The only real way to fully accept MD's skills is to have listened to him since back in the day. Or at least since Rompolation. You needed to saok it up through the years and listen how he evolved, who he evolved with, and what he's doing now. That's the only way to appreciate Dre. It's hart to just start likin him the past couple years, which seems to be the case for lots of folks on this board (All I ever hear now is "Feelin Myself" comin out of car windows, all over Sac.)
I've never been able to explain Dre to anybody - you just gotta start listenin to his lyrics. If I sat somone down, who had never heard of Dre, and played like 11 hours of his shit straight through, they still wouldn't have any idea of MD's potential.
Imy opinion, he's the BEST lyricist EVER.