsta Cry, Smoke Dope and Rap, Last Breath of an MC, Awake like an Owl and so many others.
Wit this in mind is his new Booty Stars CD worth coppin?
Wit this in mind is his new Booty Stars CD worth coppin?