OCTOMOM vs her 8 2yr old boys on Today Show

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Jan 9, 2009
piss poor parenting right there i think, but then again i have no kids.
The Daily Mail reports that Suleman, a.k.a. Octomom, told InTouch magazine in a recent interview that she can tolerate neither her youngest eight kids nor her older six:
Miss Suleman, 36, who lives in a dilapidated home in La Habra, California, said: ‘I hate the babies, they disgust me.
‘My older six are animals, getting more and more out of control, because I have no time to properly discipline them.’
‘My bank account is overdrawn by $300 and I have no money to pay for the children’s school, food, or the mortgage,’ she told InTouch magazine.
‘The only way I can cope is to lock myself in the bathroom and cry.
‘Sometimes I sit there for hours and even eat my lunch sitting on the toilet floor - anything to get peace and quiet. Some days I have thoughts about killing myself. I cannot cope.
‘Obviously I love them, but I absolutely wish I had not had them.’


Shark Finning & Grinning
May 17, 2002
Murky Bay Waters, CA
If we only had closed captions of what Ann Currey was really thinking during that horrid interview

"really lady you're gonna interupt me during every question as if this show wasn't annoying enough"
"how come al roker never has to do these segments"
"i'm not here to be your nanny bitch and no one cares about your upcoming book"
"what were the executive producers thinking maybe I should have jumped ship with katie couric when i had the chance"

Dana Dane

RIP Vallejo Kid
May 3, 2002
I saw on TMZ last night that the chick from 3rd rock or some shit went the fuck off on her on an airplane flying back from NY because she couldn't control her litter on the plane.
Nov 18, 2010
I saw on TMZ last night that the chick from 3rd rock or some shit went the fuck off on her on an airplane flying back from NY because she couldn't control her litter on the plane.
her litter


and this stupid bitch did it strictly for fame and money but ya money runs out quick with 8 mouths to feed before your own.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
her litter


and this stupid bitch did it strictly for fame and money but ya money runs out quick with 8 mouths to feed before your own.
She actually has Norte (14) mouths to feed before her own. The stupid cunt had 6 kids already before the octuplets. I believe she was even on welfare when she had the 8 and the doctor who did her in vitro fertilization lost his license and went to jail or some shit for negligence. I didn't follow the story of this sloare too much so I could be wrong on some of what I said but it was close to all that.