Marshal Mathers LP overrated?

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Nov 5, 2004
I'm not the biggest Eminem fan, but I did own that album back in the day, and that album was good every song through.

I haven't heard his most recent albums, but from his first albums, MMLP was definitely the best.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
i think encore and sslp are about the same. encore is better than he gets credit for on it, although there were some definite throwaways on there, i just didnt think the production was that good on sslp. mmlp and eminem show are his best hands down with recovery right behind. relapse is his worst effort and its still better than most shit that dropped last year.

but i agree with 20sixx. eminem is hella overrated. i can name rappers on milk cartons better than this dude. no punchlines, no wordplay, no delivery, nothing. dude is straight trash. people only think he's a good rapper because he's white.
Apr 25, 2002
i think encore and sslp are about the same. encore is better than he gets credit for on it, although there were some definite throwaways on there, i just didnt think the production was that good on sslp. mmlp and eminem show are his best hands down with recovery right behind. relapse is his worst effort and its still better than most shit that dropped last year.

but i agree with 20sixx. eminem is hella overrated. i can name rappers on milk cartons better than this dude. no punchlines, no wordplay, no delivery, nothing. dude is straight trash. people only think he's a good rapper because he's white.
Did two different people write a paragraph each for this post?
Jun 24, 2006
Its not a classic to me. A classic is an album that I absolutely crave to hear. When I think about it I want to throw it in the deck instantly. There aren't a lot of albums like that for me and this isn't one. And I was there when it dropped, but I've never been a huge Em fan either.
Apr 3, 2007
In my humble opinion, it is his best album to date and it is a classic. I listen to the entire album, beginning to end without skipping a single track. Except for that gay ass skit that's supposed to be ICP lol
Apr 6, 2010
Nov 14, 2002
at a time i felt MMLP was his best shit. but i went back and listened to both and i feel SSLP was to more of MY liking even tho MMLP is dope as fuck. i guess if i had to choose i'd pick SSLP but i dont matter cause theyre both solid
i did the same thing.i went back and listen to all of his albums and to me THE ENIMEM SHOW was the best and that because he had a variety of good topics to rap about and he was half ass serious on it.Then Recovery because he just ate the mic up.all the double time rapping he does on Recovery makes MMLP and SSLP sound slow and boring and made strictly for shock value.they where good for the time they came out.if yall got those albums,listen to Recovery then list to MMLP and SSLP right after.youll know what im talking about.Relapse was just testing the water with his double time flow but fail with the shock value.

Encore was so weak it dosnt deserve to be mentioned.

edit:had to add that.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
Nelly's country grammar album also made the list for ultimate albums.........
that was a good album. some of you think because a teeny bopper can enjoy it, it automatically has to come out of your rotation. nelly is probably more gangsta than 99 percent of the nerds on this site.