Official New Aliens vs Predator 3

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Mar 1, 2006
MP was ok. i was the alien, the controls took a min to get used to but after that it was all good. i wanna play the story mode
Yea lot of people want the campaign first and foremost but no need to worry there will be 3 campaigns for each species. The competition is whats on old school AVP fans mind though and I'm guessing that's why they went with a Multiplayer demo.
Jun 3, 2002
Its all in your head what do u mean no aim down sights for marines? what is wrong with hitting RT button to wall transition it makes it easier to move around you can even jump on another wall and easily keep it moving. Seems like you hurried to much to write a review instead of really learning the controls. I admit it does take a bit to get used to but that's because you have other games control's in your head. Plus you still have to learn the map.
I didnt hurry to write shit, I played that demo for over 3 hours and based what I wrote upon that. You enjoyed it, I didnt end of story.
Mar 1, 2006
Game informer got paid under the table to trash the game. fuck GI

Game Informers official review of Aliens Vs. Predator hit the internets today and it is not pretty. Not only was I shocked at the superbly low 5.75/10 that the game got, I started to ask myself what Sega and or Rebellion Studios did to piss off GI? Or is GI possibly in a competitors pocket and trying to clear the way for bigger shooters that are releasing in the beginning of next month?

What's scary though is that my next thought was not “No way, games journalism is better than that!” it was “Well, we have seen this kind of thing before.”

After reading the review, I was amazed that it was even published in the first place. Could Ben Reeves give any less information, or points that would validate such a low score? It honestly read like he had played the game for fifteen minutes, and then spent another five writing the review. For someone who references the great movies that inspired the game itself a few times in this very, very, short review, I'm forced to ask....dude, did you even watch the movies? Let's take a look at some quotes from the review.

“The human marine section (he is speaking of the campaign here) is set up like a survival horror FPS. There are a few good scares within these corridors, but after getting locked inside a room and having to fight off a horde of Xenomorphs for the 100th time, the repetition drowns the experience. It doesn't help that your flashlight is as useful at lighting up dark corners as a laser pointer.”

What exactly was Mr. Reeves expecting? Did he want a colorful conversation system where the player could befriend and finally seduce one of the Xenomorphs. Go back and watch Aliens again, it was all about being locked into a small area with many, many aliens trying to punch a hole in your skull. Also, if you want to experience a truly useless flashlight go play Doom 3 my friend. The flashlight in AVP is a god damn spotlight in comparison. Let's move on....

“Curiously, Rebellion's 1999 PC release Aliens Vs. Predator, was well received, but this update captures none of that game's unique spark. Instead we have a title trying to live off the fumes of two dormant franchises.”

So basically you're praising the 90's release on PC for the exact same style of gameplay that you are bashing this new title for. Me thinks he never played the PC game he speaks of with such regard. Also, how are these franchises dormant? Both are getting new comic lines from Darkhorse, and they have had a wildly successful series of movies.

“The Aliens campaign plays like a combination of the other two. Like the Predator campaign, it has stealth focus, and like the Marine campaign, it sucks.”

Wow, you really are a wordsmith, aren't you Mr. Reeves?

I could go on quoting and picking apart this review all day, but that would just be tiresome. I'll hit a few of the highlights for you though. Mr. Reeves bashes the Predator for it's heavy focus on stealth. He then goes on to bash the way the Aliens move in game saying it will cause motion sickness. If you complain about the Predator being a stealth based character then once again I point you towards the source material. If you complain about the way the Aliens move and that it gives you motion sickness then take a Dramamine sissy boy. Yes, playing the Aliens takes some getting used to. That being said, it also feels very true to the species itself and is something that Rebellion should be applauded for.

This review seems less like an unbiased piece of journalism, and more like a blog rant on game mechanics that Mr. Reeves does not like in his games. I say this because through my personal experience with the game I do not see how anything that is brought up in his review would warrant such a low score. I have spoken with a few other people on Steam and that work for this site to make sure I am not being unfair here. All of them agree that this review is overly harsh and seems more like a smear job than an actual review. So once again I ask, what the hell is going on over at GI? The multiplayer alone deserves a higher score than a 5.75. Obviously Mr. Reeves and the editors over at Game Informer need to check on the captain of their brain ships because they are drunk at the wheel again.
Mar 1, 2006

Aliens vs Predator demo hits 14k downloads on Live

Monday 8-Feb-2010 2:23 PM Rebellion "really sorry" to PS3 owners for bug - as playable preview soars on Xbox 360
Rebellion's multiplayer Aliens vs Predator demo was downloaded 14,000 times on Xbox Live over the weekend - but the developer has told PS3 fans it is "really sorry" for a bug that left them unable to use the game's matchmaking system.

Rebellion released released an Aliens vs Predator demo patch patch on Friday to fix the matchmaking error on the PC version of the game - and told CVG today that it is working "as fast as possible" with Sony to patch the PS3 version.

However, the demo has really shone on Xbox Live, where it is carrying an impressive user rating.

Senior Producer Dave Brickley told CVG today:

"Just looking at how the demo's been rated on Xbox Live tells its own story - 14,000 downloads in a few days and an approval rating of 4.5/5, we're absolutely delighted with the response.

