question to all these folks bitching about "We want our country back"

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Jun 10, 2002
Exactly what the fuck did ya'll loose I mean damn ya'll werent screaming that shit when Bush was messing shit up but as soon as a black man gets elected into the white house you want to start screaming we want our country back im confused. I mean are you just pissed off that there is no longer a white man in the white house or are you just pissed off that hes trying to turn shit around and your scared of change. if anybody should be screaming we want our country back is the indians. anyways thats just my 2 cents
Dec 18, 2002
Exactly what the fuck did ya'll loose I mean damn ya'll werent screaming that shit when Bush was messing shit up but as soon as a black man gets elected into the white house you want to start screaming we want our country back im confused. I mean are you just pissed off that there is no longer a white man in the white house or are you just pissed off that hes trying to turn shit around and your scared of change. if anybody should be screaming we want our country back is the indians. anyways thats just my 2 cents
you probably wont find those people in this forum.

but, i think the people you refer to call what obama does "socialism" because they can't call him a n------ and still seem intelligent.
Oct 15, 2008
Exactly what the fuck did ya'll loose I mean damn ya'll werent screaming that shit when Bush was messing shit up but as soon as a black man gets elected into the white house you want to start screaming we want our country back im confused. I mean are you just pissed off that there is no longer a white man in the white house or are you just pissed off that hes trying to turn shit around and your scared of change. if anybody should be screaming we want our country back is the indians. anyways thats just my 2 cents
you're funny
Jun 10, 2002
alright let me restate my question Why is it that all of these people are so pissed off and scared now about what Obama is trying to do, compared to all the bullshit bush and Cheney pulled during there 8 years in office, I mean really im kinda confused with all of these protests and just folks just comparing him to Hitler, I mean hitler killed over a million or more Jews, who has Obama killed. hopefully this is a better way of asking my question and if not oh well
Feb 15, 2006
alright let me restate my question Why is it that all of these people are so pissed off and scared now about what Obama is trying to do, compared to all the bullshit bush and Cheney pulled during there 8 years in office, I mean really im kinda confused with all of these protests and just folks just comparing him to Hitler, I mean hitler killed over a million or more Jews, who has Obama killed. hopefully this is a better way of asking my question and if not oh well
obama has 2 illigal wars his going plus he he is bombing in pakistan last time a checked that was killing people.
he bailed out the bankrupt banks with tax payers money and the list goes on. my point is there a lot of reasons to not like obama .
Feb 17, 2006

you should go hang out with these dumb asses if your going to jump to racist conclusions... You do realize that the inclusion of race without any reason to do so is racist in itself....right?
Jun 10, 2002
I mean shit if you look at it like this, you dont see no black folks or people of color just alot of right wing republicans, I mean shit it would make ya wonder. people hated bush but they werent talking bout your not from america or any of this bullshit. and last but not least its southern White people. now if you dont think there is something wrong with this picture your trippin. im not just saying this shit to be saying it. nobody was saying this shit til Obama got into the white house reguardless of how fucked up Bush was people werent saying shit like what they are saying about Obama and my response to the person that said Obama has us involved in 2 illegal wars. he didnt start those wars. Bush did, its not like He isnt trying to stay there because hes not. but thats enough from me.
Oct 15, 2008
Why is racism being thrown in this thread? Why can't we just dislike him for his policies? Black people spoke in the rally, they were furious at obamas lies. You're quick to jump into a race issue when race isn't even an issue. Btw Obama is the commander in chief, he CAN bring troops home if he wishes, don't blame bush for everything. And these rallies have to do with more than just Obama. Maybe you should listen to what those people say instead of reading what their sign says. Freedom, constitutional rights, less spending, no bail outs, no more taxes, no more illegal wars is what they are preaching. It would be the same if McCain was in office and you'd be complaining too.
Aug 19, 2004
Exactly what the fuck did ya'll loose I mean damn ya'll werent screaming that shit when Bush was messing shit up but as soon as a black man gets elected into the white house you want to start screaming we want our country back im confused. I mean are you just pissed off that there is no longer a white man in the white house or are you just pissed off that hes trying to turn shit around and your scared of change. if anybody should be screaming we want our country back is the indians. anyways thats just my 2 cents
The majority are probably conservatives or Republicans, so there going to go againt pretty much whatever a Democrat President is trying to push.

Same thing with the liberals and Democrats bitching about Bush messing up shit. Last time I checked, Presidents can't declare war on his own, he needs congress approval. A substantial amount of Democrats in congress passed the Iraq War Resolution, a majority of Democrats helped pass the Patriot Act, along with other shit the Bush administration passed.

The real question is, why are people who support Obama/the Democratic Party yapping about Republicans? Don't Democrats control the house and the executive branch? They don't even need the Republican vote in congress to pass Healthcare reform. They gotta worry about their own party like Blue Dog Democrats voting against it.

Even when they had the majority in Congress under Bush, they still went along with his bullshit.

They had the majority for what, the last 2 years of Bush's second term (If less, please correct)? Why didn't they impeach Bush for any of the shit he did?
The Republicans managed to pull it off under similar circumstances with Clinton.

All the people screaming during the last 8 years about Bush is Hitler etc, why didn't they do something? Why didn't they vote out the Democrats who supported the Iraq War? Why didn't they get registered in a party and support candidates who were against the Iraq War?

Oh yeah, instead of bitching about other people bitching, what are you doing?
Are you registered to vote? Are you registered Dem, Rep, Green, independent, why?
Do you know what Obama supported as a Senator? Do you know what he's trying to get congress to pass? Do you have a good understanding of how that will affect, not only you, but the country in the short and long term?
Do you know how your local congressman/woman have voted? Your state senators?

Oh yeah:
^Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions

If you want to look up Senators voting records a site I found is

Here's the Iraq War Senate voting record:

Remember the Dems candidates Kerry/Edwards? They supported the Iraq War.
Feb 7, 2006
Obama needs to stop being a cool guy pussy and say fuck these racists mufuckas cuz I got word, them bitches is never gonna like his ass no matter what he does. Get the bitch ass faggot self-destructive democrat party in order and pass these bills...fuckin around with all this "cool black guy", "the chill type negro" bullshit. Michelle need to bitchslap the fuck outta obama, tryna appease these idiots.
Oct 30, 2002
all im gonna say is the last administration got us in this bullshit now the new administration is trying to get us out. the old ways wasn't working so we gotta try sum new shit. what was everyone doing the last 10 years to prevent all this? who allowed all this shit in our economy and health care to happen?