Malaysian Pyscho Mother Beating Her 8-Month Old Helpless Baby!

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Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2009
This was on Youtube.

However, through this post, we would like to confirm that Polis Diraja Malaysia officially states that the abuse video is dated almost a year ago (29 May 2011), and that the guilty mother is currently serving an 18-month jail service after the committed crime under the Malaysian Children Act 2001 (Seksyen 31(1) Akta Kanak-Kanak 2001). The baby is currently under the care of Social Welfare Department whereas the videowoman is a police witness of this case.

How does someone do this shit and only get 18 months in jail?!? That bitch is fucked in the head to do that a baby, and it's her OWN baby. Smh at this world sometimes.
Jul 28, 2011
This was on Youtube.

How does someone do this shit and only get 18 months in jail?!? That bitch is fucked in the head to do that a baby, and it's OWN baby. Smh at this world sometimes.
fuck 18 monts in jail, and fuck the malaysian goverment with their stupid laws, u can get 20 years for speaking bad about the king and 18 monts when u hit repeatedly an innocent child and that was just 4 minutes that we saw, i bet that wassent the only time
Nov 18, 2010
Undeveloped oriental countries (and Russia) are retarded. Generally speaking you can rape people, beat children or kill someone and get peanuts (First offence). But get caught with a lil bit of opium or ecstasy and watch them throwaway the key on your ass (Thailand).