"Someone described it as being an Avatar day - people's perceptions were turned upside down but having had time to get to grips with the combat system and the three species the comments are almost humbling, they see what we've done is deliver something genuinely new and fresh, a real reason to stop playing what they are currently, and we just can't have asked for more than that - and they've only seen one mode.

"The way we went about it I think raised eyebrows - lack of the tutorial which you get with the single player meant it's initially a daunting prospect but we released a video which explains all the intricacies and that's helped people evangelise the system and in fact even help others learn it as they've returned to give it another go.

"The most gratifying aspect is seeing people totally get into the species themselves and just get lost in the experience, even working together as teams even though it's not a team mode that's on offer."

Discussing the PS3 problem, Brickley added:

"The one unforeseen issue was the matchmaking on PS3, that really came out of left field and we've still got Sony engineers helping us look into what is at fault. I understand why people question how it wasn't spotted sooner but we just can't replicate that kind of scale in normal testing.

"Had we left Create and Browse Games in there as with the full game the problem wouldn't have been so serious. Bottom line is we're really sorry to all those PS3 owners and are working as fast as possible to find a solution which will help them enjoy the demo too."

Don't let this faggot make your opinion on a dope game plus the faggot didn't even talk about the other multiplayer modes and is complaining about the marine radar beeping loud, what a fucking pussy. Here is this fags review

Feb 6, 2009
Game informer got paid under the table to trash the game. fuck GI

Game Informers official review of Aliens Vs. Predator hit the internets today and it is not pretty. Not only was I shocked at the superbly low 5.75/10 that the game got, I started to ask myself what Sega and or Rebellion Studios did to piss off GI? Or is GI possibly in a competitors pocket and trying to clear the way for bigger shooters that are releasing in the beginning of next month?

What's scary though is that my next thought was not “No way, games journalism is better than that!” it was “Well, we have seen this kind of thing before.”

After reading the review, I was amazed that it was even published in the first place. Could Ben Reeves give any less information, or points that would validate such a low score? It honestly read like he had played the game for fifteen minutes, and then spent another five writing the review. For someone who references the great movies that inspired the game itself a few times in this very, very, short review, I'm forced to ask....dude, did you even watch the movies? Let's take a look at some quotes from the review.

“The human marine section (he is speaking of the campaign here) is set up like a survival horror FPS. There are a few good scares within these corridors, but after getting locked inside a room and having to fight off a horde of Xenomorphs for the 100th time, the repetition drowns the experience. It doesn't help that your flashlight is as useful at lighting up dark corners as a laser pointer.”

What exactly was Mr. Reeves expecting? Did he want a colorful conversation system where the player could befriend and finally seduce one of the Xenomorphs. Go back and watch Aliens again, it was all about being locked into a small area with many, many aliens trying to punch a hole in your skull. Also, if you want to experience a truly useless flashlight go play Doom 3 my friend. The flashlight in AVP is a god damn spotlight in comparison. Let's move on....

“Curiously, Rebellion's 1999 PC release Aliens Vs. Predator, was well received, but this update captures none of that game's unique spark. Instead we have a title trying to live off the fumes of two dormant franchises.”

So basically you're praising the 90's release on PC for the exact same style of gameplay that you are bashing this new title for. Me thinks he never played the PC game he speaks of with such regard. Also, how are these franchises dormant? Both are getting new comic lines from Darkhorse, and they have had a wildly successful series of movies.

“The Aliens campaign plays like a combination of the other two. Like the Predator campaign, it has stealth focus, and like the Marine campaign, it sucks.”

Wow, you really are a wordsmith, aren't you Mr. Reeves?

I could go on quoting and picking apart this review all day, but that would just be tiresome. I'll hit a few of the highlights for you though. Mr. Reeves bashes the Predator for it's heavy focus on stealth. He then goes on to bash the way the Aliens move in game saying it will cause motion sickness. If you complain about the Predator being a stealth based character then once again I point you towards the source material. If you complain about the way the Aliens move and that it gives you motion sickness then take a Dramamine sissy boy. Yes, playing the Aliens takes some getting used to. That being said, it also feels very true to the species itself and is something that Rebellion should be applauded for.

This review seems less like an unbiased piece of journalism, and more like a blog rant on game mechanics that Mr. Reeves does not like in his games. I say this because through my personal experience with the game I do not see how anything that is brought up in his review would warrant such a low score. I have spoken with a few other people on Steam and that work for this site to make sure I am not being unfair here. All of them agree that this review is overly harsh and seems more like a smear job than an actual review. So once again I ask, what the hell is going on over at GI? The multiplayer alone deserves a higher score than a 5.75. Obviously Mr. Reeves and the editors over at Game Informer need to check on the captain of their brain ships because they are drunk at the wheel again.
lol damn,

after i played the demo it seemed hella better than a 5 out of 10.

I'll probably get it, just not on release day


Rest In Free SoCo
Sep 27, 2004

you got a ps3 or xbox?

remember though, from what i hear this game demo is code that is about a year old. the finish is "supposed" to be better. doesnt bother me because i'm fine with it. the controls get some getting used to thats for sure
May 31, 2007
Yea and seeing shit through the eyes of the alien. I did a little better being a marine again. I WANT to like this game, but i just dont see it happening. Im probably just gonna go back to COD haha